Whose stupidity is more offensive - hardcore righties or lefties?

This message board has zero humor. The only jokes anyone laughs at are jokes a 2 year old could make.
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It’s not the far left or the far right that bothers me. Rather, it’s the sheer volume of both that float around here. It’s an OT forum, but only by title. People aren’t very interested in talking about fresh things here. It’s politics and insults. Politics and insults.
This board is what we make it. People don't engage in non-political posts and they drop of the front page very quickly.
That's me.

I'm considered a left-wing extremist because I hold beliefs like these:

Democracy is good
Science is good
All people should have all the rights
Genocide, war crimes and human rights violations are bad
Climate Change is an existential crisis
War is bad
The death penalty is uncivilized
Torture is wrong
Separation of church and state is good

I'm guessing many here will say they agree with (or mostly agree with) that list. But centrists and particularly the right often don't believe in them, especially if they get slightly inconvenient.
You think those are what makes a person far left? Really? I’ll tell you what. I’ll turn them into far lefty positions for you.

Democracy is good and if we don’t take Trump off of ballots and let him run, Democracy will end soon.

Science is good. Especially the science that says calling yourself a girl makes you a girl. Also, one day before a baby is born, it’s not a baby. It’s just a fetus. Like a mole or clump of cells. Kill it! Science baby!

All people should have all the rights unless you don’t want a hurried COVID vaccine. You have no right to not take a government injection and you should lose your job if you refuse.

Genocide, war crimes and human rights violations are bad… unless it’s Hamas beating the shit out of women and hiding missiles in school basements. That’s perfectly acceptable, you Islamophobe.

Climate Change is an existential crisis and the best way to fight it is by throwing blood on the Mona Lisa.

War is bad. And October 7th never happened.

The death penalty is uncivilized but burning down beauty salons because of something a cop did is perfectly civilized. Also, Defund the Police.

Torture is wrong. Unless it’s forcing a child to chemically castrate themselves because they tried their mom’s high heels on once when they were 2.

Separation of church and state is good. Also, let’s see how many drag queens we can get to read to our children while their ball sacks are dangling. Might as well have them read the book “for 8 year olds” about giving each other rusty trombones.
That's me.

I'm considered a left-wing extremist because I hold beliefs like these:

Democracy is good
Science is good
All people should have all the rights
Genocide, war crimes and human rights violations are bad
Climate Change is an existential crisis
War is bad
The death penalty is uncivilized
Torture is wrong
Separation of church and state is good

I'm guessing many here will say they agree with (or mostly agree with) that list. But centrists and particularly the right often don't believe in them, especially if they get slightly inconvenient.
I think you're left of center. I think what really separates the center from the extremes is nuance. The far left and right are devoid of nuanced thinking and prefer to leave the thinking up to others. Life is simpler that way.
This board is what we make it. People don't engage in non-political posts and they drop of the front page very quickly.


Back when I first started posting here I tried to have reasonable conversations. Now it’s just a giant trash heap and I come here to just punch down on losers 99% of the time. There are very few redeemable people on this board. Very, very few.
As a heavy Biden supporter, Chis is not a lefty. Liberal is a more apt descriptor.
Liberal and left used to be pretty much the same. But as liberals became increasingly pro-corporate and pro-war, I increasingly identified as progressive or just plain left.

Lately, I'm told by my liberal friends that progressives are bad because they support Hamas.

Which is nonsense, of course, but I guess I should stop identifying as a progressive.
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Centrists are like agnostics. They don't really stand for anything. They just hold the door open to the possibility that some day they might stand for something.

For reasons I don't understand (I've tried, and I've asked) they seem proud of their ambivalence in a world so fraught with threats that it demands they take sides.

Is there someone I've forgotten to offend?
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You think those are what makes a person far left? Really? I’ll tell you what. I’ll turn them into far lefty positions for you.

Democracy is good and if we don’t take Trump off of ballots and let him run, Democracy will end soon.

Science is good. Especially the science that says calling yourself a girl makes you a girl. Also, one day before a baby is born, it’s not a baby. It’s just a fetus. Like a mole or clump of cells. Kill it! Science baby!

All people should have all the rights unless you don’t want a hurried COVID vaccine. You have no right to not take a government injection and you should lose your job if you refuse.

Genocide, war crimes and human rights violations are bad… unless it’s Hamas beating the shit out of women and hiding missiles in school basements. That’s perfectly acceptable, you Islamophobe.

Climate Change is an existential crisis and the best way to fight it is by throwing blood on the Mona Lisa.

War is bad. And October 7th never happened.

The death penalty is uncivilized but burning down beauty salons because of something a cop did is perfectly civilized. Also, Defund the Police.

Torture is wrong. Unless it’s forcing a child to chemically castrate themselves because they tried their mom’s high heels on once when they were 2.

