Of course, there’s no way to know for sure whether this actually happened or whether the events weren’t embellished in the post. Assuming everything happened as it did, I’d say this:
1. Posting such an account to an audience of Iowa fans is guaranteed to get push-back. You’re presenting an account that can’t be confirmed describing the actions of ONE PERSON that besmirches a population of many thousands. Seriously, what kind of reaction do you expect? It’s an extraordinarily bad idea to bring that stuff here. Nobody here can do anything about it and everyone here is likely to assume you’re throwing Iowa fans under the bus based on one alleged incident. It’s a completely unproductive endeavor.
2. I’m sorry if it actually happened as you describe, but if it did, it represents an isolated incident of one fan — likely hammered — acting like a drunken fool. As has been repeated in this thread, every fan base has its jerks. Always have and always will.
3. Just for kicks, here are three true events that happened over the weekend:
1) Good friend of mine, one of the nicest guys I know, was riding the elevator at our hotel (Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills, which happened to be crawling with PSU fans). Several sober PSU fans got on and immediately started taunting him about Iowa not winning championships like they used to. Totally unprovoked. My friend couldn’t believe it.
2) Same friend got on another elevator the next day that contained several PSU fans. A woman on the elevator, a sober PSU fan, promptly says, “I’m not staying on here with this guy” based solely on his black and gold apparel and gets off the elevator. Her husband stayed on and just stood there, embarrassed and speechless.
3) Countless fools took to Twitter to mock Spencer and Cathy Lee after Spencer’s semifinal loss. Some were probably drunk but many were presumably sober. Absolutely disgusting.
You’re free to believe the incidents at our hotel or not. They happened. These were sober PSU fans acting like jerks to an Iowa fan who was just trying to be friendly. I have no doubt that this kind of stuff happened dozens of times around Tulsa over the past few days, both ways.
The horrific behavior on Twitter is well-documented, of course.
So the unfortunate truth is that there are jerks everywhere. Sadly, every fan base has them. People just suck sometimes. But coming to an Iowa board to complain about an Iowa fan behaving exactly like a small percentage of fans of other schools act is completely futile and a very bad idea.