What will Barack Obama do after his term as POTUS expires?

Originally posted by What Would Jesus Do?:

Originally posted by TJ8869:
Now that the 2016 campaign is getting into full swing, I'm wondering what President Obama will do once he leaves office. Will he keep a relatively low profile like most other recent Presidents? It's hard for me to imagine that he'll be satisfied just giving speeches and helping Clinton and Bush raise relief donations for the occasional natural disaster.

He'll be just 55 years old when he leaves office. Does he become a Supreme Court justice like William Howard Taft? Perhaps Secretary General of the United Nations? Where does he apply his talents?
According to Alan Keyes, his term will never end. The whole Iran drama is calculated to come to a head in 2016 and will give Obama an excuse to declare martial law for as long as it takes to totally eliminate the threat of terrorism, radical Islam, and a nuclear-armed Iran from the face of the Earth.

What Keyes doesn't realize is that if Obama tries that, the GOP will have Netanyahu nuke Iran - thereby eliminating the justification for Obama staying at the helm.

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And now you know why I invest heavily in ALCOA!
We've had a hell of a time finding someone to come sit on a rough mower for us, I wonder if he'd be interested. Free golf is a nice perk!

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