What was god purpose for creating humans?

Humans were simply a happy accident,.. much like the creation of beer.
He’s the judge, felt mankind needed wiped out. Men aren’t supposed to kill unless in war or execution of law. Also,
I’m pro choice up to 16 weeks or for health situations
I understand the explanation. I do have other questions, however. If he's an omnipotent god, why did mankind need wiped out? Why did he create an imperfect society? If embryos in the womb are truly innocent, why could they not be spared ?
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I understand the explanation. I do have other questions, however. If he's an omnipotent god, why did mankind need wiped out? Why did he create an imperfect society? If embryos in the womb are truly innocent, why could they not be spared ?
Great questions, when I’m done driving I’ll answer as best I can
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Of course.

Our lives are 120 years maximum in this world. Do the math and compare it to eternity. :)
The math isn’t the question.

The question is does it make sense to believe there is a mystical place somewhere in outer space for people to dwell in for all eternity provided they while on Earth professed a belief in the correct fairytales and rejected the false ones?
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The math isn’t the question.

The question is does it make sense to believe there is a mystical place somewhere in outer space for people to dwell in for all eternity provided they while on Earth professed a belief in the correct fairytales and rejected the false ones?

Ummmmm….you know the answer to that question. :)
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The math isn’t the question.

The question is does it make sense to believe there is a mystical place somewhere in outer space for people to dwell in for all eternity provided they while on Earth professed a belief in the correct fairytales and rejected the false ones?


Jesus isn't a fairy tale.
These threads are becoming no different/better than the "pew pew" threads. Just the same old questions/comments/responses as all the others.

Meanwhile, I'm really enjoying the book Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh and Sean McDowell. God is there, but most would rather just argue that He isn't.
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If he exists, you sure are digging a hole. ;)

And if he doesn't he turds wasted a whole lot of time. You also write legislation around a figment of most of your imaginations. I can't believe adults can be this dumb, but consider the source
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And if he doesn't he turds wasted a whole lot of time. You also write legislation around a figment of most of your imaginations. I can't believe adults can be this dumb, but consider the source

Religion brain on its own bothers me naught.

It’s when religious brain starts to leak into how you treat people, judge people, and at its worse, rule people - in our country through legislation. And unfortunately you can’t just turn off religion brain if you’ve got it. So it creeps in everything you do. So while judging or treating people poorly because of religion is bad form, those in authority are the dangerous ones. That’s the only time I really care what people think.
If God created humans, does that mean Evolution didn't happen?

Maybe both?

One thought I can not explain is this supposed sequence in my brain:

1) Big bang happens.....all these gases, particles or whatever go BOOM and the very first amoeba or single cell living organism is made.

2) Regardless of when you think the big bang happened, all living things as we know them today, had the exact same starting point. No distinct advantage per se.

3) So life as we know it, if it is nothing but science based evolution, out of the trillions of living things in this planet right now, from a blade of grass to the human being and everything in between, and they all had the same starting is there only one species (Humans) that have advanced, conscious thought or whatever that we have? (yes i know dolphins are smart and some chimps can do sign language and all that crap, but I think you know what I am getting at)

The globe seems big enough to support multiple I would think.....why are there not sea organisms that develop art and contemplate life and death and the moralities of how one should live their life?

I just always felt for us to be the ONLY ones to make it to where we are, assuming it was a fair playing field since day 1 doesn't add up. I would venture to say there would have to be some sort of intervention beyond the natural world. Not saying the answer is the Adam and Eve story either.
Religion brain on its own bothers me naught.

It’s when religious brain starts to leak into how you treat people, judge people, and at its worse, rule people - in our country through legislation. And unfortunately you can’t just turn off religion brain if you’ve got it. So it creeps in everything you do. So while judging or treating people poorly because of religion is bad form, those in authority are the dangerous ones. That’s the only time I really care what people think.

How about the atheist brain?

It tends to lead to selfishness.
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So while judging or treating people poorly because of religion is bad form, those in authority are the dangerous ones.

Which is exact opposite of what we've been told religion is supposed to be (treating people poorly). Somehow though, these people are some of the most disgusting/malicious people you'll encounter.
How about the atheist brain?

It tends to lead to narcissism.

