Willing and Able?

Oh FFS. It has to be exhausting searching so hard for reasons to get upset.
American Wrestling GIF
It really isn't. Although I hardly think "Let people make their own decisions about things that don't harm other people" is "progressive". It certainly doesn't take that much effort.
It doesn’t take much effort to stand for the national anthem either. You know - to show a little respect but I understand that’s tough for people to comprehend any more.
I wish we could play the anthem before everything since it's so damn important. Beginning of the work day? Anthem. Before you can start the gas pump? Definitely anthem. After shitting but before the toilet will flush? You guessed it, anthem.
Sarcasm? 🤔
Stand for the national anthem if you are “willing” - complete BS.
Agreed. The announcement should have been something like this: "As your fuehrer requires, you must now stand at attention, signal and say 'Heil, #$@&*!' and remain standing for our beloved white national anthem. Those who do not comply will be shot at sunrise."
That's a life size can of worms you really don't want to open.
Yep - you become the idiot when your beliefs or thoughts don't align with theirs. For F sake if you don't want to stand don't stand but to be given the go ahead to do so seemed unecessary and pandering. And for it not to be discussed on the basketball board - the comment was made at a basketball game and I'm sure will be again tonight. Gotta indulge the extremists.
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Yet you chose to reply - multiple times.
Which is why I'm trying to stop. Something you seem incapable of doing. This isn't the right place for you to make an ass of yourself. That's what Off Topic is for.