What was god purpose for creating humans?

I've never engaged with an atheist that didn't think they were a good person.


I'm not a great person.

I don't really break the law I'm good enough. (except speeding - sorry joel).

Edit to add: Although honestly, I don't think anyone is really a "good person." Including you no matter how good you think you are (sorry bub). Humans are flawed and mostly self centered assholes.
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I've never engaged with an atheist that didn't think they were a good person.


I certainly think I'm a good person. I don't need a crutch like the Catholic Church to help me align with being a decent human being. Do I have room for improvement? Absolutely. Overall I'd say I'm more tolerant than Catholics
I certainly think I'm a good person. I don't need a crutch like the Catholic Church to help me align with being a decent human being. Do I have room for improvement? Absolutely. Overall I'd say I'm more tolerant than Catholics


Have a good evening. Nice engaging with you..
I'm not a great person.

I don't really break the law I'm good enough. (except speeding - sorry joel).

Edit to add: Although honestly, I don't think anyone is really a "good person." Including you no matter how good you think you are (sorry bub). Humans are flawed and mostly self centered assholes.

We've all got flaws, that's for sure.
Is the truth, this life isn’t to test God, it’s our test. God is not behind cancer, war, famine. Greed, the love of power, the lack of love can be explained as the cause of all our ills, or most of them.
He’s not responsible for cancer? It was my dad’s own fault?

He’s not responsible for earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning strikes, tsunamis?
He’s not responsible for cancer? It was my dad’s own fault?

He’s not responsible for earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning strikes, tsunamis?
Men are responsible. Look at our food, water, environment, stress, etc
So you’re atheist. Has any atheist ever done anything to any children? Are you still atheist even if that atheist molester moved to a new home?

The moral of the story is that not everyone is perfect. Only God was, that’s why there is and will only be one God.
Which one?
Men are responsible. Look at our food, water, environment, stress, etc

So free will is collective. My dad paid for the the collective bad judgement of others, most of whom, btw, had no idea anything they were doing would have negative consequences. Seems like an extraordinarily unjust system. Seems like something ancient savages might have come up with,

And you didn’t address natural disasters.
So free will is collective. My dad paid for the the collective bad judgement of others, most of whom, btw, had no idea anything they were doing would have negative consequences. Seems like an extraordinarily unjust system. Seems like something ancient savages might have come up with,

And you didn’t address natural disasters.

Wasn't your Dad like 87 years old? That's a pretty good run. :)

Natural disasters are a real puzzle. I don't have the answer.
So free will is collective. My dad paid for the the collective bad judgement of others, most of whom, btw, had no idea anything they were doing would have negative consequences. Seems like an extraordinarily unjust system. Seems like something ancient savages might have come up with,

And you didn’t address natural disasters.
Is getting murdered a choice?

Natural disasters appear to be increasing, but have always been here. I can’t explain that one biblically other than original sin.
So free will is collective. My dad paid for the the collective bad judgement of others, most of whom, btw, had no idea anything they were doing would have negative consequences. Seems like an extraordinarily unjust system. Seems like something ancient savages might have come up with,

And you didn’t address natural disasters.
I thought Christians consider God as our father.
Is getting murdered a choice?

Natural disasters appear to be increasing, but have always been here. I can’t explain that one biblically other than original sin.

I’m not sure you are making a point here. No getting murdered is not a choice, which is MY point. You are suggesting that a system in which innocents pay for the bad choices of others is a fair and just one, I think you’ve never really pondered the question er seriously.

And original sin (GMAFB) couldn't have caused an earthquake. Only your god could do that. Again, punishing innocents for the choices of others. This is not a system devised by a loving, caring, or just entity.
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For you. Many of us do not require a church to provide a moral compass or to do the right thing.
You make an interesting point.

How is it that so many people (non-religious and the religious across cultures and millenia) have such a similar moral compass? If we are evolved from animals, full of raw natural instinct, why do so many of us have a similar sense of morality to override our animal instincts? It keeps us from killing, stealing, cheating, lying, degrading, etc…
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Do you guys have kids? What was your reaction to all the sexual abuse among children in the Catholic church? That doesn't make you stop and reflect on the group you associate with? I assume you also turned the other cheek for Jerry Sandusky?
I have a child. I think all sexual abuse is wrong. You think just because certain people did it that I’m okay with it?
Here’s a crazy thought, I was a child in a Catholic Church and school. I was even an alter server. Im sure in your mind that means I was abused because it happened everywhere right?
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You make an interesting point.