Actually it starts to look at things logically. Not because some figment of their imagination told them to (1000s of years ago). Again, how adults can be fooled with this shit so bad is mind boggling.
All brains are selfish. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise.


If you want to to be smart and selfish, be like Mother Teresa so you get an infinite reward. 😀

I call that "enlightened self-interest."
Maybe both?

One thought I can not explain is this supposed sequence in my brain:

1) Big bang happens.....all these gases, particles or whatever go BOOM and the very first amoeba or single cell living organism is made.

2) Regardless of when you think the big bang happened, all living things as we know them today, had the exact same starting point. No distinct advantage per se.

3) So life as we know it, if it is nothing but science based evolution, out of the trillions of living things in this planet right now, from a blade of grass to the human being and everything in between, and they all had the same starting is there only one species (Humans) that have advanced, conscious thought or whatever that we have? (yes i know dolphins are smart and some chimps can do sign language and all that crap, but I think you know what I am getting at)

The globe seems big enough to support multiple I would think.....why are there not sea organisms that develop art and contemplate life and death and the moralities of how one should live their life?

I just always felt for us to be the ONLY ones to make it to where we are, assuming it was a fair playing field since day 1 doesn't add up. I would venture to say there would have to be some sort of intervention beyond the natural world. Not saying the answer is the Adam and Eve story either.
Are you suggesting that God is great editor rather than designer? The most common argument creationists make is almost the opposite of this. That the likelihood of an intelligent species developing through evolution is unlikely and that it requires devine intervention. You seem to be suggesting that it is so likely for intelligent species to develop that there must be a divine entity preventing it.
Are you suggesting that God is great editor rather than designer? The most common argument creationists make is almost the opposite of this. That the likelihood of an intelligent species developing through evolution is unlikely and that it requires devine intervention. You seem to be suggesting that it is so likely for intelligent species to develop that there must be a divine entity preventing it.


Sorry maybe I rambled too far into the deep with that post.........

Do I think Adam just showed up one day in full form and then his rib was used to make Eve in full form just with a snap of the fingers? I doubt that.

Do I think Humans as we know them today, could have evolved to where we are (which is so far more advanced than any other living being on the planet) without the help of God or some sort of devine intervention? No I don't.

I am implying that i feel human beings as we know them today is NOT just simply scientific evolution. And just because you think that way, doesn't just mean by default that you accept Creationism 100% as written either.

Do I have an answer for what the real, correct answer is? No I don't.
Can someone explain Exodus 21:7 to me?

Sounds like justified sex trafficking.

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go free as male slaves do."
Sounds like a good path......for you. Just don't ever start making policy decisions. :)
Notice Jesus didn't really discuss politics, no plans to overthrow Rome, etc.? While there is some common ground with Biblical principals, 10 commandments for example, there really isn't a need for religion-based policy. Heck, the same could be said of other religions, like Buddhism--some good principals for a functioning society.
All I've asked from my government, in that regard, is to continue allowing me to openly worship and profess my faith. Kind of a you leave me alone, I'll leave you alone-type deal.
Can someone explain Exodus 21:7 to me?

Sounds like justified sex trafficking.

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go free as male slaves do."
I think the most thorough discussion on this is Josh Bowen. He has a bit of YouTube content if you aren't looking to read a book. The apologists will not like this take but I think he accurately describes the historical context and what is in the text.
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50 million Russians during WWII and afterwards with Stalin, the Holocaust, slavery, Aids, Cancer, etc. Own free will? F that. That is simply a BS rationale. I'd rather burn in purgatory then praise a God that does those things of "free will".

I like you Brian, but you are going to lose this one.
That’s because like Brian mentioned, most in this county are now atheists. Usually the larger group wins in those situations.
You can live a good life and be a good person without strict religious doctrine. It really is not that hard.
who ever said you couldn’t? You won’t have an afterlife and there is more to catholic/christian religion then being a good person. Plus being a good person is subjective.
Your statement would be true if He created us a mindless robots who were programmed to do exactly as He wanted. Instead, He gave us free will and we “chose” sin. We have created the mess we have.

