According to Jellyfish10, "Lots of 'F' words being used." I presume those would be
"F" words like...fabulous, fantastic, fervent, felicitous, fearless, first-class, flashy, flawless, fleet, focused, formidable, and fun? Fantastical...
But really, other "F" words, IMHO of course, have no more business on the football field than they do in the classroom. Teaching is teaching, and good coaching is teaching.
KF says he's not just building football players, he's building men. Well, maybe a ban on the infamous "F" word would be an effective building block in that process.
I had the misfortune of attending several football practices--all of which were open in those days--that were directed by short-term head coach Frank Lauterbur. His staff swore so much that it made Andrew Dice Clay blush.
I've played and I've coached, and I never found swearing helpful in either role. Like I said, the football field is just another classroom, and it should be treated as such...IMHO.