Woman loses leg in freak boat propeller accident

I've seen too many sick, hungry, and/or dead babies to think God is real anymore. Anyone with the power to stop that shit but doesn't isn't a God but a Devil.

So are you calling yourself a devil then?
@Cougar63 still waiting for your answer. Or did you realize you’re a hypocrite and don’t do anything to help the sick and hungry either.
@Cougar63 still waiting for your answer. Or did you realize you’re a hypocrite and don’t do anything to help the sick and hungry either.
I’m guess Cougar63 is neither omniscient, omnipresent, nor omnipotent, so he probably has some valid limitations for not resolving or preventing misery that god doesn’t share.

If you saw an adult just witness a five year old gouge the eyes out of a one year old, and didn’t stop it, even though it was entirely in their power, would you have a higher, lower, or the same opinion of them?
I’m guess Cougar63 is neither omniscient, omnipresent, nor omnipotent, so he probably has some valid limitations for not resolving or preventing misery that god doesn’t share.

If you saw an adult just witness a five year old gouge the eyes out of a one year old, and didn’t stop it, even though it was entirely in their power, would you have a higher, lower, or the same opinion of them?
Or maybe that’s the problem. Everyday humans just ignore the fact that if we all worked together we could help each other out. Instead we have a lot of people with way to much money that are selfish and only care about themselves.
Or they just blame it on someone else or on God because he doesn’t help mankind even though a large majority treat mankind like shit.
Or maybe that’s the problem. Everyday humans just ignore the fact that if we all worked together we could help each other out. Instead we have a lot of people with way to much money that are selfish and only care about themselves.
Or they just blame it on someone else or on God because he doesn’t help mankind even though a large majority treat mankind like shit.
I’m still waiting for your answer.

If you saw an adult just witness a five year old gouge the eyes out of a one year old, and didn’t stop it, even though it was entirely in their power, would you have a higher, lower, or the same opinion of them?
Or maybe that’s the problem. Everyday humans just ignore the fact that if we all worked together we could help each other out. Instead we have a lot of people with way to much money that are selfish and only care about themselves.
Or they just blame it on someone else or on God because he doesn’t help mankind even though a large majority treat mankind like shit.
Kinda like Joel Osteen?
I’m still waiting for your answer.

If you saw an adult just witness a five year old gouge the eyes out of a one year old, and didn’t stop it, even though it was entirely in their power, would you have a higher, lower, or the same opinion of them?
If I saw an adult do nothing to stop a 5 year old from being a little shit what would I think of the adult? Is the adult the parent? Are the kids siblings? If he’s not the adult of one or both of the kids, is their an adult of one or both of the kids present? Did that parent do anything?
You need to fill in a few more details. Also I’m sure you're trying to say I’m the devil regardless of how your story turns out. I’m not at all trying to say I’m perfect in fact I’m far from it. But I’m also not blaming God for someone getting hurt.
40 replies in, should be ok ?
Ill Allow It Spanish GIF
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If I saw an adult do nothing to stop a 5 year old from being a little shit what would I think of the adult?
Not ‘being a little shit’.
Gouging their eyes out.

The adult does nothing but watch.

Would you have a higher, lower, or the same opinion of them?
This is the first thing to pop in my head when I saw this thread. How bout a little reverse action! Lol

I don't know that I can be any more clear: I'm questioning the efficacy of her advocacy/marketing.

Something very terrible happened to her and one of her takeaways is that this proves that god exists. Well, the idea that it took something terrible to prove this, isn't a very good marketing. That's the point.

If some criminal decided to shoot me in the gut, but decided to call 911 on my behalf, I'm not worshipping the shooter as a hero for saving my life.

It makes zero difference to me. I just made a simple observation on a message board. It doesn't bother me at all. I am not anti-god. Nothing is hurting me.

Also, what difference does it make to you that I'm posting about her and god? Why does that bother you so much to the point that you have to call it out? Why are you so anti-me? What is it hurting you?

The conclusions you drew and the questions you ask lead me to believe you're either deliberately trolling or incapable of comprehending written English.
It's problematic to me to believe in an active god that would choose to intervene to save this woman's life but chose not to intervene in the landslide in Papua New Guinea that killed thousands.
It's problematic to me to believe in an active god that would choose to intervene to save this woman's life but chose not to intervene in the landslide in Papua New Guinea that killed thousands.
They needed to be tested. You know like Jonah building the arc and what not
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Where do you get the impression that I think she's "not allowed" to thank god? What does that even mean? Do you think I have some authority in the matter? Do you think I'm god and could punish her by taking her other leg?

If your interpretation of her intent is correct, I still think she's silly for thanking god for keeping her alive, when god could have kept her out of the water and with both legs in the first place. Thus, not a very compelling pro-god anecdote.
people are just so miserable, they think this is a good point to make
Or maybe that’s the problem. Everyday humans just ignore the fact that if we all worked together we could help each other out. Instead we have a lot of people with way to much money that are selfish and only care about themselves.
Or they just blame it on someone else or on God because he doesn’t help mankind even though a large majority treat mankind like shit.

Are you serious, you reply to my post yet leave out the answer to this very question.
I’ll post it again for you and add a tiny bit to it.

Why do so many of you blame God when something bad happens, like her being in the water in the first place. But have such a hard time giving him credit when something good happens. Like him possibly saving her life?

Maybe the devil put her in the water and God saved her as soon as he could.

Now do childhood cancer and starving children.
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Now do childhood cancer and starving children.
Well let me guess. You don’t give a single dollar to starving children. Also do you think nothing bad at all is supposed to happen to anyone ever? It’s funny that because that happens you just think God sucks even though I’ve mentioned a million times that evils exists as well.
Dude stop being such a stage 5 clinger. You have to either laugh at all my comments or post something extremely stupid.
Between that and looking on X I don’t know how you find time to get high every day.

Not to defend @McLovin32 here, but it seems that if it’s god’s will that he gets high every day, god will allow thy will to be done.

Truly mysterious ways, that god.

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