How is it that so many people (non-religious and the religious across cultures and millenia) have such a similar moral compass? If we are evolved from animals, full of raw natural instinct, why do so many of us have a similar sense of morality to override our animal instincts? It keeps us from killing, stealing, cheating, lying, degrading, etc…
This seems like the expected evolutionary result. Humans need to form social groups to be successful so they need societal norms. They all share these as they belong to the same species.
It's easier being an atheist. You're like your own gods.

Atheists can do whatever they want whenever they want because there's no higher authority or justice except the law.
That you think atheists have no morality is a great failing on your part. You might want to pray on your judgmental attitude. My fire-breathing dragon says you should.
That you think atheists have no morality is a great failing on your part. You might want to pray on your judgmental attitude. My fire-breathing dragon says you should.

I don't think atheists have NO morality just that they make it up as they go in life.

It's called "situational ethics."
This seems like the expected evolutionary result. Humans need to form social groups to be successful so they need societal norms. They all share these as they belong to the same species.
There are expected evolutionary results now? Who sets the expectations?

I’m more curious how these moral values take on universal traits. Murder is easy but what about marriage and child rearing norms? Shouldn’t there be multiple cultural positions? Instead we see variation, but overall similar moral values. How about cheating & stealing? If survival of the fittest reigns, wouldn’t there be a culture or two over time that permits that? Instead we see universally across cultures that lying, cheating, & stealing are frowned upon.

How about babies? How does a 3 month old know about fairness and jealousy? Ever see siblings take a toy from one another? How does an infant know that is wrong? How does an infant have a sense of justice mere months after being born?
How about babies? How does a 3 month old know about fairness and jealousy? Ever see siblings take a toy from one another? How does an infant know that is wrong? How does an infant have a sense of justice mere months after being born?
Let me guess. Souls?

What about when monkeys or other animals show that same sense of fairness? Also souls?

Probably shouldn't hurt them, enslave them, or eat them, right? Toddlers or animals.
I don't think atheists have NO morality just that they make it up as they go in life.

It's called "situational ethics."
And your other failing is your insistence on believing those who fail to believe as you do so out of poor character.
You make an interesting point.

How is it that so many people (non-religious and the religious across cultures and millenia) have such a similar moral compass? If we are evolved from animals, full of raw natural instinct, why do so many of us have a similar sense of morality to override our animal instincts? It keeps us from killing, stealing, cheating, lying, degrading, etc…
Social queues, laws, a natural feeling of caring for other human beings.

These have evolved over time.
There are expected evolutionary results now? Who sets the expectations?

I’m more curious how these moral values take on universal traits. Murder is easy but what about marriage and child rearing norms? Shouldn’t there be multiple cultural positions? Instead we see variation, but overall similar moral values. How about cheating & stealing? If survival of the fittest reigns, wouldn’t there be a culture or two over time that permits that? Instead we see universally across cultures that lying, cheating, & stealing are frowned upon.

How about babies? How does a 3 month old know about fairness and jealousy? Ever see siblings take a toy from one another? How does an infant know that is wrong? How does an infant have a sense of justice mere months after being born?
I genuinely do not understand what point you’re trying to make.

Are you saying Homo sapiens are the only species who (e.g.) care for their young? Are you actually arguing a 3-month old has developed some sense of morality and that’s why he/she would wail if a toy was taken?

You can’t be serious with this.
If not poor character, then what is it?

God's laws are necessarily perfect and right.

Willfully deviating from them must be poor character - at a minimum! Could be even worse: apostasy, blasphemy or even satanism.

Well, we all make some poor choices. Even atheists. :)
My view is God allows SOME atrocities to happen BECAUSE humans choose it using their own free will.
I wouldn’t worship any omnipotent being that watched a child rape and didn’t intervene with a bear or something.

You worship a sick bastard.

Considering the crimes committed by the leadership under the Vatican banner it makes a certain kind to sense.

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