Uvalde classroom door was unlocked...

See the posts from last night in the 40 minute thread. They had cops with rifles and at least one ballistic shield in the hallway and then waited another 58 minutes to go inside. To be clear, we don't know and we will probably never know if any of the approximately 20 officers in the hallway for an hour were among the 4 who went into the room. We only know that 1 of the 4 was a border patrol agent who is a member of the BP swat team. He drove from 40 miles away after he heard the radio call while sitting in a restaurant. All the other officers are being protected by the magical blue wall of silence.

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The story for today is that the door was unlocked. The way it's consistently changed for the worse, I expect that by the end of the week we'll find out that there was not even a door on the hinges, and that they just chose to stay out in the hallway because they heard a local restaurant was going to deliver free pizza.
I find that it upsets me so much to think of those incompetent cowardly fools outside doing nothing while innocent little lives were being slaughtered that I can’t even read about it.
I hope those cowards live with nightmares the rest of their miserable lives. 🤬😣😢

Journalists Should Know Better Than to Publish Copaganda​

The news out of Uvalde is worse with each passing day—and just the latest example of legacy media's failure to be critical of law enforcement.

Allison Hantschel Jun 14, 2022

Almost all the news out of Uvalde, Texas, following the massacre at Robb Elementary was shocking, horrific, unimaginable. Perhaps the only unsurprising fact that has emerged is that law enforcement lied from the start about everything they did, and everything they didn’t do.

Anybody who’s covered night cops in a media market the size of a trailer park knows that your average local police department, at its best, is inept at communication, and the most charitable interpretation of their actions is “disorganized.” Paperwork gets lost. What somebody told somebody else gets forgotten or misinterpreted. Police, being people, lie to cover up mistakes, protect their reputations, shield their friends from consequences.

Yet our corporate press spent the first 24 hours of their coverage of the Robb Elementary School massacre airing every official pronouncement about the staggering badassery of the local cops in staging an Agincourt battle at the school. They broadcasted these claims uncriticized, unedited, handing a nationwide megaphone to municipal officials who shouldn’t be trusted to tell citizens the water is safe to drink.

When it became clear that every story recounted by the police chief, local GOP lawmakers, and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott at press conferences was absolute fiction— that cops had not only NOT prevented the killings but tackled and handcuffed innocent parents begging them to help—those same reporters expressed childlike shock.

They LIED to us! How COULD they? What IS the world coming to?

Whether you are freshly graduated from journalism school—hell, if you’ve so much as thought about applying to journalism school—your first instinct should be to assume that anyone wearing a badge or speaking at a podium is at least partially full of shit, and the tenor of your coverage should reflect that.

When officials lie to you—when, not if—your response should not be to ask in high dudgeon How dare they? The real question is: Why did you ever think you could believe them? You’re not supposed to believe them. Your entire job, your purpose on Earth, your reason for existing, is that they cannot be trusted and you have to verify. Otherwise why provide coverage at all?

The journalism around Uvalde has only gotten worse with each passing day since the massacre, with reporters continuing to air the words of GOP sources who’d already shown they couldn’t be trusted, allowing those lawmakers’ voices to drown out those of the parents and classmates of dead children. Hearings featuring wrenching testimony from survivors were characterized in a formula so familiar it’s starting to sound like a parrot screeching BOTH SIDES, BOTH SIDES.

Also up for a “one side says this, another says that” debate was the idea of showing people graphic photos of the children’s remains, in order to somehow shock or convince them, as if a public strongly in favor of gun control was the problem here.

Democrats—the only party remotely interested in solving any of our current national crises, however inexpertly they may go about it—were immediately pressured to get Republicans on board for “bipartisan” measures. Republicans faced no such pressure for their 20 years of intransigence on the issue of firearms, in the face of slaughter after slaughter.

Worse, subsequent coverage name-checked “Congress” and “legislators” as being unwilling or unable to address gun safety, without once mentioning that if Congress consisted of only Democratic legislators, assault weapons would have been ripped out of everyone’s hands yesterday.

The ongoing refusal to name the problem at the heart of America’s supposed gridlock on guns—Republicans—makes these stories nonsensical at best. Who is served by this kind of journalism? Who has a greater understanding of what is happening in and to America as a result of a story about “partisan intransigence” that makes no mention of one party’s repeated attempts to compromise and the other’s constant refusal to bend?
It’s as if, when levying blame for a forest fire, journalists divvied it equally between arsonists for spraying gasoline from a garden hose, and the fire brigade for wearing mismatched uniforms. And then the nation’s opinion columnists wondered aloud why the fire raged on, unchecked.

As infuriating as this imagined middle ground is, so too is the emerging “debate” over whether schools should be more like maximum security prisons. Corporate journalism’s love for jargon rarely serves readers well, as we’ve talked about before in this space, and on this issue it’s actively harmful to any sort of progress.
Should schools be “hardened”? Should there be more locks, more bulletproof backpacks, more steel doors and armed teachers and metal detectors, and should every first-grade classroom be prepared to charge a machine gun nest before recess? Should we seed the soccer fields with land mines to prevent a gunman’s approach?
Should we consider seriously any ideas promoted by GOP politicians who’ll suggest anything and everything except getting rid of the weapon used in almost every mass shooting in the past 20 years?

