What, no Bill Maher New Rule thread, yet?

Fair amount of truth there.

Donate to your local Habitat preservation service. I like ducks unlimited.

This does bring in some personal experience for me as well and is an idiocracy reference. I was working at Wells Fargo at the time, I was probably 30-32, and my wife and I were really starting to get serious about having children. I was speaking with my SUP at the time, who had a pregnant wife. I let him know that I was worried about having a child and affording it as I have always been very focused on the next generation. He looked me dead in the eyes and said "poor people have babies everyday". I'll never forget that.
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I don't know anyone who would disagree with him. We study this stuff in 7th grade but I think this message may not be appropriate for them, haha.
Ole' reliable Bill Maher doing his weekly punching down and punching left

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Generally I like Maher but I think he's way off on population. The bigger concern is the upcoming population collapse. The birthrates are declining and telling the story. Labor shortages are just the beginning.
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Generally I like Maher but I think he's way off on population. The bigger concern is the upcoming population collapse. The birthrates are declining and telling the story. Labor shortages are just the beginning.
What matters for society is production per capita, not total.
Now, demographic declines are terrible news if you’re running a Ponzi scheme, but it’s irrelevant to building up per capita wealth.
Aging comedian is mad that younger generations don't find his outdated style of comedy funny.
That seems to be the case. And looks away at his own boomer generation which is probably the biggest MAGA supporter amongst generations.

Or maybe it's Gen X. Shit.

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That seems to be the case. And looks away at his own boomer generation which is probably the biggest MAGA supporter amongst generations.

Or maybe it's Gen X. Shit.

This makes a lot of sense. Almost every person I have known for a long time is a Trumpanzee. Many of them were libs back in the day. I was a big Reaganite and voted for members of the Bush Crime Family seven times. I saw the light and got out but I am one of the very few.
That seems to be the case. And looks away at his own boomer generation which is probably the biggest MAGA supporter amongst generations.

Or maybe it's Gen X. Shit.

Interesting article. It's pretty much in-step with my life experiences. It's been strange to watch the people of that era in my life and in media slide closer and closer to a Reaganesk worldview.

I was born in 84 and that era had the opposite effect on me, but it took until I was in my early 30's to really grasp who Ronald Reagan was and what made him that way.

I've read that millennials are the "nostalgic geberation", but I think it's the Xers that are better suited to that label.
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Interesting article. It's pretty much in-step with my life experiences. It's been strange to watch the people of that era in my life and in media slide closer and closer to a Reaganesk worldview.
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This makes a lot of sense. Almost every person I have known for a long time is a Trumpanzee. Many of them were libs back in the day. I was a big Reaganite and voted for members of the Bush Crime Family seven times. I saw the light and got out but I am one of the very few.

Of my small-town high school classmates - I would say more than half are MAGA via facebook posts. Of my coworkers - I would say 90% are anti-MAGA but would venture some held their noses and voted for Trump. One coworker is all in MAGA and probably Qanon. But is someone who is very kind.

I voted for Bush Sr/Dole/Bush JR. How Bush handled 9/11 and the Iraq war really influenced me so much that I voted for Kerry in 04. Have voted democratic since as an independent.
Who the F do you hang out with?

Almost every person? Really?

I hang out with very few of them. My fraternity could be Trump HQ. The same, I'm sure, could be said about most if not all the other FSU fraternities. However, I wouldn't be surprised if we were at the leading edge of Trumpism. I skipped our reunion this past summer largely in part to not wanting to listen to the cult bs. I'll get a dose large enough to last several years at Thanksgiving.

As people from Jan 6th were being arrested, I kept waiting for someone I knew from the fraternity to either be jailed or admit to us they were at the capitol. That never happened but eventually I learned that the current chairman of the FL GOP state senator Joe Grueters, one of my fraternity brothers, sent three busses full of people to the capitol on Jan 6th.

I could make a long list of people I know who are one or two connections removed from the Mango Messiah himself.
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