What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

Huey, what did you do today? Did you do anything to enrich your life? To laugh and have a good time?
It's hard to have a good time these days when you watch a country just decide that the entire basis of it's foundation just isn't worth it anymore because they're being asked to treat everyone like they are human beings. It has to be the dumbest reason in history for the collapse of a system of government but here we are.
You have to go back 60 years for a whataboutism in order to deflect attention from child rape allegations against Orange Jesus
I’ll play. Bill Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Al Franken, and, oh yes, JoeBiden was accused of rape. Honestly, if this Trump story had any legs, the recently exposed, utterly corrupt, in the bag for Joe, servile Democrat media would have reported it. I don’t like Trump. I despise Biden and his grifter family. Stick to policy. Trump’s administration was far more successful than the current situation Biden has us in. Weakened military, no fiscal restraint despite massive debt, indecipherable Middle East policy, endless arms to Ukraine with no apparent exit strategy, no response to China’s aggressive strategy, and a massive government bureaucracy shoving Marxist CRT and DEI down our throats, dividing us in the name of equal outcomes for all. And Trump is the threat to Democracy? 🤣🤣🤣
… and from people who’ve worked with him, worked for him, people in his own family, people who’ve known him for decades, etc.

It’s almost like unless you worship him, it’s really easy to see him for what he is.
Please, show me quotes and give me links to all the rational, level headed people that think it is not out of the realm of possible that Donald Trump becomes dictator of the United States and proceeds to go apeshit, killing thousands, if not millions of his own citizens.
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Please, show me quotes and give me links to all the rational, level headed people that think it is not out of the realm of possible that Donald Trump becomes dictator of the United States and proceeds to go apeshit, killing thousands, if not millions of his own citizens.

Mark Esper, the former U.S. Secretary of Defense, said former President Trump is a “threat to democracy” on the third anniversary of the Capitol riot.

“And yes, I do regard him as a threat to democracy, democracy as we know it, our institutions, our political culture, all those things that make America great and have defined us as, you know, the oldest democracy on this planet,” Esper told CNN’s Jim Acosta on Saturday.

John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, had his own long falling-out with Trump. Kelly, in a lengthy October statement to CNN, described Trump as “a person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators” and “has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.”

There are more, but I'm sure you'll deem them all irrational.

Mark Esper, the former U.S. Secretary of Defense, said former President Trump is a “threat to democracy” on the third anniversary of the Capitol riot.

“And yes, I do regard him as a threat to democracy, democracy as we know it, our institutions, our political culture, all those things that make America great and have defined us as, you know, the oldest democracy on this planet,” Esper told CNN’s Jim Acosta on Saturday.

John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, had his own long falling-out with Trump. Kelly, in a lengthy October statement to CNN, described Trump as “a person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators” and “has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.”

There are more, but I'm sure you'll deem them all irrational.
I missed all the lines there about killing thousands, if not millions, of American citizens.
Yes. I’ve said as much 50 times. Pure malfeasance.

Of course the most recent batch of scummy rapist murderers came in before that bill was offered and after Biden opened the border then looked the other way for three years.

I know you will continue to fear monger but I feel it's always worth it to get the truth out there even if dumbasses like you won't believe it.
I’ll play. Bill Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Al Franken, and, oh yes, JoeBiden was accused of rape. Honestly, if this Trump story had any legs, the recently exposed, utterly corrupt, in the bag for Joe, servile Democrat media would have reported it. I don’t like Trump. I despise Biden and his grifter family. Stick to policy. Trump’s administration was far more successful than the current situation Biden has us in. Weakened military, no fiscal restraint despite massive debt, indecipherable Middle East policy, endless arms to Ukraine with no apparent exit strategy, no response to China’s aggressive strategy, and a massive government bureaucracy shoving Marxist CRT and DEI down our throats, dividing us in the name of equal outcomes for all. And Trump is the threat to Democracy? 🤣🤣🤣
Ah the trifecta Marxist CRT and DEI...I would give you a million dollars if you could correctly define any of them you ****ing moron
I was replying to a specific statement that was made in this thread.

I already know that Trump is the end of democracy and only Joe Biden can save it.
Considering he openly admires murderous dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un, it doesn't take much of a stretch to think he might want to emulate their behavior.

I know you will continue to fear monger but I feel it's always worth it to get the truth out there even if dumbasses like you won't believe it.
This is hands down the dumbest stat that Dems continue to throw out there. You’re essentially saying “Throat cancer is less likely to kill you than pancreatic cancer. Therefore, there’s no reason to avoid getting throat cancer.”

Who gives a shit if they’re less likely to commit crime. Every crime committed by someone who came into this country illegally is a crime that shouldn’t have happened. Those crimes exist in a vacuum.

It’s not about sending them home once they’re here. It’s about preventing them from sneaking in here in the first place.

