What was god purpose for creating humans?

You could share their insights. Saying "God is there", however, pretty much shuts down any discussion. That fire-breathing dragon is right there in my garage, you know. Would you say I'm wrong?
My point is, people have their minds made up (myself included). In my experience, a person would have to have an open mind with a desire for change. For example, if I was considering Buddhism, Atheism, etc. then I would want to have an objective conversation of exploration. I was once in that place. I am no longer in that place (after decades of searching and shedding false, man-made religious dogma) and I am now rooted in my Christ-centered belief system. Therefore, the only logical stance I can have in these threads is that of an apologetic.

Also, the OP doesn't really want an objective conversation. He wants to attack Christianity and I just grow tired of the debate. God doesn't need me to defend Him.

So, that's where my dismissive comment came from; you either want to believe or you don't.
logically according to someone else’s thoughts or beliefs, usually an atheist. It’s not different than someone’s Christian beliefs.

Christian beliefs worship an imaginary being. Atheist question the imaginary being. If you classify the former as logical, you'd be void of any logic or reason. My two cents
Christian beliefs worship an imaginary being. Atheist question the imaginary being. If you classify the former as logical, you'd be void of any logic or reason. My two cents
Did someone tell you he is imaginary or what led you to this belief. Just because you never saw him doesn’t mean he doesn’t/didn’t exist.
I’m sure you know a guy who knew a guy at the time the stories were being told that it was all a lie. That’s how you know it’s an imaginary being
LOL. Who did God give a bunch of money to? Did you watch the transaction go down?
All Catholics if they truly followed God to the degree he wants them to would be dirt poor.
I suppose some people religious or not, also claim to be great people if they donate a bunch of money. It means more in Gods eyes for someone that has nothing, to give up the little they have then the person donating a large of money that doesn’t even put a dent in their bank account.
Well, the Vatican ranks as one of the richest countries on the planet so I think we know where they stand on accumulating wealth. FTR, the writers of the Bible advised people to give everything away because they thought Christ was coming back in their lifetimes.

No arguments there. But is he literally the son of "god"?
Based on all the information I've gathered over 50 years and my personal experiences, I can assert with absolute certainty and confidence that I believe in this completely. I believe it to such depths, I've rooted my eternal soul to it.

The beauty of this belief is its risk-free nature. If I am mistaken, I lose nothing—I am merely dust. But if I am correct, the rewards are infinite.
Did someone tell you he is imaginary or what led you to this belief. Just because you never saw him doesn’t mean he doesn’t/didn’t exist.
I’m sure you know a guy who knew a guy at the time the stories were being told that it was all a lie. That’s how you know it’s an imaginary being

Have you seen it ever? Also do you know it's a him? Why do they put human features around the all mighty? Probably because they have no idea what they're worshipping, because it's a figment of their imagination
That’s cool you have a dragon to believe in. And feel free to go that route if that’s what you choose to believe in. I hope you can’t respect my decision as well

We all respect your decision to be a dimwit. Be our guest. Just don't write legislation that affects the rest of us because of "your belief"
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Based on all the information I've gathered over 50 years and my personal experiences, I can assert with absolute certainty and confidence that I believe in this completely. I believe it to such depths, I've rooted my eternal soul to it.

The beauty of this belief is its risk-free nature. If I am mistaken, I lose nothing—I am merely dust. But if I am correct, the rewards are infinite.

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Based on all the information I've gathered over 50 years and my personal experiences, I can assert with absolute certainty and confidence that I believe in this completely. I believe it to such depths, I've rooted my eternal soul to it.

The beauty of this belief is its risk-free nature. If I am mistaken, I lose nothing—I am merely dust. But if I am correct, the rewards are infinite.
To each there own, brother. I believe that if there is one god, there are likely more. And this too is a risk-free belief.
Based on all the information I've gathered over 50 years and my personal experiences, I can assert with absolute certainty and confidence that I believe in this completely. I believe it to such depths, I've rooted my eternal soul to it.

The beauty of this belief is its risk-free nature. If I am mistaken, I lose nothing—I am merely dust. But if I am correct, the rewards are infinite.
These aren't the only possibilities. You could've hitched yourself to the wrong horse and doomed for selecting the wrong god or for not practicing the correct religion.
My point is, people have their minds made up (myself included). In my experience, a person would have to have an open mind with a desire for change. For example, if I was considering Buddhism, Atheism, etc. then I would want to have an objective conversation of exploration. I was once in that place. I am no longer in that place (after decades of searching and shedding false, man-made religious dogma) and I am now rooted in my Christ-centered belief system. Therefore, the only logical stance I can have in these threads is that of an apologetic.

Also, the OP doesn't really want an objective conversation. He wants to attack Christianity and I just grow tired of the debate. God doesn't need me to defend Him.

So, that's where my dismissive comment came from; you either want to believe or you don't.
The whole point is the dismissive nature of the belief. Buddhists believe. Muslims believe. Atheists believe. Flying Spaghetti Monstrerites? believe. Let everyone believe what they like as long as it doesn't have a negative impact on others. Don't lecture others about their beliefs when - believe it or not - they might be right and you might be wrong. Hell, maybe you're ALL right. Maybe God doesn't give a damn WHAT you believe but is more interested in how you act on your beliefs. Maybe making the world an objectively better place than you found it is the whole point. Maybe that's the true Light that, coming into the world, enlightens every person.

