Who is ready to pay reparations

Because you can’t learn from your mistakes if you won’t even discuss them. While I’ve said before I’m not okay with direct reparations a la what we did with Japanese Americans, this is more complicated than that.

Too many people like to pretend that slavery ended with the civil war and that was the end of it…leaving out the roughly 80 years where in large swaths of the country African Americans were effectively second class citizens. We still see echoes of that today.
What does recognizing history have to do with paying people for it? Sound like you should be advocating for a nationwide us history curriculum. (Which I wouldn’t disagree with)
That conversation end with a group with the sads, a groups with the mads, and a group the feels entitled/emboldened to take what they want.
Equalize educational opportunity and you’ll get the end you want.
The conversation we should be having is how to do that.