Will Biden be the Democratic candidate come election day?

Will Biden be the Democratic candidate come election day?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Probably

  • Probably Not

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I'd like to see Gavin replace Kamala for a Biden/Newsome ticket. I'd have much more confidence in Newsome if something happened with Joe's health after the election.
I think the vast majority of people would agree with you on that point but identity politics won’t allow that to happen. Kamala checks two boxes that Newsom does not.
The Florida Democratic Party Committee is only allowing Biden to be on the Primary ballot. If only one candidate is allowed to be on the ballot, they are considered the nominee, so they don't even appear on the ballot at all. The other Dem candidates are appealing this decision. Dean Phillips said it's "undemocratic".
I don't get the love for Newsome. He seems like a slimeball who has turned California and San Fran into a mess. What do dems like about him?
that he's a slimeball who's turned LA, Sacramento, and San Fran into a mess.
If Biden continues to drop in the polls and continues to
demonstrate physical and mental weakness, then the
Democrats have a big problem. At their nominating
convention next year, the Democrat National Committee
will need to sort this out to avoid losing the Presidential
election in November. Biden could be replaced at that
You could be onto something here. Let Biden ride this out till the 11th hour then put someone of their choosing in. That way there's not much time to vet them by the opposing candidates.
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You could be onto something here. Let Biden ride this out till the 11th hour then put someone of their choosing in. That way there's not much time to vet them by the opposing candidates.
This is such a sneaky way to play politics. What makes you think that a group of politicians who have to bend the rules to win would be honest about anything after that.
I'm curious where people stand today? Do you still think Biden will be the dem candidate for president?

As of June 12th
Yes - 44.2%
No - 14.3
Probably - 32.5%
Probably not - 9.1%

Who is most likely to replace him?
I'm curious where people stand today? Do you still think Biden will be the dem candidate for president?

As of June 12th
Yes - 44.2%
No - 14.3
Probably - 32.5%
Probably not - 9.1%

Who is most likely to replace him?
I had "probably" but would change it to yes now. Too late to replace him unless he incapacitated in some way.
If you vote for Biden in November you are voting for President Kamala Harris sometime in the next four years. If that doesn’t give people sleepless nights I don’t know what will.
Meh. Don’t like her but considering I think Trump should have gotten the Mussolini treatment for J6, I’ll pick the lesser of two evils.
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I'm curious where people stand today? Do you still think Biden will be the dem candidate for president?

As of June 12th
Yes - 44.2%
No - 14.3
Probably - 32.5%
Probably not - 9.1%

Who is most likely to replace him?
I think big Mike is most likely.
There are undoubtedly some conversations going on in the background with the power brokers. The public noise to replace an incumbent POTUS (by his party) is ramping up to a level I haven't seen in my lifetime, other than perhaps Jimmy Carter.

As I've previously posted, I think there's a good chance for a brokered convention. If that doesn't happen, and Biden wins the election, I think he'll be forced out of office and we'll have the Kamala puppet.
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There are undoubtedly some conversations going on in the background with the power brokers. The public noise to replace an incumbent POTUS (by his party) is ramping up to a level I haven't seen in my lifetime, other than perhaps Jimmy Carter.

As I've previously posted, I think there's a good chance for a brokered convention. If that doesn't happen, and Biden wins the election, I think he'll be forced out of office and we'll have the Kamala puppet.
I haven't seen anything, but I admit to not paying too close attention. Is this true or something you're just wishing for?
If you vote for Biden in November you are voting for President Kamala Harris sometime in the next four years. If that doesn’t give people sleepless nights I don’t know what will.
Still better than crazy corrupt filthy Don, but you knew that.
No not better. Trump was already president for four years so we know exactly what we are getting.

Low inflation, low unemployment, low gas prices, secure border and USA first agenda and sound policy making with a dusting of mean tweets. I’ll take it.
Trump was handed a great economy by Obama and it was going fine. Then 2020 happened and he totally crapped the bed. Yes, we know what we will get from Trump. Incompetence.
Trump was handed a great economy by Obama and it was going fine. Then 2020 happened and he totally crapped the bed. Yes, we know what we will get from Trump. Incompetence.
The Obama economy was fine? Without looking it up, what was the GDP over the 8 Obama years? What was it at the end of 2016? What was the GDP under Trump before the pandemic?
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The Obama economy was fine? Without looking it up, what was the GDP over the 8 Obama years? What was it at the end of 2016? What was the GDP under Trump before the pandemic?
The Bush absolute debacle took years to overcome it was humming by mid Trump presidency then the GOP tax cut scam came and the worst possible handling of a pandemic.
The Bush absolute debacle took years to overcome it was humming by mid Trump presidency then the GOP tax cut scam came and the worst possible handling of a pandemic.
Slowest recovery from recession ever. Obamacare was a major headwind to recovery.

I'm glad you admitted that it wasn't humming when Trump took office. In the interest of good sportsmanship, I'll buy you a couple of drinks if Biden wins and completes his second term.
Slowest recovery from recession ever. Obamacare was a major headwind to recovery.

I'm glad you admitted that it wasn't humming when Trump took office. In the interest of good sportsmanship, I'll buy you a couple of drinks if Biden wins and completes his second term.
LOL By all accounts Chis thinks just a couple of drinks is only a warmup. Best have an Uber arranged for him prior to your meetup.
  • Haha
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No idea of context or when but there is some weird videos of Biden on Twitter.

Not sure how he survives a debate.

IF this is real, he has no idea what he is doing or where he is at. That’s just F’ing weird.

The Bush absolute debacle took years to overcome it was humming by mid Trump presidency then the GOP tax cut scam came and the worst possible handling of a pandemic.
I'll help you out. These are just the facts.

GDP by year
2009 -2.60
2010 2.71
2011 1.55
2012 2.28
2013 1.84
2014 2.29
2015 2.71
2016 1.67
2017 2.24
2018 2.95
2019 2.29
2020 -2.77
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Trump was handed a great economy by Obama and it was going fine. Then 2020 happened and he totally crapped the bed. Yes, we know what we will get from Trump. Incompetence.
You have to remember 2020 was a once in a 100 years black swan event that no world leader got correct. Trump’s biggest mistake was listening to the so called experts on Covid. I judge Trump on 2017-2019. Those were very good years for the United States.
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Just curious - what about Trump would give you a sleepless night? In 2016, Hillary was saying Trump would be starting WW III. That would make most people lose sleep.
Let's have the trial about these confidential documents Trump had (stolen?), tried to keep, and then covered up. That might give us some insight on convict Trump's motivations in regard to national security.
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Let's have the trial about these confidential documents Trump had (stolen?), tried to keep, and then covered up. That might give us some insight on convict Trump's motivations in regard to national security.
What do you think Trump would do with those documents?
There are many examples out there, starting with James Carville.

“To those of you who opened up your wallets, thank you,” said Healey, a Democrat in her first term. “We’d like you to open them up a little bit more and to find more patriots — more patriots who believe in this country, who recognize and understand the challenge presented at this time.”

Laughter rippled through the room. But Healey’s voice turned serious. With unusual urgency for Healey, the governor implored the room of high-dollar donors and local Democratic leaders to “think long and hard” about the stakes of the election.

I think the donors are trying to tell the party to think long and hard about why they aren't so enthusiastic about donating

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