Winder, GA - haven't had a school shooting thread in a while

Let's let millions of illegal immigrants into our country with zero oversight and then disarm Americans.

You guys really are ****ing dumb.

****ing horrible, what could be so ****ing bad within a week of school you would feel the need to shoot somone......weak.
So you admit there's a gun problem in America. That's a good first step!

No gun problem, crazy people problem.

The point is dims only want this as an issue. If they truly cared about kids the bigger focus would be on the inner city shootings as far more kids die there than in schools. And it’s not even a close comparison. It’s all politics for dims, nothing more. That’s why nobody takes them seriously.
Add up all the kids who die in the streets of our cities around the country from guns over the course of a year. Then add up all the kids who die in school shootings.

One number is much bigger than the other. Why is that dims like to focus on the much smaller number?
What's funny is you think this is proving something other than there are just too many damn guns too easily available in this country.
Let's let millions of illegal immigrants into our country with zero oversight and then disarm Americans.

You guys really are ****ing dumb.

****ing horrible, what could be so ****ing bad within a week of school you would feel the need to shoot somone......weak.
FFS. So are you advocating open season on anyone you suspect of being an illegal immigrant?
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No gun problem, crazy people problem.

The point is dims only want this as an issue. If they truly cared about kids the bigger focus would be on the inner city shootings as far more kids die there than in schools. And it’s not even a close comparison. It’s all politics for dims, nothing more. That’s why nobody takes them seriously.
Crazy people problem that no other country on the planet has.

Definitely not the guns...definitely crazy people.....just in other country.

Anyways, I'm glad you're slowly starting to realize that there's too many guns in this country. I hope you have a great rest of your day!
No gun problem, crazy people problem.

The point is dims only want this as an issue. If they truly cared about kids the bigger focus would be on the inner city shootings as far more kids die there than in schools. And it’s not even a close comparison. It’s all politics for dims, nothing more. That’s why nobody takes them seriously.
Are we the only country with crazy people? Or is there another issue?
if we got rid of all guns these guys would use a shovel or a car or an axe.
Personally I like my chances (and my friends and family's chances) of survival better in each of those scenarios.

We continue to do nothing despite the actual, relevant data indicating strongly that there are actions that can be taken to reduce these types of events. But the gun industry's monied and vested interests have essentially bought our representatives and as a result, nothing happens, just more dead folks and superficial thoughts and prayers.
No gun problem, crazy people problem.

The point is dims only want this as an issue. If they truly cared about kids the bigger focus would be on the inner city shootings as far more kids die there than in schools. And it’s not even a close comparison. It’s all politics for dims, nothing more. That’s why nobody takes them seriously.
Why should this be a political issue at all? The consensus among all Americans regardless of political party, and as shown in national polling, reflects their overwhelming support for universal background checks, red flag laws, and a ban on assault weapons. Come on Congress, get off your collective duffs and pass meaningful bipartisan legislation that address these issues!
Personally I like my chances (and my friends and family's chances) of survival better in each of those scenarios.

We continue to do nothing despite the actual, relevant data indicating strongly that there are actions that can be taken to reduce these types of events. But the gun industry's monied and vested interests have essentially bought our representatives and as a result, nothing happens, just more dead folks and superficial thoughts and prayers.
constitution says we are to do nothing-when it comes to impeding rights to carry guns

there is no such thing as an assault weapon, just like there is no assault axe or assault car

I know it sounds good to get rid of guns but it's not practical nor is it constitutional, it sounds like we are doing something... but really it is not practical
Add up all the kids who die in the streets of our cities around the country from guns over the course of a year. Then add up all the kids who die in school shootings.

One number is much bigger than the other. Why is that dims like to focus on the much smaller number?
Democrats focus on the kids dying in school because there is a long history showing that republicans believe that kids on the streets being murdered by guns are minorities so they don't care. They don't care about kids getting killed in school either it turns out. But we thought that there might have been a chance.
Democrats focus on the kids dying in school because there is a long history showing that republicans believe that kids on the streets being murdered by guns are minorities so they don't care. They don't care about kids getting killed in school either it turns out. But we thought that there might have been a chance.
kids, adults, nobody should be murdered. period. that's not the correct usage of a tool that is a gun. nor is it the correct usage of poison. or a knife. I think we care. it's just that legislation is not the answer, here. education of the correct usage of tools... that's what we are after. punishment if a person uses the tool for murder.
kids, adults, nobody should be murdered. period. that's not the correct usage of a tool that is a gun. nor is it the correct usage of poison. or a knife. I think we care. it's just that legislation is not the answer, here. education of the correct usage of tools... that's what we are after. punishment if a person uses the tool for murder.
Do you think this school shooting happened today? Or is this like Sandy Hook where you say it’s made up?
kids, adults, nobody should be murdered. period. that's not the correct usage of a tool that is a gun. nor is it the correct usage of poison. or a knife. I think we care. it's just that legislation is not the answer, here. education of the correct usage of tools... that's what we are after. punishment if a person uses the tool for murder.
Seems like the kid who shot up the school was educated enough to use the "tool". SMFH

Guns were invented to kill. That is their purpose.

