First off let me state that I for one hate watching boring wrestling, it is the main reason I cannot get anyone new to watch the sport and if we don't do that then we will all have nothing to talk about when we are old and gray.
I am
NOT calling Retherford out as it happens all over in college wrestling on every team but I hate leg rides in general, IT IS BORING!!! All the pitcures above show me is riding, did he turn any on these opponents, I for one can't remember? I would like to see a stat on the average amount of time a ref lets it go before calling stalemate and also a stat on the percentage of times a leg ride turns into back points. It is mostly a waste of match time. Sure sometimes you have to throw them in when it's a scramble or to gain control but any other time it seems to go nowhere. While I am on the subject, hitting the bottom guy with stalling in these situations is sometimes crap too. Granted they should not be in the situation but we all know that if the guy is tough on top with the legs and has the other guy flattened out it is next to impossible for the bottom guy to move let alone get to a position to get out.
We need guys that are takedown machines and hammers on top that get out to the side and try and turn guys. The problem with that now is that most anything that is an actual attempt at putting some guy on his back is called potentially dangerous before the top guy can even finish the move. Cory Clark does a good job at running arm bars and stuff but it seems like he is always getting whistled for potentially dangerous. What happened top guys peeling wrists out from underneath the bottom guy ala Brands and coming out toward the head and cranking it over, that's probably potentially dangerous now too.
My rant for the day, can you tell I hate leg rides yet?