Why the Hate on Covid Kim?


HR Heisman
Gold Member
Aug 7, 2019
I am pretty distant from Iowa politics, but you all seem to hate the lady. My governor is a democrat, but usually he is a fairly moderate guy- sort of have to be here. But I’d never bash him the way you guys go after Kim.
I am pretty distant from Iowa politics, but you all seem to hate the lady. My governor is a democrat, but usually he is a fairly moderate guy- sort of have to be here. But I’d never bash him the way you guys go after Kim.
Because she has an R by her name. They are pretty hateful about anyone that does. They prefer the D governors that forced the elderly into nursing homes and caused more sick and dead elderly in states like Michigan, Penn, New Jersey, Conn, and New York. They called them heros, bought their books about how awesome they are and said how amazing they were on their nightly fireside chats. Then they nicknamed Reynolds Covid Kim. It's like printing a bunch of money our country doesn't have and calling it the Inflation Reduction Act.
She is actually pretty popular across the state and will win reelection easily. There are some who think she is too much of a penny pincher with state budgets and not spending enough on this or that. She is lowering taxes ... some don't like that. We have a budget surplus ... some don't like that. Our state credit rating is too good ... some don't like that. Some are butt hurt recently because CATO ranked her the #1 fiscally responsible Governor.

Doesn’t have to do with an R by her name but she is a Trump lover.

I could look past a lot of stuff because the economy here is doing relatively well and I thought she was ok in the early days of the pandemic.

But she’s absolutely lost me on wanting to give tax dollars to religious schools so public schools continue to decline. It would ruin rural Iowa even more than it already is. That’s unforgivable IMO.

There’s several other disagreements but that one is tops and why I’d never vote for her.
I hate her because she's a liar that stands for nothing. She wants to portray herself as a grandma that cares for all Iowans and she's really just a petty, vindictive bitch. I'd respect her more if she was just honest about what she really is. Maybe she doesn't know who she really is so she's whatever she thinks people want her to be. If that's accurate, it would also explain why I hate her. Voting against her, even if it isn't successful, will be something I enjoy.
I hate her because she's a liar that stands for nothing. She wants to portray herself as a grandma that cares for all Iowans and she's really just a petty, vindictive bitch. I'd respect her more if she was just honest about what she really is. Maybe she doesn't know who she really is so she's whatever she thinks people want her to be. If that's accurate, it would also explain why I hate her. Voting against her, even if it isn't successful, will be something I enjoy.
But tell us how you really feel. No need to sugar coat it 😄
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But tell us how you really feel. No need to sugar coat it 😄
It always surprises me the number of people that vote or don't vote for someone because they "don't like" them when they literally have never even met the person and don't know them. At least point to a something that actually matters like a policy disagreement you have with the person.
It always surprises me the number of people that vote or don't vote for someone because they "don't like" them when they literally have never even met the person and don't know them. At least point to a something that actually matters like a policy disagreement you have with the person.

Oh heck, I didn't realize a person needed to meet and get to know a candidate before you could vote for them or not vote for them. Hundreds of thousands of republicans will vote for Herschel Walker in Georgia simply because he has an "R" before his name.

Non transparency Kim is enough for me, I don't need or wish to meet her or personally know her.
Because she has an R by her name. They are pretty hateful about anyone that does. They prefer the D governors that forced the elderly into nursing homes and caused more sick and dead elderly in states like Michigan, Penn, New Jersey, Conn, and New York. They called them heros, bought their books about how awesome they are and said how amazing they were on their nightly fireside chats. Then they nicknamed Reynolds Covid Kim. It's like printing a bunch of money our country doesn't have and calling it the Inflation Reduction Act.
I hate her because she's a liar that stands for nothing. She wants to portray herself as a grandma that cares for all Iowans and she's really just a petty, vindictive bitch. I'd respect her more if she was just honest about what she really is. Maybe she doesn't know who she really is so she's whatever she thinks people want her to be. If that's accurate, it would also explain why I hate her. Voting against her, even if it isn't successful, will be something I enjoy.

Your post says a lot more about you than it does her.
It always surprises me the number of people that vote or don't vote for someone because they "don't like" them when they literally have never even met the person and don't know them. At least point to a something that actually matters like a policy disagreement you have with the person.
I've literally met Kim in person and Kim lied right to my face.
It always surprises me the number of people that vote or don't vote for someone because they "don't like" them when they literally have never even met the person and don't know them. At least point to a something that actually matters like a policy disagreement you have with the person.

@hawkbirch has met her
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Oh heck, I didn't realize a person needed to meet and get to know a candidate before you could vote for them or not vote for them. Hundreds of thousands of republicans will vote for Herschel Walker in Georgia simply because he has an "R" before his name.

