Woman loses leg in freak boat propeller accident

Holy shit. The lengths some of you go to, not just demonstrate but, apparently, show off your ignorance and stupidity is remarkable.
Had to be. Why else would I have said it.
Btw, I used to not see calling you fag boy any different than others calling anyone a MAGA whether they like Trump or dislike Trump but are Republican.
Glad I’m just a non Christian good person now. I can call anyone a moron, fag or MAGA. To bad I wasn’t black, I could use the n word then as well.
Any other lame excuses for being a bigot?
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Any other lame excuses for being a bigot?

Season 1 Same Team GIF by SHOWTIME

You trying to say I’m not allowed to be in your non Christian good person cult? Seems pretty stupid that you don’t accept everyone. Maybe you’re just a pretender. Don’t be a moron and let me join.
Season 1 Same Team GIF by SHOWTIME

You trying to say I’m not allowed to be in your non Christian good person cult? Seems pretty stupid that you don’t accept everyone. Maybe you’re just a pretender. Don’t be a moron and let me join.
Of course you’re allowed. We don’t shun people for being different. You’re also allowed in our non-Santa cult, non-Easter bunny cult etc etc.
She seems to have an admirable attitude considering what happened to her. But I have to question her advocacy/marketing for god here.

“If anyone thinks God isn’t real, they need to look at me."

Is she saying god took her leg and that's proof that god is real?!

I'm guessing she means that because she survived that God must be real. God could have stopped that cable from snapping if he really wanted to help her out.
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Fag boy gets it.

Try not to choke on Tyrone’s dick again today. Take it in slowly and know your limits. We don’t want you blacking out today.

Where did you go to school to be in the gay porn industry? You should have found a better school as the back ally porn isn’t working to well.

soon we’ll all be one gay family, banging each other, getting high, being good people who love to make fun of other peoples beliefs and ideas. We should call ourselves hard core liberals. It’s what god wants us to do.

i brought up the homophobic slur because you brought it up talking about how gays turn gay and aren’t born that way. So I mention you being gay because I thought that is what I was supposed to do as a good person non Christian. I’m learning the ways from you and your fellow good people.

Well we don’t follow God so we must follow the devil. Wouldn’t that then make us gay? If I’m gay am I not allowed to use a gay slur? Keep up moron.

Had to be. Why else would I have said it.
Btw, I used to not see calling you fag boy any different than others calling anyone a MAGA whether they like Trump or dislike Trump but are Republican.
Glad I’m just a non Christian good person now. I can call anyone a moron, fag or MAGA. To bad I wasn’t black, I could use the n word then as well.

Here I thought we were one gay family.
Why you MAGA’s being so rude.
Why are you so hyper focused on the gay thing?
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Why are you so hyper focused on the gay thing?
Well moron. I used the word gay in response to yours and others comments directed towards me that contained the word gay.
Like I just mentioned, you brought the word gay into this thread.
Um that’s the devil’s work when he’s not busy turning kids gay.

SICK BURN. Was that your sky fairy speaking through you?

It’s not IAFB’s fault that he keeps thinking about banging men. That’s the devil trying to turn him gay.

Did they also resort to homophobic slurs when their feelings were hurt?

Everyone knows the devil turns people gay. Why would that motivate you to use a homophobic slur?

Wut? Sounds like you’re just looking for weak excuses to use a homophobic slur. All part of the sky fairy’s plan I’m sure.

Why are you so hyper focused on the gay thing?
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