As the NCAA can't subpoena cell phone ping records...that might be rather tough to prove. Further, though its illegal to place bets underage, CSI isn't going to go all hands on deck to track down such a simple misdemeanor. In legal terms, nearly all of the subjects will plead to some lesser charge and receive a fine...or perhaps a little public service. This isn't kidnapping or assault.
How the NCAA responds is another they DO act even if they can't fully prove things occurred. Historically for gambling, suspensions have ranged from 3 games to a full season so its hard to know how the hammer will fall given we don't know ANY of the particulars in each of these cases. From the Iowa State end I get the vibe that Dekkers is not being counted on for all. I'd expect a few other Cyclones and Hawkeyes....rumor is 4 starters at ISU in addition to Dekkers and 3-4 starters from both teams are going to feel some pain from this.
The fault lies with the players, but the hypocrisy of the NCAA is also worthy of criticism...both are valid assignments of blame. Quite frankly, unless gambling involves the sport the kids are playing the NCAAA has no business giving a hoot....much less suspending kids. Its tantamount to speeding or jaywalking...dumb but not worthy of a disproportionate response. Just my opinion of course.