When did this happen...

Moments before ...
Somebody help me HROT still premium or not? I popped in this am and it told me I couldn't view posts on a premium board. So how am I here now just a few hours later?
Ok...I was here during the great nude scandal. Somebody must have punched a wrong button this morning.
Free at last! Free at last. Dang Hexum, you beat me to it!

I'm back from Bengazi too! Though still a bit crazy these days. Contracting jobs and other things in this economy have a way of making life difficult and tough to afford time and money to have bought a membership here... Glad they opened it up again. I might not be able to post much though once I get more busy with work again soon.
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Hoosier is on a one-way trip to the Holy Land and he will
take up residence in Jerusalem.
When they went to the new board format, they were double secret premium for awhile. I couldn't post here. They got that fixed in a day or so.

You been gone? I thought you were still here but just under another screen name. There's another NC guy who thinks and writes like you.

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