Personally, I’m glad we don’t have a puppet master controlling our every move, but it comes with a downside of many people following their own “truth” and and doing what thou wilt.
exactly. He doesn’t control what everyone does nor does he grant everyone’s wish. How would the world work if everyone asked to be a millionaire and not have to work. How would life go on? Is he then supposed to do the work of everyone? Don’t you want to have choices in life? Or do you want to live in a communist world?
He created the world and everything in it and even sent his own son here to try and fix the world after man chose to sin in the first place.
There is also the influence of evil (devil), not every good choice will be the easy choice. Often times people choose what’s more rewarding to them without taking into account how it affects everyone else.
There is no universal answer to that question IMO. I think everyone needs to find their own meaning. I see mine as trying to leave the earth in a better place than when I arrived and to secure a future for those I care most about. Maybe those are more like guiding principles but they're as close as I can get to the purpose of my life.

I think most people don't really know what they truly believe until they are facing their imminent demise sitting alone in bed, wondering if your next breath will be your last. Then shit gets real. I know when I was pretty sure I was going to die, I didn't give my afterlife a second thought. I wasn't worried in the least about what happens to me afterwards and it wasn't because I have any absolute faith in the existence of eternal life. All I could think about was how my family was going to do after I was gone and whether I had set them up for success and happiness. I guess that's what I see as my purpose for being here and it is driven by my love for them.
maybe you mentioned it an I missed it, but by reading this I would say you are atheist.
You say you want to leave the earth as a better place than when you arrived.
Yet you continue on to say you care about setting your family up for success and making sure they are in a good place. That’s great but how many people are you possibly hurting along the way by make sure just your family is in a good place. Thus are you actually making any attempt to leave the earth in a better place or do you just say that you are.
Abortion and certain forms of birth control and IVF have been top of mind. LGBTQ rights are impacted by religious beliefs. Prayer in schools. Tax exempt status of religious organizations that express political positions. Foreign policy decisions can be influenced by the religious beliefs of politicians or their base.
I’ll agree with you that this one is a challenge and I’ve committed sin in this regard as well.
My wife and I went through a lot to have a child, stuff that wasn’t “right” in the church. It’s even interesting that they are against IVF but support embryo adoption.
But it is interesting if you actually take the time to read about birth control that they pretty much hit the nail right on the head about the effects that would happen later on with the introduction of birth control.
The catholic religion has actually taken a different stance lately with the LGBTQ. Not saying it’s totally accepted but you should read up, it’s interesting.
If God has the ability to change things on earth and doesn't, he/she is a POS. To allow babies to die, innocent people to suffer and not intervene?

This is one of the biggest problems I have with religion and the religious. I mean if you ask athletes that have just won a game or people that have just survived a tornado, God did that. So he liked the person that lived in the blue trailer but the neighbors with the 2 year old in the white trailer needed to die. Eff that god.
lol this is comical. You don’t think anything else is ever working against God? You question that God doesn’t exist because of bad things happening, shouldn’t you also then question other things fighting against God?
Do you really think that God cares about what sports team wins a championship? Lol
Maybe God tried to save the white trailer as well but the devil won. Maybe instead of saying eff that god, you should curse out the devil/false god that caused them to die. Why would you curse out the God that was so good that he saved some lives?
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These threads are becoming no different/better than the "pew pew" threads. Just the same old questions/comments/responses as all the others.

Meanwhile, I'm really enjoying the book Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh and Sean McDowell. God is there, but most would rather just argue that He isn't.
You could share their insights. Saying "God is there", however, pretty much shuts down any discussion. That fire-breathing dragon is right there in my garage, you know. Would you say I'm wrong?
Actually it starts to look at things logically. Not because some figment of their imagination told them to (1000s of years ago). Again, how adults can be fooled with this shit so bad is mind boggling.
logically according to someone else’s thoughts or beliefs, usually an atheist. It’s not different than someone’s Christian beliefs.
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Sooo...God lets the best people...the most filthy rich and consigns the rest of us to work so they can live lives of leisure?
LOL. Who did God give a bunch of money to? Did you watch the transaction go down?
All Catholics if they truly followed God to the degree he wants them to would be dirt poor.
I suppose some people religious or not, also claim to be great people if they donate a bunch of money. It means more in Gods eyes for someone that has nothing, to give up the little they have then the person donating a large of money that doesn’t even put a dent in their bank account.

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