Why does maga care so much who the Dem nominee is?

republicans for sure have a win now, and they did with joe brandon as well, both these candidates are horrible. if it were michelle or maybe like newsome... maybe we would be scared....

we just gotta know the game plan. if you are playing a football game , you scout the team beforehand
Look at the post you quoted and drink that up.
Right, they are weak attempts at criticism, trying to find something that resonates that they can run with.
I think you, and they, will find the DEI approach is too racist and risky for the republicans to go all in with that.
He died the cowards death of backing out before battle. Good one.

God had to tell him to back out, and then he did.
He didn't back out. He is going to decline the nomination. And, walk away a champion like Peyton Manning after winning the Super Bowl.
Never having lost a presidential election. Unlike another candidate.
I look at it a little different. To me the democrats are looking out for the country and making sure we have 4 more years of good leadership.
by throwing kamelo to the wolves/under the bus? ensuring a trump win? maybe, 4 years in the future starting with 2028
trump won in 2020, dems printed up votes by the pallet load, drop boxes galore.
by throwing kamelo to the wolves/under the bus? ensuring a trump win? maybe, 4 years in the future starting with 2028

When you say wolves, are you referring to trump the sexual predator? She'll just needs to make sure she's not alone with him. She'll be fine.
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republicans for sure have a win now, and they did with joe brandon as well, both these candidates are horrible. if it were michelle or maybe like newsome... maybe we would be scared....

we just gotta know the game plan. if you are playing a football game , you scout the team beforehand
Yup, just like falling out of bed, easy peasy.

I love your confidence.
trump won in 2020, dems printed up votes by the pallet load, drop boxes galore.
I've always wondered if it's ever bothered you that so many other like=minded conspiracy nuts have come out of the woodwork over the past 8 years?

You used to stand out as our resident nut case, for years, now the water is so diluted you barely register.

We still appreciate having you around for a good laugh now and then.
I've been surprised by the amount of ridicule the right is throwing at the move. There has been nothing but talk how JB's health is on decline, and a switch needed to be made, then when it is, they complain about that.

Pick a lane.

The "Biden coverup" fixation among MAGA these days seems pointless and annoying, but it may be a good thing if they keep harping on it. The more time they spend on ineffective talking points that fail to move the needle, the better.

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