Separation of church and state is good. Also, let’s see how many drag queens we can get to read to our children while their ball sacks are dangling. Might as well have them read the book “for 8 year olds” about giving each other rusty trombones.
Whatever you say bub. We’re still not going to be friends.
Which of course isn't remotely what that discussion was about... but you keep bringing it up as a deflection... why is that? It would be so refreshing if more people were just able to laugh at their own little flubs. But instead we get this.
I quit Facebook maybe 5 years ago because I had friends on both side who posted their political views frequently. I had no idea, because I never talk politics with friends or family. My wife’s family has extremists on both sides but nobody ever talks politics with each other, as far as I know, and it’s as loving a family as you’ll find.
Take politics off this board and I wouldn’t have 30 people on ignore.
This board is what we make it. People don't engage in non-political posts and they drop of the front page very quickly.

Well, I just checked and I’ve posted a few dozen threads this year in OT. Zero are about politics, outside of how attractive Jill Biden was in her youth. So, I’m pulling my share. Are you?
Others have mentioned the foolishness of wingers who think they are centrists but I want to expound on that a bit. One way to spot a winger is that miraculously they cannot point out a single major policy from the opponent's side that has any merit at all. It completely boggles me that anybody operates this way.
@What Would Jesus Do? (in a few posts prior) takes centrists to task for being agnostics. but they are not agnostics. They actually recognize that each side has some merit (to go along with some shit). Instead of swallowing everything spewed by the same side all the time year after year for life, they make an informed choice that depends on current events/needs/times and therefore isn't a fixed constant.
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You think those are what makes a person far left? Really? I’ll tell you what. I’ll turn them into far lefty positions for you.

Democracy is good and if we don’t take Trump off of ballots and let him run, Democracy will end soon.

Science is good. Especially the science that says calling yourself a girl makes you a girl. Also, one day before a baby is born, it’s not a baby. It’s just a fetus. Like a mole or clump of cells. Kill it! Science baby!

All people should have all the rights unless you don’t want a hurried COVID vaccine. You have no right to not take a government injection and you should lose your job if you refuse.

Genocide, war crimes and human rights violations are bad… unless it’s Hamas beating the shit out of women and hiding missiles in school basements. That’s perfectly acceptable, you Islamophobe.

Climate Change is an existential crisis and the best way to fight it is by throwing blood on the Mona Lisa.

War is bad. And October 7th never happened.

The death penalty is uncivilized but burning down beauty salons because of something a cop did is perfectly civilized. Also, Defund the Police.

Torture is wrong. Unless it’s forcing a child to chemically castrate themselves because they tried their mom’s high heels on once when they were 2.

Separation of church and state is good. Also, let’s see how many drag queens we can get to read to our children while their ball sacks are dangling. Might as well have them read the book “for 8 year olds” about giving each other rusty trombones.
This post is really effed up, even for you. Good Lord. Basically flailing shit throwing...if you actually believe all this.
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Back when I first started posting here I tried to have reasonable conversations. Now it’s just a giant trash heap and I come here to just punch down on losers 99% of the time. There are very few redeemable people on this board. Very, very few.
I'm far more redeemable in the real world than I am here. ;)
Which of course isn't remotely what that discussion was about... but you keep bringing it up as a deflection... why is that? It would be so refreshing if more people were just able to laugh at their own little flubs. But instead we get this.

It simply comes down to I don't care what you think about my motives on this thread or any other bub. Like most on HORT, you've proven of no value to me in your time here so I go with what entertains me. If it makes you feel better, I don't want to be friends with anyone on HORT.
It simply comes down to I don't care what you think about my motives on this thread or any other bub. Like most on HORT, you've proven of no value to me in your time here so I go with what entertains me. If it makes you feel better, I don't want to be friends with anyone on HORT.
I don't care about your motives, nor anything to do with "making friends" which you're obsessed with for some reason. I too use this place solely for mild entertainment. Like when people criticize grammar errors then almost immediately make one. Then play it off as intentional bc even though they act like their hrot experience isn't important to them, obviously it must be.
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People attack Chis and almost never can prove that he's wrong.
It’s not that difficult to be right when your position is against Trump being president. Seriously, it’s not exactly a special status he’s achieved.

Regardless, Chishawk is still wrong plenty with his constant histrionics and insane polemics about all Republicans. He’s also wrong in his ridiculous yet unwavering defenses of Biden’s mental acuity and fitness to be president. Being “right” about Trump is inconsequential to that reality.
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This post is really effed up, even for you. Good Lord. Basically flailing shit throwing...if you actually believe all this.
Did you miss the part where he said, "far left"? Or do you want to consider yourself far left (for whatever reason) but deny those are real far left positions?
The thread is about the ridiculousness of the extremes. If things like this bother you, it's probably for a reason.
I don't care about your motives, nor anything to do with "making friends" which you're obsessed with for some reason. I too use this place solely for mild entertainment. Like when people criticize grammar errors then almost immediately make one. Then play it off as intentional bc even though they act like their hrot experience isn't important to them, obviously it must be.

Whatever hits you in the feels bub.

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