What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

I think America will slip further towards fascism. I think my daughter’s life, like most women’s will become harder. I think people like you will pretend it’s all ok and so the slippage will be easier.

Doesn't your daughter sleep in until noon every day at your house? Or at least one or more of your live-at-home kids? Aren't you a gamer? In your 40s? You're living easy, Belem. You and your family are comfy. Your life is secure almost entirely no matter who is the POTUS.
I’m giving it a 90% chance of being true. Epstein was the worst kind of scum imaginable. Part of the ultra rich crowd, used underage girls for himself and his friends. This fvcker was about to go down hard and we would have witnessed the trial. A lot of powerful people were going to be implicated. Trump is quite possibly, very likely, one of those people. These people are all capable of rape and statutory rape. They are also powerful enough to take people out. We are finding out, in real time, that shit we thought Hollywood embellished on, actually fvcking happens.

Fvck Trump. Fvck the Democrats for forcing Biden and our current situation. Fvck the Republicans for the conman cult of Trump and having no balls to stand up to him.

Politics suck and I’m convinced none of them give a shit about you and me. Power and staying in power. That’s it.
We have lawsuits going forward in court that were pulled allegedly because of threats to the person pursuing the lawsuit. We have new document drops of Epstein tapes that suggest Trump was involved was involved with forced sex acts of children. And we have interviews where Trump is asked about Epstein and his demeanor suddenly changes to defensiveness and the great desire to change the subject.

Legally we all know Trump is protected. But what are the actual odds that he was involved in child rape?
When Trump was running for 2016 and I read some Epstein-Trump articles that came up on searches they took me to a deposition/talk with police by a 13 year old girl who said while at an epstein affair trump raped her.

You folks can google cant you?? There are lots of stories about this. And her deposition might be online. She tried suing the dumpster also.
I fight for the others as well. I think you need to relax. That's basically it.
Sure you do. Your advice is - who cares, our lives are good. But I’m sure you secretly go against your own advice and don’t only care about yourself.
They absolutely will. Shit, Thomas is suggesting getting rid of OSHA, you thing gay marriage is safer than that?

But it won’t affect kinnick@night so who cares?
Roe was around for 50 years. Obergefell hasn't even been around 10. If 50 years of precedence can't survive what chance does a fraction of that time have? I anticipate gay marriage is gone under Trump. Hell, Rs will take it even under Biden. They'll strip everybody of their rights. Trump is insane and so is his court.
I get the sense around here that the country is going to end if Trump wins. Is that fair to say?
It's already falling apart because of him. We've never been more divided. And that's because of him. People have already posted clips of Obama's debate with Obama. They were amazingly civil to each other. But get Trump involved and everything turns to shit. He doesn't elevate discourse. He drives discourse to it's crudest and most vindictive level.
Did Trump molest children? Back that bold shit up with some facts.

Ready. Go!
You do know he was buddies with Epstein, right? He has been accused by children of rape. He admitted he walked through the underage girls dressing rooms during his pageant. He admits to sexual assault. He has been found liable for sexual assault. Are you really this obtuse? No logic in ya?
Trump is a terrible human being, but there is as much chance of this as there is of Biden having molested his daughter....oh wait........on second thought.

We have lawsuits going forward in court that were pulled allegedly because of threats to the person pursuing the lawsuit. We have new document drops of Epstein tapes that suggest Trump was involved was involved with forced sex acts of children. And we have interviews where Trump is asked about Epstein and his demeanor suddenly changes to defensiveness and the great desire to change the subject.

Legally we all know Trump is protected. But what are the actual odds that he was involved in child
The KENNEDYS and the Women They Destroyed


Just released. Suggested reading for you. JFK, RFK, and little Teddy were despicable human beings.

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