While I agree with the Chief, 1stplace, pablow & others who assert that this is irrelevant to this discussion AND, if you have a problem with one ride, you have a problem with both...
My original post was directed at DonHawkeye and pretty much got the response I expected, as Don later comes on here and somehow tries to justifiy Sorenson's ride because he jumps out to the side, lol.
Not too get this any more off track, Chief, but I will point out when you compare Sorenson and Retherford's stats that Sorenson's 18 bp wins and 6 falls included 6 bp wins and 2 falls over non-D1 opponents. Retherford did not face any non-D1 opponents in his season. Ruthafurd for HODGE!
I justified Sorenson's ride because, unlike say a Tony Nelson, it is a textbook spiral ride where you get to the outside. When you get to the outside on a spiral ride it is a fair ride where the bottom and top guy have decent chances of improving the situation. While it might not be ideal for turning a guy, you are giving the bottom guy a fair chance to improve. This is basically one of the first rides you are taught as a kid and every decent coach will tell you that if you run it to the outside you are fine.
Parallel rides should be improved on quickly. They should either be stalemated, called stalling or the top guy turns him.
Back to the original point I was trying to make is. If the refs let Rutherford use his leg scissor/figure four ride he will be one of the top guys. It is my opinion that they shouldn't, but that does not mean much.
I have the same feeling with double legs. Once the bottom mans hips are flat to the mat it is basically a torture/stall ride.
I agree with everything you say. Just wanted to point out that a parallel ride, pretty much by definition, means the top guy won't be turning him. Pretty much impossible to turn a guy from a parallel ride. The Evans-style power half might be an exception, but even then, he has to get away from parallel to actually turn his opponent.
I agree there should be very little tolerance for parallel rides. Abolishing riding time would be a good start in getting rid of them, IMO.
You are boringDid you actually think before you typed this??????
Dice...not to get too off point as well but one of Sorensen's majors also included a returning AA...but that was Durso who moved up from 141 so you might not want to count thatDon't have the time but I wonder how many AAs Sorensen beat vs how many Zain did (if we are talking strength of schedule). This is off the top of my head:
Sorenson: TShirt, Durso, Streibler, Kindig
Help me out folks if I missed any.
Dice...not to get too off point as well but one of Sorensen's majors also included a returning AA...but that was Durso who moved up from 141 so you might not want to count thatDon't have the time but I wonder how many AAs Sorensen beat vs how many Zain did (if we are talking strength of schedule). This is off the top of my head:
Sorenson: TShirt, Durso, Streibler, Kindig
Help me out folks if I missed any.
High School kids who have destroyed Retherford in the last year: PicoAll Americans Sorenson has beaten: TShirt, Stieber the Injured, Durso, Kindig, Villalonga, Neff
All Americans Retherford has beaten: Stieber the Fourr-Time Champ, Joey Lazor, Stephen Dutton, Chris Mecate, Ugi Khishignyam, Evan Henderson
Non-All Americans who've beaten Sorenson: Bobby Williams, Brody Grothus, CJ Cobb, Joey Lavallee
Non-All Americans who've beaten Retherford:
High School kids who have destroyed former World Champions in the last year: Pico
High School kids who have destroyed Retherford in the last year: Pico
High School kids who have destroyed Sorenson in the last year: None
lol...don't think bringing in freestyle results are going to help Sorenson out.
High School kids who have destroyed Retherford in the last year: Pico
High School kids who have destroyed Sorenson in the last year: None
You could not be more ignorant with that statement. You basically just said you want your kid to stall to a win. How is he going to get any better, by beating up all the pussies? It is thinking like yours that is killing the sport.Being a homer, I'll take Brandon's spiral ride for riding time and no escape. I would want my kid to do the same thing against potentially better opponents. It is conservative, but a win is a win.
Rule changes could eliminate it and that would be great.
Zain is using the same ride my seven y/o uses, legs and power half and waiting for a mistake. It works for tilts against lesser apponents. It's not going to get him points at the D1 level, but at least it's a little offensive. It does give you a chance at posting up and getting him in trouble or at least flattening out and slipping a leg. Nothing wrong with trying for a tilt though, if you can stay behind.
Should leg rides be eliminated, or spirals?
If you can't get out of a leg ride or spiral that's your problem, talking about changing rules for these pussies is just strange.
