US Study: Cisgender Kids (mostly Boys) Are The Majority of Teenagers Getting Gender Affirming Surgery (Absolutely Nobody under 12)

In a sample that combined transgender and cisgender minors, 150 breast reductions were done on youth. Of those, 146 (or 97%) of these surgeries were done on cisgender boys who had gynecomastia, the medical term for unwanted breast development in cisgender males.

So it basically has happened 4 times? This is what we are freaking out about?
In a sample that combined transgender and cisgender minors, 150 breast reductions were done on youth. Of those, 146 (or 97%) of these surgeries were done on cisgender boys who had gynecomastia, the medical term for unwanted breast development in cisgender males.

So it basically has happened 4 times? This is what we are freaking out about?
Why would any sane doctor remove man boobs on minor boys?
of all the things in this world, a young boy getting a boob reduction is apparently high on the list of things we should be aware of. FTS
Then you agree with the Democrats. Medical decisions for minors should be left to the individual and their parents not the government.
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All I have is I question lgbtqnation's ability to give an unbiased opinion on the subject. Call me crazy.
Here is the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association:

Then you agree with the Democrats. Medical decisions for minors should be left to the individual and their parents not the government.
Sanity should prevail in situations, we shouldn't need the government to step in and stop meatball surgeries on minors.
Sanity should prevail in situations, we shouldn't need the government to step in and stop meatball surgeries on minors.
We just saw the amazing job the government does with security, so consulting with them to decide if little Billy should go with a c cup or d cup is an obvious no brainer!
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Those kinds of surgeries aren't happening on minors.
"In a sample that combined transgender and cisgender minors, 150 breast reductions were done on youth. Of those, 146 (or 97%) of these surgeries were done on cisgender boys who had gynecomastia, the medical term for unwanted breast development in cisgender males."

That's what I was talking about... I read that as 146 breast reductions done on minor boys. Do you read something different from this?
We just saw the amazing job the government does with security, so consulting with them to decide if little Billy should go with a c cup or d cup is an obvious no brainer!
What would you expect from a DE&I hire for Health Minister one of the ugliest dudes who thinks he's a lady Dick Levine? She's such a role model for physical and mental health!
"In a sample that combined transgender and cisgender minors, 150 breast reductions were done on youth. Of those, 146 (or 97%) of these surgeries were done on cisgender boys who had gynecomastia, the medical term for unwanted breast development in cisgender males."

That's what I was talking about... I read that as 146 breast reductions done on minor boys. Do you read something different from this?
No, but did you read the actual article?

The researchers found that, out of the nearly 22.8 million minors who were insured in the United States and sought care in 2019, only 85 received any gender-affirming surgery. Approximately 96.4% of that sample had received a chest-related surgery, and these surgeries were largely restricted to minors between 15 and 17. No surgeries were done on minors under age 12.

So out of almost 23 million insured minors only 3 had gender affirming surgery other than chest related surgery. Bottom surgery on minors is only done in rare cases often for medical reasons. It's certainly not a problem that needs to be addressed by the government.
"In a sample that combined transgender and cisgender minors, 150 breast reductions were done on youth. Of those, 146 (or 97%) of these surgeries were done on cisgender boys who had gynecomastia, the medical term for unwanted breast development in cisgender males."

That's what I was talking about... I read that as 146 breast reductions done on minor boys. Do you read something different from this?
So if you had a straight teen son and he had this pretty rare medical issue where he began developing breasts like women, and he was embarrassed and didn't want to walk around in a bra and big boobs, you would say sorry, nothing can be done until you are an adult? Just deal with it as best you can and enjoy high school?
"Hey buddy.....are you really really sure you want to grow up to earn 78% of the salary your buddies make?"
No, but did you read the actual article?

The researchers found that, out of the nearly 22.8 million minors who were insured in the United States and sought care in 2019, only 85 received any gender-affirming surgery. Approximately 96.4% of that sample had received a chest-related surgery, and these surgeries were largely restricted to minors between 15 and 17. No surgeries were done on minors under age 12.

So out of almost 23 million insured minors only 3 had gender affirming surgery other than chest related surgery. Bottom surgery on minors is only done in rare cases often for medical reasons. It's certainly not a problem that needs to be addressed by the government.
Out of the 9 billion contracts signed in 2019, 0 of them were legally signed by minors under the age of 12... why? Because we know 12 year olds aren't ready to make grown up choices or be held to grown up consequences.
So if you had a straight teen son and he had this pretty rare medical issue where he began developing breasts like women, and he was embarrassed and didn't want to walk around in a bra and big boobs, you would say sorry, nothing can be done until you are an adult? Just deal with it as best you can and enjoy high school?
I remember going to high school back in the 90's and seeing exactly 0 dudes with this problem... I'm sure it's a thing, somewhere, for someone.
Thanks for your expert guidance on that. I couldn't have done it without your knowledge and experience.
No experience; simply observing how many GOP leaders and influencers end up buggering little boys.

The first step is admitting you have a problem
I remember going to high school back in the 90's and seeing exactly 0 dudes with this problem... I'm sure it's a thing, somewhere, for someone.
There are freaks of nature out there. I remember a documentary/reality show called I am Jazz or something. Girl born with both parts. Had to have constant surgeries growing up. She wasn’t alone had a support group of others in the Miami area with similar conditions.
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"In a sample that combined transgender and cisgender minors, 150 breast reductions were done on youth. Of those, 146 (or 97%) of these surgeries were done on cisgender boys who had gynecomastia, the medical term for unwanted breast development in cisgender males."

That's what I was talking about... I read that as 146 breast reductions done on minor boys. Do you read something different from this?

Do you disagree with surgery to remove bitch tits from young men who don’t want to look like a girl?
To recap: voter fraud doesn’t really happen
Kids undergoing trans surgeries is bullshit
We had a border deal but trump wouldn’t allow it to happen.

It’s almost like EVERY issue Republicans have is completely made up.

Let’s go back to Pizzagate, Hillary’s emails, Hunter’s laptop, and Ashley Biden’s diary. Our time is just as well spent discussing that cockamamie horseshit as any other wingnut outrage.
So, "85" out of many million doesn't paint the picture for you on that?
Here's the picture, if this was 85 in a million... that's 0.000085% of boys who experience this. If it's many millions that goes down from there. The world can't be perfect for everyone, but since a person has a better chance of winning the powerball than they do being born with this affliction, it sort of sucks for them to have to wait until their 18 to get a surgery for it. BTW do you know how hard it is for a grown woman to get a hysterectomy? Doctors and insurance companies put up all kinds of road blocks before doing these. It takes months or even years is many cases, especially if the woman hasn't had children. There's no law needed here, just doctors trying to do the right thing, but when it comes to kids everyone is just supposed to be cool with removing body parts?

How do you know he won't grow into his boobs as he gets older and even enjoy some solo nipple play? Who are we to take that joy from him?
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I remember going to high school back in the 90's and seeing exactly 0 dudes with this problem... I'm sure it's a thing, somewhere, for someone.

Apparently it’s for about 150 kids in the US. So yes it’s incredibly rare and probably didn’t happen in your high school.

The math isn’t that hard here.
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There are freaks of nature out there. I remember a documentary/reality show called I am Jazz or something. Girl born with both parts. Had to have constant surgeries growing up. She wasn’t alone had a support group of others in the Miami area with similar conditions.
Yeah, I mean there's rare cases of these types of things. But these aren't the surgeries people want stopped, however in the 1 in a billion person can't get the treatment they need because of the law, in that case they shouldn't be mad at the law, they should be mad at the doctors who did these elective surgeries on minors and forced the government to step in.