Who's had the the rona lately?


HB Legend
Feb 20, 2022
Saint Louis, Mo
Covid. First time I know since 2020.

Started off a slightly weird cold. Stuffy nose, aches, etc. No fever that I know of.

But the stomach stuff kicked in and that really sucks. Woke up today with what felt like a bad hangover... headache, nausea, plus all the sinus junk.

Still nothing like the original incarnation of the virus I got before vaccine. (high fever, ultra fatigued)

Do not recommend.
My son's coach got it Thursday and was back on the field coaching by Sunday. Said only Saturday was bad(ish).
Similar for me two weeks ago. Felt sick Sunday, sick as a dog Monday, felt sick Tuesday and back to normal Wednesday. Only Monday was really bad.
I'm on day 4 currently, started as a cold thurs/friday, then I got that fuzzy feeling in my head that I've only had once before when I had covid previously, and took home test and lit up right away, Friday night.

No fever, mostly just a really bad head cold, but pretty miserable weekend, with a really sore throat, the razor blades comment earlier is spot on. Just hoping to get it out of the house before the kid gets it.

Last time I watched an Iowa game with covid Iowa lost to Nebraska in 2022 with TJ Hall getting repeatedly toasted after Cooper went down, was having uneasy flashbacks late Saturday Afternoon.
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Was on a retreat this weekend. Friend and I shared a room. We both had congestion and scratchy throat. He sent a text to me today saying he tested positive for covid with a home test. His wife was clear. I had been taking Zyrtec for allergy issues earlier in the week and through the weekend. Took 1 this morning and have had sneezing and drainage issues all day but nothing other than that.
Have been vaccinated and boosted but not yet this year. I feel pretty good even as I post this.
I got it for the first time (at least that I know of) in late July on vacation and it kicked my butt, I was in bed for 48 hrs and had a max temperature of 102. Was still testing positive and feeling weird for like like 7-10 days, It took 2 weeks for me to finally not have a positive covid test.

I've had elevated blood pressure since I got it but who knows if that's because of Covid. Guess I won't be getting my Covid/Flu shots until late October or early November.
Covid. First time I know since 2020.

Started off a slightly weird cold. Stuffy nose, aches, etc. No fever that I know of.

But the stomach stuff kicked in and that really sucks. Woke up today with what felt like a bad hangover... headache, nausea, plus all the sinus junk.

Still nothing like the original incarnation of the virus I got before vaccine. (high fever, ultra fatigued)

Do not recommend.
Ya, I had it over labor day. the hangover feeling is for real. I had a cough get progressively worse throughout the day and went to bed at 9pm. woke up at 4am to piss and was so dizzy i barely made it back to bed. slept until 1pm.

took a test and was posi, had a fever for about another day. Took a couple days for the cough to disappear, but still tested positive for 2 more days after that.
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I think last week but I didn't test. Wasn't feeling great before the Iowa/ Iowa St game. Left with one of the worst headaches that didn't go away for 3 days. Sinus pressure was awful, water in the nose feeling, sore throat. I couldn't sleep much because I hacked myself awake every night. I'm just now getting over so of it.
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I have a friend that is currently 2 weeks in with Covid. She is just now starting to feel like she is turning the corner to getting better. Her symptoms were high fevers, she was hospitalized for a short time due to elevated heart rate, bad cough, headaches, difficulty speaking. She has autoimmune issues as well which I am sure are complicating things. I need to get my booster. I didn't get one last year since I had covid. I get an annual flu shot and don't know why I wouldn't get my covid booster at the same time.

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