What, no Bill Maher New Rule thread, yet?

On the one hand, I love this because Maher's rant includes a whole lot of stuff that liberals have been calling attention to for years.

On the other, why is nobody pushing back against the implication that the only way to deal with all the problems he listed is by reducing population?

Maher himself correctly points out that if we stop producing kids, we won't have enough people entering the workforce to support the elderly. But, you know what? Automation can handle that. If we choose that path. And if we don't choose that path, there's always biowarfare against old folks. I'm not saying COVID was engineered for that purpose but the last I heard 90% of deaths are among those 70 and older. Is it totally coincidence that we hear that China is losing population around the same time Xi decides to let COVID run rampant in China? Yeah, probably. But how sure are you?

And then there's Maher's observation that if everybody in the world consumed like average Americans we'd need 5 Earths worth of resources to accommodate the current population. I reported a study here on HROT a few years back that calculated that that would be the equivalent consumption of over 80 billion people. So that suggests a couple of solutions other than not fvcking. We can keep most of the world in poverty. Or we can manage our resources a lot better. So far, we are picking the former option.

Point being that less population won't solve this problem. The entire world wants to and is trying to consume like the average American - if not even more! In which case, so what if we halt or reduce the population of the world. What will that mean - that we only need 3 or 4 Earths worth of resources?

I know, let's address this growing problem by banning abortion and contraception. Because that will help, amirite?
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Nothing in the news this week, like another police brutality murder, so Maher decided to keep milking the pronouns grievance

Maher anti-Woke warrior now comparing modern wokeists to Russian and Chinese communists of the last century. When his contract runs out at HBO, he will move to FoxNews

Maher anti-Woke warrior now comparing modern wokeists to Russian and Chinese communists of the last century. When his contract runs out at HBO, he will move to FoxNews

You do realize the reason democrats lose toss up/close elections are precisely the things he is talking about. As the norm he is spot on.
Maher doesn't seem to realize that his bitching about Wokeness is doing exactly what he seems to be whining about. It seems like that has been all he has done for the past 4 or 5 weeks. Democrats just don't want people to be bigots, racist, or assholes. It's the right that is raising holy hell about being called out on it and then wasting time passing stupid f**king legislation to get headlines about how anti-"woke" they are. He seems to have been suckered into the exact argument the right wants him to be making, rather than talking about the terrible things Republicans are doing that everyone hates, but they are still doing it anyway. It really is sad to see Maher get taken so easily. It must just be something that happens at some point in your 60's, where you become gullible as all hell.
Democrats are handing this issue to the republicans on a silver platter.
They should recognize that and adjust. But, they’ll double down.
Yeah, people will decide that things like roe, education and voting don’t matter because they’re mad about pronouns.
Nobody said that.
But, it did give us school vouchers in Iowa.
Democrats are handing this issue to the republicans on a silver platter.
They should recognize that and adjust. But, they’ll double down.
Double down on calling out bigotry and racism? Ok. It's almost like the right is trying to get people to ignore it by making it taboo to even acknowledge it exists. Meanwhile, Republicans continue to get their asses kicked in every election. Yet its Democrats who need to change. Sure. Eventually, not even gerrymandering is going to keep Republicans in power.
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Nothing in the news this week, like another police brutality murder, so Maher decided to keep milking the pronouns grievance

He (and/or his writing team) has become lazy over the last several years. It's as though they comb the extremes of an already-extreme Twitter for their bitchy monologues. And one result is a whole lot of explicit or implicit false equivalency.
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Meanwhile, Republicans continue to get their asses kicked in every election. Yet its Democrats who need to change. Sure. Eventually, not even gerrymandering is going to keep Republicans in power.
Republican candidates for the House got 3 million more votes than Democratic candidates in the recent election.
Maher doesn't seem to realize that his bitching about Wokeness is doing exactly what he seems to be whining about. It seems like that has been all he has done for the past 4 or 5 weeks. Democrats just don't want people to be bigots, racist, or assholes. It's the right that is raising holy hell about being called out on it and then wasting time passing stupid f**king legislation to get headlines about how anti-"woke" they are. He seems to have been suckered into the exact argument the right wants him to be making, rather than talking about the terrible things Republicans are doing that everyone hates, but they are still doing it anyway. It really is sad to see Maher get taken so easily. It must just be something that happens at some point in your 60's, where you become gullible as all hell.
Not really. He’s saying “If you don’t want to lose to republicans due to their lying and fearmongering about the left, quit doing and advocating shit that makes their most outlandish lies believable.”

There seems to be more kindergarten teachers talking to 5 year olds about transsexuals than there are actual transsexuals. And as long as shit seems that way, it’s the truth to the voting populace.

Why is it again that drag queens reading to children in libraries is a thing? Life would be a lot easier for Dem politicians of it wasn’t. Or, if you at least had someone who could calmly give a logical answer to that without losing their shit on a “you’re a transphobe rant”.