All Americans Sorenson has beaten: TShirt, Stieber the Injured, Rick Durso, Josh Kindig, Chris Villalonga, Dan Neff
All Americans Retherford has beaten: Stieber the Fourr-Time Champ, Joey Lazor, Stephen Dutton, Chris Mecate, Ugi Khishignyam, Evan Henderson, Dan Neff
Non-All Americans who've beaten Sorenson: Bobby Williams, Brody Grothus, CJ Cobb, Joey Lavallee
Non-All Americans who've beaten Retherford:
Like fish in a barrel.The only reason Sorenson didn't get destroyed by that "high school kid" is that he got clobbered by Retherford before he reached the finals. That's really your argument for why Sorenson's record is more impressive?
Sure is a lot of talk about two wrestlers that may or may not see each other all year!!!!
You might want to read my post again. What I was saying is that when Gable was a coach he would rather you be offensive looking for things that work, don't work, or tendencies in an opponent so you would be better prepared for the same guy when everything was on the line at the NCAA's. To hell with the score in another tournament or dual the Iowa guy will end up on top when it counts was the philosophy.Did any of you actually wrestle or coach wrestling? The rules are what they are, a wrestler is going to take advantage of them.
And the guy that mentioned Gable. Have you watched him wrestle in college? It's not even the same sport anymore. He's is was out of position so many times when he wrestled, he was just ahead of the game as far as conditioning goes. Those days are over. Ride them out and take the riding time until the rules change or do dumb shit like Brooks at Okey and get beat.
And to the ass who said Zain copied my 7 y/o's kids ride is a fool. He's already a two time nationinal champion on team Iowa, it's not frickin rocket science, it's a wrestling ride. wow
Did any of you actually wrestle or coach wrestling? The rules are what they are, a wrestler is going to take advantage of them.
And the guy that mentioned Gable. Have you watched him wrestle in college? It's not even the same sport anymore. He's is was out of position so many times when he wrestled, he was just ahead of the game as far as conditioning goes. Those days are over. Ride them out and take the riding time until the rules change or do dumb shit like Brooks at Okey and get beat.
And to the ass who said Zain copied my 7 y/o's kids ride is a fool. He's already a two time nationinal champion on team Iowa, it's not frickin rocket science, it's a wrestling ride. wow
I'll happily get into the whole "riding time is BS" argument. . . . RIDING TIME IS BS! There you go.
Best 2 things that could happen to college wrestling:
1. Abolish riding time.
2. Push-out rule.
BOOM! Immediately, you have a far more action-packed sport that rewards aggression and penalizes passivity. Exactly what the sport needs.
They both stall and suck, I'll take a Chris Perry match all day long, especially the one against Evans at 2014 Nationals!True, good point...I love the thought of it though!! Sorensen is awesome, Zain is Awesome...The match will be awesome!! It has to happen or I will be extremely disapointed![]()
I like the Cowboys and I'm not really a PSU fan at all Tognetti but let's be real when have you seen Retheford not trying to create actionThey both stall and suck, I'll take a Chris Perry match all day long, especially the one against Evans at 2014 Nationals!![]()
When he rides to secure a point with no threat of turning a guy. Listen I'm not bashing just Zain because he is talented, I am bashing all wrestlers regardless of school that do it when they have a tough match. I realize that the landscape has changed a little and maybe wrestlers now are more evenly matched but you can't tell me that some of the guys that were relentless on offense and never got ridden say between 10 and 20 years ago could not come in today if they were still in their prime and handily beat this type of wrestling!I like the Cowboys and I'm not really a PSU fan at all Tognetti but let's be real when have you seen Retheford not trying to create action
I was just giving the Iowa faithful a little heartburn and bad memories about that match. Plus Chris Perry has been slammed over here about his stall ride. As for the two wrestlers they were talking about, Zain is for sure pushing the action more than Sorenson. The match between them would be exciting but Collica will take Sorenson at Nationals when it counts.I like the Cowboys and I'm not really a PSU fan at all Tognetti but let's be real when have you seen Retheford not trying to create action
Today's wrestling officials have regressed from erring on the side of action to erring on the side of inaction as to not affect the outcome. All to the detriment of the sport. I'm possitive most coaches and fans would prefer the first option!
Funny thing (actually very sad) is the refs have to grow a pair!