There are very few jobs in journalism that allow for coverage of events and policies at the national level. They don’t need to be done by people who are astonished that officials lie. They don’t need to be done by people who find it uncomfortable to question authority in the midst of an ongoing crisis.
They don’t need to be done by people who find it acceptable to be brushed back from crime scenes, locked out of public meetings and lectured about civility by pro-gun politicians who refuse to answer a single question honestly.

Those journalism jobs don’t need to be done by people whose idea of speaking truth to power is simply using whatever words their sources use, from parroting talking points about arming teachers to using nonsensical language about making all students enter through a single door in every school in America.
Those journalism jobs shouldn’t involve airing live remarks by whatever lawmaker steps up to the mic, if that lawmaker’s big idea is simply for the entire country to pray. (Leaving aside the general idea of separating church and state, it’s simply monstrous to suggest that God somehow lets little children get gunned down at their desks in order to boost His follower count.)

Those journalism jobs SHOULD involve giving earnest thought and proper weight to whose voices are elevated in a time of crisis: those of the victims of violence, or those whose livelihoods depend on perpetrating and exacerbating it.

If those in the corporate press, so shocked by a lie from a local mayor or police chief, aren’t up to the bare minimum task of applying basic skepticism to pronouncements from on high, they should get out of their chairs and give up their spots to people who want to do journalism instead of whatever we’ve been witnessing for the past two weeks.
I saw a quote from the head honcho of Texas police that was basically that they did not follow the decades od training and that they valued the lives of the officers over the lives of the children.

I kind of thought that was standard operating procedure. They are always given the benefit of the doubt when their own safety is a concern. Think they see a weapon? They can protect themselves. A suspect doesn't follow commands? They can protect themselves. The officer's safety is seemingly the most important factor.
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See the posts from last night in the 40 minute thread. They had cops with rifles and at least one ballistic shield in the hallway and then waited another 58 minutes to go inside. To be clear, we don't know and we will probably never know if any of the approximately 20 officers in the hallway for an hour were among the 4 who went into the room. We only know that 1 of the 4 was a border patrol agent who is a member of the BP swat team. He drove from 40 miles away after he heard the radio call while sitting in a restaurant. All the other officers are being protected by the magical blue wall of silence.

What makes it 10x worse is that you had parents fighting authorities to get in there and take the gunman on. They should have just let the parents go in. 🤬
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"Councilmembers are slated to discuss granting newly sworn in representative Pete Arredondo a leave of absence from future meetings"

I'm confused by this. Why are they so happy that he doesn't get a leave?
I am too…do they want him there to have to answer questions to take the heat off them? The same group that swore him in after the shooting? I don’t even know if that is correct(the swearing in with secrecy)…I can’t keep up with their lies. Gold mom and Torbee summed up my feelings in previous posts.
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I am too…do they want him there to have to answer questions to take the heat off them? The same group that swore him in after the shooting? I don’t even know if that is correct(the swearing in with secrecy)…I can’t keep up with their lies. Gold mom and Torbee summed up my feelings in previous posts.

His fellow council members, not sure how many, were prepared to continue to cut him slack, allowing him to hide and be paid. They previously agreed to be sworn in to office one at a time so they could exclude the media and the public. Tonight enough residents along with family members of the victims spoke that all of the council voted to deny him a leave of absence. Most likely he will automatically lose the city council seat after a given number of unexcused absences.
The profoundly shocking cruelty of what happened to those little kids has upset me more than anything has in a long time.
I still can't shake the attending pediatrician (or was it the coroner?) saying that some of the children were shot up so bad they were unrecognizable. He said one child was actually decapitated. I mean... JFC a headless murdered child.

The scene had to be so horrifying that no human should see it yet maybe everyone should see it so we can quit denying the gruesome reality of semi-automatic gun violence.

"Councilmembers are slated to discuss granting newly sworn in representative Pete Arredondo a leave of absence from future meetings"

It appears that the link no longer works for the local media story. Weird, huh?
This reporter had live tweet thread of the meeting comments

I appreciate that, but why not release his own officers body cameras or the videos his police department has in his custody?

He said that he has requested every bodycam inside the school. He also complained about leaks to the local media. No telling yet if he is FOS and grandstanding or actually being straight up and doing his job, serving the interests of his residents.

It would help if we knew how much authority he actually has over the city's police dept. In Tampa, the mayor is the commander in chief of the police dept. In many cities, the mayor is just another vote on the city council and has little individual authority over administrative departments.

I am as sick about this as with all of the others. The questions that need to be answered are - How did the kid get everything he had for a start. Appears to have cost around $9k. No way that kid bought those himself. If so let’s see the paperwork and bank transactions. Second - Why didn’t the police stop him before he even got into the school. There still are questions on how he got into a school which locks its doors and how come they didn’t go take him out once he entered it. Something is not right and not being able to see what really happened and why make you question if there is more to this. Taking Guns from everyone is not the right answer.
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