Why don’t you find a stat comparing the likelihood of crime being committed by immigrants who went through the process and “gotaways” who evaded border patrol and snuck in and are living here. That’s the stat you should be worried about. But you won’t do that because you know it craps all over your pro-illegal immigration argument.
I was replying to a specific statement that was made in this thread.

I already know that Trump is the end of democracy and only Joe Biden can save it.
You saying there's absolutely no way Trump ends democracy here? And when democracy ends, what's to stop Trump from jailing or killing his enemies? There's always an out group. Bury your head in the sand or get really specific to dodge the question. This stuff happens all over the world but you're so sure it can't happen here, despite what the people who know Trump say.
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I’ve read a lot more sexual assaults by Republicans and good Christian men over the years than these illegals you’re terrified of.
I’m against all kinds of rapists. The rapey illegals you keep defending should never have been here to begin with.

So funny how you guys are all about “prevention” when it comes to everything else like healthcare, climate, guns, etc. But when it comes to rape and murder by illegals you’re all about rolling the dice and hoping things just work out ok. I guess the votes are worth it to you.
If I file a lawsuit claiming you raped me and the judge throws it out, that usually ends the accusations. But in your world I guess you never proved you didn’t rape me. Right?

So, the case was thrown out. Why is it being discussed again, years later?
Name me one President who was not a despicable human being. Sad.
These are the Presidents since I was able to vote that I don't consider despicable.

Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan (Although I wasn't a fan)
H.W. Bush was an honorable man
Clinton was a despicable husband, but a good President
W wasn't a despicable person, but not my favorite President
Biden is old, but has served his country honorably for many years

Care to share how each one of those men were despicable.
Ah the trifecta Marxist CRT and DEI...I would give you a million dollars if you could correctly define any of them you ****ing moron
😆Marx envisioned worldwide economic class warfare between the working class (proletariat) and the wealthy (bourgeoisie) which ended in utopia. It failed because capitalism worked for the middle class and people finally realized that Marxism simply substituted a new oppressor class. 110 million souls sacrificed for a failed ideology and now the current crop of Marxists is trying to substitute race for economic class and try it again. Whites and more recently Jews are now the oppressors. Any failures of the oppressed class can now be blamed on the oppressors. Revolution is the goal and the George Floyd incident was capitalized on and CRT and DEI became mainstream as your party capitulated to the far left fringe.
Lenin once said, “Every revolution needs useful idiots.” Welcome to the club. I could go on. Hopefully you get my point. Marxism, socialism, and progressivism are all authoritarian ideologies and they’ve grabbed hold of your party.
How would prefer to get me the million?
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I’ll play. Bill Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Al Franken, and, oh yes, JoeBiden was accused of rape. Honestly, if this Trump story had any legs, the recently exposed, utterly corrupt, in the bag for Joe, servile Democrat media would have reported it. I don’t like Trump. I despise Biden and his grifter family. Stick to policy. Trump’s administration was far more successful than the current situation Biden has us in. Weakened military, no fiscal restraint despite massive debt, indecipherable Middle East policy, endless arms to Ukraine with no apparent exit strategy, no response to China’s aggressive strategy, and a massive government bureaucracy shoving Marxist CRT and DEI down our throats, dividing us in the name of equal outcomes for all. And Trump is the threat to Democracy? 🤣🤣🤣
You’re lying.
So Kamala slept around. How does that differ from Trump?

Or does the fact she is a woman make it different
You took a leap. Read the thread. I don't support Trump. What is it with you and your alts that you can't get beyond that many people don't support either candidate? As I've said to multitudes of you. Until we just say know to corrupt, lying, cheating types...that is what we'll get.
You know....I believe this to be true. Terrible President, but seems to be a good human being.
Carter gets a bum rap. He inherited the post Vietnam economy. In reality, the grain embargo though hell on Iowa was the turning point of unrest in the USSR ..a very meat centric culture. It was Carter than started the rapid response military when he had only bad options with Iran hostage situation.
These are the Presidents since I was able to vote that I don't consider despicable.

Jimmy Carter - Seems to be a good man
Ronald Reagan (Although I wasn't a fan) I was pretty young during his run, but looking back I loved most of his policies, but ignored the AID's crisis (talk to anyone affected at that time ask them if he was deplorable) and of course....Iran contra
H.W. Bush was an honorable man - As much as you and others have put stock in womens claims against Trump, surly you know many multiple women have said things about HW.
Clinton was a despicable husband, but a good President. Liked his policies...terrible human being
W wasn't a despicable person, but not my favorite President - Liked his domestic policies, but he LIED US INTO WAR that cost thousands of lives. I am STILL pissed about this.
Obama - I actually liked some of his policies. Still to be determined if he is a bad dude.
Biden is old, but has served his country honorably for many years - Books will be written about just how bad a man he is, but to start with the man is and always has been a freaking racist and anyone that cannot clearly see this is blind. Not to mention the other illegal things that will come out about him. LOL!

Care to share how each one of those men were despicable.
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