WTF just happened at Trump's Rally?

Private business operates under the pressure of competition and pleasing the consumer.

The incentive structure of bureaucracy is wholly different. They start with the money in their coffers, and try to husband it to a specific calendar date.

Businesses compete to entice the money into their coffers. So there is a push pull dynamic, regulated by the consumer, between investment in product and price reduction.

Government bureaucracy has a different set of incentives, the first being red tape to try and prevent fraud (how much triplicative sign off (that’s being generous) do you commit to for purchases when you realize you need some milk?). The other part is that in general government services (like the Secret Service) aren’t being reimbursed by their consumer, so they’re not making anything up on volume. They have X resources to stretch until next October. So money that reasonably should be spent isn’t in case you need it later, and then invariably later you have extra money and it gets spent less reasonably, because the incentive is to spend it all by October, lest you don’t get it again.

Yep. This list (linked in the article) is a pretty good summary of why beyond your spending incentive perspective. Couple aspects are off, IMO, but overall.......

Edit - this is one of the "hard" parts of govt agencies that provide services and doesn't necessarily generate revenue. It is not simple process of evaluating effectiveness on a balance sheet.
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But but but people making twice as much money now and stocks are out of control so I understand why these pores can’t make it. The rest of us are doing so fantastic the best economy ever. ;)
Stock market is due for a large correction and people on fixed incomes aren’t making “twice as much money now”. Inflation is an insidious tax on everyone.
I think outside of inflation/interest rates, you’d be surprised by the other numbers
So, I’d be surprised by the illegal immigrant #’s? Are they worse than I thought? Also, regarding crime statistics, if they say rhe #’s are going down, that’s a farce. Some crimes are simply not being reported anymore and/or they’ve made some prior crimes no longer crimes…i.e., stealing < $900 of retail items in California.
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Yet, the family reportedly didn’t answer the phone when they knew it was Biden calling. Trump did talk to the family.
4 days later and the wife said she knew her husband wouldn't want her talking to him (absolutely pathetic) but said she didn't blame him and held no ill will towards him.
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