I think that’s the point.
Maher doesn't seem to realize that his bitching about Wokeness is doing exactly what he seems to be whining about. It seems like that has been all he has done for the past 4 or 5 weeks. Democrats just don't want people to be bigots, racist, or assholes. It's the right that is raising holy hell about being called out on it and then wasting time passing stupid f**king legislation to get headlines about how anti-"woke" they are. He seems to have been suckered into the exact argument the right wants him to be making, rather than talking about the terrible things Republicans are doing that everyone hates, but they are still doing it anyway. It really is sad to see Maher get taken so easily. It must just be something that happens at some point in your 60's, where you become gullible as all hell.
Some of the loser issues for democrats are the things people in the middle of the political spectrum see just as dumb as most see trump.
All you need to do is show drag queens at a kids story hour or claim that men can have babies and you lose.
Are they Republican equivalent. No. But when all you have to do is be normal to beat republicans it’s frustrating to see democrats side with loser issues.
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Republican candidates for the House got 3 million more votes than Democratic candidates in the recent election.
I’d certainly hope so, they had 13 candidates run unopposed to the Democrats 3.
Some of Maher's stuff gets a bit repetitive an over argued. That's in part because of the format of his show as well as the topics it covers.

Something like the kindergartener's being asked to select pronouns bit linked above is a good example. How frequent is this, really? Or was that just a complete embellishment? Yeah, I get the shape of the argument, it's dumb... but what's the size of this problem?

That said, his old show was titled "Politically Incorrect" -- this guy was always going to be hard on the "woke" finger-wagger types. (or the PC types back in the day) Just who he is. Definitely the old school anti-authority liberal type.
Some of Maher's stuff gets a bit repetitive an over argued. That's in part because of the format of his show as well as the topics it covers.

Something like the kindergartener's being asked to select pronouns bit linked above is a good example. How frequent is this, really? Or was that just a complete embellishment? Yeah, I get the shape of the argument, it's dumb... but what's the size of this problem?

That said, his old show was titled "Politically Incorrect" -- this guy was always going to be hard on the "woke" finger-wagger types. (or the PC types back in the day) Just who he is. Definitely the old school anti-authority liberal type.
A lotta words. Just say lazy.
Some of the loser issues for democrats are the things people in the middle of the political spectrum see just as dumb as most see trump.
All you need to do is show drag queens at a kids story hour or claim that men can have babies and you lose.
Are they Republican equivalent. No. But when all you have to do is be normal to beat republicans it’s frustrating to see democrats side with loser issues.
That's the thing though. Republicans know this, so they keep bringing this issue up so the middle keeps looking at Democrats and getting pissed at them. They don't seem to realize that it's a designed play by Republicans. It's an easy spot to be in because they are doing it with legislation so Democrats can't just ignore it either. It really is the only play Republicans have anymore. The sooner "The Middle" realizes they are being played the sooner we can move past this. This stops when Republicans get kicked out of office.
That's the thing though. Republicans know this, so they keep bringing this issue up so the middle keeps looking at Democrats and getting pissed at them. They don't seem to realize that it's a designed play by Republicans. It's an easy spot to be in because they are doing it with legislation so Democrats can't just ignore it either. It really is the only play Republicans have anymore. The sooner "The Middle" realizes they are being played the sooner we can move past this. This stops when Republicans get kicked out of office.
Unfortunately it works better in the Bible Belt than trump: fill in the blank….
He (and/or his writing team) has become lazy over the last several years. It's as though they comb the extremes of an already-extreme Twitter for their bitchy monologues. And one result is a whole lot of explicit or implicit false equivalency.
Oh, @State of Illinois, you're no daisy.

You're no daisy at all!
Double down on calling out bigotry and racism? Ok. It's almost like the right is trying to get people to ignore it by making it taboo to even acknowledge it exists. Meanwhile, Republicans continue to get their asses kicked in every election. Yet its Democrats who need to change. Sure. Eventually, not even gerrymandering is going to keep Republicans in power.
If we're for us, who can be again't us?!
Ok, fine. I could see lazy on the new rules bit. That's pretty hit or miss. The opening monologue is generally his best stuff and is usually pretty funny.
What are you, retarded?
He's just doing Carson if Carson paused for the laugh after every joke. (Oh, did he?)

Maher doesn't seem to realize that his bitching about Wokeness is doing exactly what he seems to be whining about. It seems like that has been all he has done for the past 4 or 5 weeks. Democrats just don't want people to be bigots, racist, or assholes. It's the right that is raising holy hell about being called out on it and then wasting time passing stupid f**king legislation to get headlines about how anti-"woke" they are. He seems to have been suckered into the exact argument the right wants him to be making, rather than talking about the terrible things Republicans are doing that everyone hates, but they are still doing it anyway. It really is sad to see Maher get taken so easily. It must just be something that happens at some point in your 60's, where you become gullible as all hell.
It's not a requirement of aging.

Otherwise, I agree.

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