What has happened to our fanbase?

Holy smokes. I get it, Tuesday night 8 pm game. Georgia Tech isn't great but it is still an ACC game. That was the worst attended "big" non-conference game I've ever seen. Where are all the people from the IC and CR area? Where were the students?

Weather not great but I hear ya
Holy smokes. I get it, Tuesday night 8 pm game. Georgia Tech isn't great but it is still an ACC game. That was the worst attended "big" non-conference game I've ever seen. Where are all the people from the IC and CR area? Where were the students?


Attendance (which is tickets distributed): 10,450

Scanned tickets? No idea; 6,000-7,000?
There is zero incentive to go to games in my opinion. Sure it's fun once in a while, but I can watch the game on TV at home with a better view and have it on tape dead so it only takes 1 hr to watch.
The ticket prices are always going up, it was a cold windy night in iowa city, parking is always a pain, and a late game. Lots of reasons to stay home.
There is zero incentive to go to games in my opinion. Sure it's fun once in a while, but I can watch the game on TV at home with a better view and have it on tape dead so it only takes 1 hr to watch.
The ticket prices are always going up, it was a cold windy night in iowa city, parking is always a pain, and a late game. Lots of reasons to stay home.
Our AD is a moran!!
Holy smokes. I get it, Tuesday night 8 pm game. Georgia Tech isn't great but it is still an ACC game. That was the worst attended "big" non-conference game I've ever seen. Where are all the people from the IC and CR area? Where were the students?

Were you at the game ? People need to get off their ass and get to the game !
Holy smokes. I get it, Tuesday night 8 pm game. Georgia Tech isn't great but it is still an ACC game. That was the worst attended "big" non-conference game I've ever seen. Where are all the people from the IC and CR area? Where were the students?

It’s really sad. I got there early thinking it would be extra crowded. 😥
Holy smokes. I get it, Tuesday night 8 pm game. Georgia Tech isn't great but it is still an ACC game. That was the worst attended "big" non-conference game I've ever seen. Where are all the people from the IC and CR area? Where were the students?

Ex-f’ing-actly! Eastern Iowa lame ass support.

The whole state has been Des Moines metro or nothing for 20 years. And Iowa City ain’t close to the DM metro. Ames is though, unfortunately.
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There is zero incentive to go to games in my opinion. Sure it's fun once in a while, but I can watch the game on TV at home with a better view and have it on tape dead so it only takes 1 hr to watch.
The ticket prices are always going up, it was a cold windy night in iowa city, parking is always a pain, and a late game. Lots of reasons to stay home.

I was just thinking tonight that the game is so much better in person. Watching on TV is fine, but it’s better live. Football, live or on TV is pretty similar to me. Sometimes TV has a better view of the action.

Maybe that’s just me.

Tickets were $8.00/each. Cost more to feed the family before the game. Gas wasn’t the cheapest getting there (maybe $20 worth). Parking was free and the lot was near half full. I was in the car for all but 10 minutes, so the cold and wind really didn’t bother me too much. I really wish my schedule afforded me the opportunity for season tickets.
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Move 4-6 of Iowa’s home games where the $ is & the people are! Des Moines’ Wells Fargo Arena!!!

I said this years ago & it was right. Now it’s insanely right! Eastern Iowa doesn’t have the $ or the people to support big time basketball. Des Moines does. Period.
Myriad of things.

-arena is sterile/location
-fans spoiled, expect 20 wins + tournament every year, why show up this early?
-disappointed in year end results time after time
-demographics have changed
-Own home comfort/convenience
-price to go out $75+ on light side?

Expect it to tick up for conference play, per usual, but too many factors going against the attendance issue.
As stated above several factors. I’d add in that in this new society of championship or bust folks don’t care as much about fun regular season games. Rivalries don’t feel like they used to and non con power 5 opponents clearly don’t get people in the arena. I do think it’s a CBB problem though now just Iowa. Texas was very smart to build that new badass stadium with only a 10,000 capacity. Lastly and beating a dead horse. Students make CBB great, if you can’t get them the first however many rows courtside the environment won’t be there, period.
Holy smokes. I get it, Tuesday night 8 pm game. Georgia Tech isn't great but it is still an ACC game. That was the worst attended "big" non-conference game I've ever seen. Where are all the people from the IC and CR area? Where were the students?


Were you there?
I use to love going to games….As I get older it’s easier to watch on TV…… but the big reason I don’t go anymore is the restrooms/ concession stands, traffic issues. Our athletic department squeezes every penny out of a person they can with very few perks for those who do attend. It’s just EASIER watching them on tv. Football is getting to be the same,,,restroom situation is ridiculous, plan on missing half a quarter if you time the concession stand wrong…..
We got older, have kids in their own activities. Younger generation doesn’t care enough about Iowa basketball to fill the seats we were in
That is pretty much it. There has been a lot of analysis and many words written about this, but that is what it comes down to. It's been since 1999 when Iowa last made the Sweet 16, that is 23 years no. An entire generation. Yes, the teams the last few years have been good and great individual players. But people found other things to do with their time. They will come back for big games and big conference games. But they aren't coming back for non-conference games in November-December for games they perceive as not that good.
Sad to see Carver like that. I remember how hard it was to get a ticket for the Hawks.

Distance for many fans and 8:00 PM start on a week night is a huge issue. You see other arenas full at night so I think the fan base at Iowa has really declined.

Our student support has really waned. Not sure the reason but it is sad there isn't more interest.

Fran has a good team and Kris is worth the price of admission alone so hopefully there will be some packed houses later on.
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Lastly and beating a dead horse. Students make CBB great,
I think that is the core of the problem IMO. Start there.