Or I could be wrong. ;)
The whole point is the dismissive nature of the belief. Buddhists believe. Muslims believe. Atheists believe. Flying Spaghetti Monstrerites? believe. Let everyone believe what they like as long as it doesn't have a negative impact on others. Don't lecture others about their beliefs when - believe it or not - they might be right and you might be wrong. Hell, maybe you're ALL right. Maybe God doesn't give a damn WHAT you believe but is more interested in how you act on your beliefs. Maybe making the world an objectively better place than you found it is the whole point. Maybe that's the true Light that, coming into the world, enlightens every person.

Or I could be wrong. ;)
I have absolutely no issue with anything you said. Again, my comment was more out of exhaustion with the OP than judgmental of those who don't share my belief. If he wants to believe in the Spaghetti Monster, more power to him. Equally, if he wanted to have an honest, heart-to-heart, I'd sit down at a Starbucks and have that discussion. I believe you and I could have a sincere, in-person discussion that wouldn't escalate.
These aren't the only possibilities. You could've hitched yourself to the wrong horse and doomed for selecting the wrong god or for not practicing the correct religion.
Then so be it. I have peace.

Disclaimer: I also should have the ability and freedom to just ignore these threads. I'm a self-admitted moth to a flame, though.
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How about the atheist brain?

It tends to lead to selfishness.
I couldn't disagree more. The idea that you're going to Heaven simply by accepting Jesus as your lord and savior leads to a lot of people taking that as a free ticket to do as they please since they are ordained as the "chosen ones". People don't need religion to be moral and ethical human beings. There are at least as many rotten Christians out there as atheists. Nothing is more evil and selfish than moving pedophiles around to continue to defile children in order to protect your image and your assets. Religion and churches are creations of fallible people and this idea that they are bastions of a higher morality vs simply a reflection of society is untrue.
I couldn't disagree more. The idea that you're going to Heaven simply by accepting Jesus as your lord and savior leads to a lot of people taking that as a free ticket to do as they please since they are ordained as the "chosen ones".

I agree completely. Jesus said our actions matter and not just faith..

Your last sentence? Do you believe in all of those things too? If not, why not?
I hear all the time about a large amounts of money in this world. I’ve never seen it and I highly doubt I ever will. I still believe a lot of money exists.

But on a more serious note I guess it depends on what items we are talking about. Does it have anything to back up its actual existence?
I couldn't disagree more. The idea that you're going to Heaven simply by accepting Jesus as your lord and savior leads to a lot of people taking that as a free ticket to do as they please since they are ordained as the "chosen ones". People don't need religion to be moral and ethical human beings. There are at least as many rotten Christians out there as atheists. Nothing is more evil and selfish than moving pedophiles around to continue to defile children in order to protect your image and your assets. Religion and churches are creations of fallible people and this idea that they are bastions of a higher morality vs simply a reflection of society is untrue.
Do you think God is letting everyone into heaven just because they say they believe? Feel free to use some common sense buddy. Do you really think the pedophiles are getting in? I don’t think God ever taught anyone to be a pedophile
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Do you think God is letting everyone into heaven just because they say they believe? Feel free to use some common sense buddy. Do you really think the pedophiles are getting in? I don’t think God ever taught anyone to be a pedophile
Yeah, use common sense & believe in the bearded guy in the sky. Thou shall not this! Thou shall not that! What an almighty drama queen. Your god is definitely a whiny bitch.
Yeah, use common sense & believe in the bearded guy in the sky. Thou shall not this! Thou shall not that! What an almighty drama queen. Your god is definitely a whiny bitch.
wow you’re so inspirational that I think I’m going to join your non religious beliefs asap.
Then I can say I’m a good person doing good for the earth and make fun of others and their beliefs.
Based on all the information I've gathered over 50 years and my personal experiences, I can assert with absolute certainty and confidence that I believe in this completely. I believe it to such depths, I've rooted my eternal soul to it.

The beauty of this belief is its risk-free nature. If I am mistaken, I lose nothing—I am merely dust. But if I am correct, the rewards are infinite.

Pretty much this is Pacsal's Wager I believe:\'s wager&hsa_ad=481976552296&gad_source=1&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_tgt=kwd-299776948983's_wager
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wow you’re so inspirational that I think I’m going to join your non religious beliefs asap.
Then I can say I’m a good person doing good for the earth and make fun of others and their beliefs.
Hey if I worshiped a god that cried more often than Karl Towns I’d act all pissy when someone mocked my hilarious beliefs too.
Do you think God is letting everyone into heaven just because they say they believe? Feel free to use some common sense buddy. Do you really think the pedophiles are getting in? I don’t think God ever taught anyone to be a pedophile
I was referring to the Catholic church as an institution. It has proven itself not to be a bastion of morality. Religiosity of any kind doesn't conflate with morality. Brian said that atheism suggests selfishness and I disagreed with that. I would argue that religion or a belief in God isn't necessary to develop or maintain a strong moral code. That connection is nebulous at best.
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