Non transparency Kim is enough for me, I don't need or wish to meet her or personally know her.
I didn’t say that. I said voting for someone simply because you like them as a person or don’t like them as a person. Voting for them simply because they affiliate with a party is different, but that’s not what the poster above said.
Because she has an R by her name. They are pretty hateful about anyone that does. They prefer the D governors that forced the elderly into nursing homes and caused more sick and dead elderly in states like Michigan, Penn, New Jersey, Conn, and New York. They called them heros, bought their books about how awesome they are and said how amazing they were on their nightly fireside chats. Then they nicknamed Reynolds Covid Kim. It's like printing a bunch of money our country doesn't have and calling it the Inflation Reduction Act.
Forced the old into homes? Be honest here, Iowa is the academic red headed stepchild of the Big 10. You join in with OSU and claim all the accolades of Michigan and Northwestern.
I hate her because she's a liar that stands for nothing. She wants to portray herself as a grandma that cares for all Iowans and she's really just a petty, vindictive bitch. I'd respect her more if she was just honest about what she really is. Maybe she doesn't know who she really is so she's whatever she thinks people want her to be. If that's accurate, it would also explain why I hate her. Voting against her, even if it isn't successful, will be something I enjoy.
You just described most politicians.
It's this. That's the answer.

Moderates can handle a moderate D or R. HROT lefties just cannot handle that R by the name.

Oh really, wanna tell me what my political cult
Party is? Kim is a shit governor and a horrible person. Hopefully she is home drinking right now instead of being at the bar…
Forced the old into homes? Be honest here, Iowa is the academic red headed stepchild of the Big 10. You join in with OSU and claim all the accolades of Michigan and Northwestern.
Is your first sentence quoting me? They sent the sick elderly to nursing homes and more elderly became sick and died.

The rest of your post I'm not sure what you are referring to? It has nothing to do with me or my post. Are you drunk maybe?
Is your first sentence quoting me? They sent the sick elderly to nursing homes and more elderly became sick and died.

The rest of your post I'm not sure what you are referring to? It has nothing to do with me or my post. Are you drunk maybe?
Who sent more to nursing homes? JFC, is the entire Midwest a bunch of slacked jaw yokels that amazed by the picture box (that’s a computer for the inbreds)
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She handled Covid fairly well. Plenty of mistakes, but better than most states.
But, she wasn’t ready or qualified to become Governor, it was gifted to her. And, she’s spent her time in office weakening environmental protections, dismantling important government departments (DNR, IDPH, DIA, HHS). And basically catering to business and industry, giving agricultural lobbyists free reign to practically write their own laws.
She works for private business, not us.
How did she amass 4.5 million in her campaign warchest while her opponent had 8k?
She gives the wealthy and corporations what they want and they reward her handsomely.
She cuts their taxes big Time then gives the rest pennies ..then says the average cut is x which is hugely inflated by the cuts for the wealthy.
She is a show pony pulling political stunts to draw favor with the Fox crowd. Like sending state police to the border and joining the suit vs Biden on student loans.
She is showing more and more leg to attract the eye of Trump for VP slot in 24...desperate to out shine the younger prettier noem of SD.
Education, healthcare and the environment are going downhill under her watch and she is cashing in from corporations that are causing and profiting from the decline. She does not give a damn about anyone she cannot profit from.
How did she amass 4.5 million in her campaign warchest while her opponent had 8k?
She gives the wealthy and corporations what they want and they reward her handsomely.
She cuts their taxes big Time then gives the rest pennies ..then says the average cut is x which is hugely inflated by the cuts for the wealthy.
She is a show pony pulling political stunts to draw favor with the Fox crowd. Like sending state police to the border and joining the suit vs Biden on student loans.
She is showing more and more leg to attract the eye of Trump for VP slot in 24...desperate to out shine the younger prettier noem of SD.
Education, healthcare and the environment are going downhill under her watch and she is cashing in from corporations that are causing and profiting from the decline. She does not give a damn about anyone she cannot profit from.
Haha maybe she raises more money than her opponent because her opponent has 0.0 percent chance of winning.
By all accounts that politicians are traditionally measured by Reynolds is one of the best in the country. The libs hate her in large part because she is a successful conservative woman, plain and simple.
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How long ago were her drunk driving offenses again?
The point is that 2nd DUI, which was pleaded down to a misdemeanor, would have prevented her from ever running for public office by Iowa law.

Her corruption started with her personal friend who was the Judge that allowed the plea deal.

To answer your question...her 2 DUIs came only 18 months apart in 2000/2001. She ran a car off the road on 1-35 with BAC of .228.
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I believe it has to do with no masks and kids going back to school too early. Plus she allowed Iowa State have fans at a football game.
Don't worry, she's a religious nut like you so all will be forgiven in the afterlife.
There you go again with this religious nut stuff again. Bro, you need counseling. I’m dead serious.

Are you against forgiveness? Can people make amends? Do humans err? I’d venture to guess that more than 1 lib poster on here has a DUI.

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