The attendance decline will persist until it is an attraction for the students. Citicizing alums or hard core fans with families who live an hour or more away for not attending seems ridiculous when you have 20,000+ currently uninterested peers residing within a couple miles of the venue.
Myriad of things.

-arena is sterile/location
-fans spoiled, expect 20 wins + tournament every year, why show up this early?
-disappointed in year end results time after time
-demographics have changed
-Own home comfort/convenience
-price to go out $75+ on light side?

Expect it to tick up for conference play, per usual, but too many factors going against the attendance issue.
I can say this is the #1 reason I have completely stopped caring. The tournament is what makes college basketball great for me…and the entire season is in service to the tournament….if I know the end product (Iowas performance in the tournament) will be a dumpster fire….why do I care about the season? It’s been 23 years since we did anything of note…

And Carver generally stinks, it’s location/parking is awful…and it’s not like football, where even if the product that day stinks…I can still get value from the social gathering that is tailgating.
Our AD is a moran!!
Do you have a suggestion for how the current AD is to overcome the past promises made back in the early 1980’s? You may not be old enough to know this but when Carver was built it was built at a time when the old field house had a smaller capacity. To get Carver built Bump Elliot solicited donations. In exchange for those donations many folks got the right to order season tickets for as long as they liked. Fast forward 40+ years and guess what a huge chunk of our season ticket holders are well into their 70-80’s and simply don’t show up like they did when they were in their 30-40’s. I as well as the current AD are all ears as to how you take season tickets away from the people who chipped in to get Carver built. How do you ever do a large Capital campaign in the future if that is how you treat your current season ticket holders?

Now you may be asking why this doesn’t apply to the women’s team or wrestling? Simple the arena was built based on donations made to the men’s basketball team and not the women’s team or wrestling. So those occupants aren’t constrained to selling season tickets to a very elderly population.

I see a lot of complaints but what I never see is a real solution from those complaining.
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I don’t live in Iowa City anymore. Used to go to games when I did, even during Lickliter years. I was home visiting family this past week. Walked into a downtown bar with 6 huge TVs, trying to find the Clemson game. Had to ask the bartender to switch one of the TVs to the game. What channel they asked? Watched the game alone while no one else in the bar cared.
Sad to see Carver like that. I remember how hard it was to get a ticket for the Hawks.

Distance for many fans and 8:00 PM start on a week night is a huge issue. You see other arenas full at night so I think the fan base at Iowa has really declined.

Our student support has really waned. Not sure the reason but it is sad there isn't more interest.

Fran has a good team and Kris is worth the price of admission alone so hopefully there will be some packed houses later on.
Students use to pack Carver with DR Tom and early years of Alford. It started to wane after the Evans/Recker Sr year disaster and even more so after Pierre Pierce incident combined with Alford's ego and arrogance that started to rub fans the wrong way especially female students with the Pierce incident. Then he left and Lick basically decimated it. Just seems like what ever Fran has done just can't get it back to what it was except few big games. Sad thing is I think if fans could've come Garza's Sr year we would've seen lot more students there and that could've helped with the argument of moving them to better seats.

As has been discussed Carver being where it's at has always been a pain for students to get to. Parking sucks so they don't drive. Cambus is a crap shoot and unreliable when they will get picked up and take to the arena. Majority live on the other side and don't want to walk across the river to get to the games during winter and now a days so much easier for them to watch games in dorm room or apartments especially with all the odd start times and lack of weekend games.
Do you have a suggestion for how the current AD is to overcome the past promises made back in the early 1980’s? You may not be old enough to know this but when Carver was built it was built at a time when the old field house had a smaller capacity. To get Carver built Bump Elliot solicited donations. In exchange for those donations many folks got the right to order season tickets for as long as they liked. Fast forward 40+ years and guess what a huge chunk of our season ticket holders are well into their 70-80’s and simply don’t show up like they did when they were in their 30-40’s. I as well as the current AD are all ears as to how you take season tickets away from the people who chipped in to get Carver built. How do you ever do a large Capital campaign in the future if that is how you treat your current season ticket holders?

Now you may be asking why this doesn’t apply to the women’s team or wrestling? Simple the arena was built based on donations made to the men’s basketball team and not the women’s team or wrestling. So those occupants aren’t constrained to selling season tickets to a very elderly population.

I see a lot of complaints but what I never see is a real solution from those complaining.
This is the big catch 22 when talking about seating and carver. People complain of the gray hairs but they are the most loyal and consistent ones showing up who shell out all the $. The students are very hit and miss and don't show up enough. Do they deserve better seats? No guarantee they still show up enough if they do move them. I still wish they would because all the best college bball atmospheres have great student sections. But if they don't it would look really bad.

When it comes to Wrestling and fan support it helps every meet is Fri, Sat or Sunday and only have 7-8 a year. If Iowa had 12-15 meets a year and they were wrestling Purdue on a Tuesday night I don't thing you'd have the same turnout.
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The tickets are bought, the people aren't going. I checked the Hawkeye site yesterday morning for tickets, there was nothing close to the court. NOTHING! Then I watch the game, and there were tons of empty seats all around the area I looked at to buy tickets. The problem is a faction of the fanbase with tickets bought, that aren't going. Give your tickets away for free to someone.
Holy smokes. I get it, Tuesday night 8 pm game. Georgia Tech isn't great but it is still an ACC game. That was the worst attended "big" non-conference game I've ever seen. Where are all the people from the IC and CR area? Where were the students?

With the flex plan season tickets they are seating the people with the cheaper seats way at the top of the stadium. The people that are paying for the more expensive season tickets are sitting at the bottom and there's a big gap in the middle.