We already have regulations on gun ownership so the 2A argument against further controls is woefully ignorant.
Do you think this school shooting happened today? Or is this like Sandy Hook where you say it’s made up?
haven't studied it today to know what's up. I assume it probably did. the sandy hook thing, people {like alex jones} were saying it was a cia operation under obama to make guns look bad. not that it was made up, but that it was staged. he screwed up by saying the shooter kids' dad was cia and obama was involved. that will get you in trouble. see, you cannot have a cia operation without some deaths, so he wasn't saying it was all made up, he thought the deaths were real, just that the made up stories about the shooter were a hoax. keep in mind there was a second shooter thought to be around at the time of sandy hook. much like when the trump shooting thing went down, many many stories of other shooters and such.
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haven't studied it today to know what's up. I assume it probably did. the sandy hook thing, people {like alex jones} were saying it was a cia operation under obama to make guns look bad. not that it was made up, but that it was staged. he screwed up by saying the kids' dad was cia and obama was involved. that will get you in trouble. see, you cannot have a cia operation without some deaths, so he wasn't saying it was all made up, he thought the deaths were real, just that the made up stories about the shooter were a hoax. keep in mind there was a second shooter thought to be around at the time of sandy hook. much like when the trump shooting thing went down, many many stories of other shooters and such.
Lol at “haven’t studied it.”
when we have a shooter, like the trump shooter or the TN shooter and now this one.... the stuff about the shooter is usually hidden and covered up and kept from us, so that the gun can be blamed. we shall know all about the gun. no problem. but never know the whole story on the shooter. the shooter is the issue, not the gun. but the media shall focus on the gun.
when we have a shooter, like the trump shooter or the TN shooter and now this one.... the stuff about the shooter is usually hidden and covered up and kept from us, so that the gun can be blamed. we shall know all about the gun. no problem. but never know the whole story on the shooter. the shooter is the issue, not the gun. but the media shall focus on the gun.
So, in your mind, everyone should have legal access to all forms of weapons? Machine guns. Rocket launchers? Tanks?
Saw one update that said the school got a call early that it was the first of 5 shootings to take place. Wonder if this is some sort of coordinated attack that nobody followed up on the other threats…yet? That’s scary.
Candidly, I think you're wildly oversimplifying things. When it comes to mass shootings like this, you are generally talking about people who are legitimately "bad" or "crazy", and handling a weapon in ways that no one would assert are legal. While there are indeed many in the pro-gun camp who do like the 'tough' feel associated with a gun and shooting something, honestly, the marketing underlying that is really no different than the marketing associated with buying an SUV, and an infinitesimally small number of the people who respond to it actually raise said gun against other human being. (And while not nearly morally equivalent, I'd bet a substantially higher percentage of SUV owners handle their vehicles aggressively vis a vis other drivers.)

Freedum? Sure. For better or worse, it's in our society's founding documents. And for that reason, probably more worthwhile to focus on the hard work of generating the consensus to change those founding documents via the pathways provided. Because short of that, you're probably left with the comparatively easier path of dealing with the bad or crazy people. And of course, if you do take the hard path, you probably still have to deal with the bad/crazy people anyway.
We had different interpretations of a well regulated militia until the NRA dumped off truckloads of money into the pockets of politicians and Supreme Court justices. The result has been a mad dash to create an ever weaker structure around gun ownership in order to prove how pro gun they are.
Responsible gun owners such as myself do not mind sensible restrictions. Oddly enough, we have better regulations on driving a SUV than owning a gun in this country, and more accountability. It's easier to take an SUV for someone than a gun. SUVs have to be registered and insured. There are laws on usage when on public roadways..... Not so for guns.
Of course not, but that doesn't justify doing nothing about the easy access to guns in our country.
if access were the issue then dems would be advocating for free gun safes. or something. the democrats talk about access to medical care and stuff. it just sounds good like access to a building for folks with wheelchair, make more wheelchair ramps and such. I think free access to guns for protection purposes is vital. killing people, IE murder, is not.