Would be nice if otherwise level-headed folks like you and Russ would really take the time to understand the strident debt issue.
There is grey area in this issue.
I paid off my student loan, and, sure, would have enjoyed not having to pay for it. That said, the cost of education, and the status of the economy and job market, deserve serious consideration before deciding to simplify it down to “pay your own bills.”
Hell, just for argument’s sake, schools, themselves, get free money to be schools, all the while continually raising tuition and fees, while building facilities that really aren’t truly necessary. Government helps schools. Why? Well, arguably the baseline idea is that they perform a very necessary role in sustaining the economy via cranking out viable workers.
Are the workers, themselves—not to mention potential homeowners and thus stable taxpayers—not performing an important role in our dumbass consumerist economy?
Seems they just might also be important. My early reading on this issue touched on a lot of intended outcomes of student debt relief. One major one is that more home ownership is anticipated/expected. Increase in home ownership is an economic stabilizer, so long as the homes are within affordability.
We’ll see what happens. What the outcomes—intended and unintended—turn out to be.
It just drives me crazy that an issue like this, with all the super-available not-hard-to-understand nuance, gets shoved into the black-&-white ideological bullshit.