WW3 looming

Good Morning Dancing GIF by PEEKASSO
What exactly could North Korea do? Send a couple hundred thousand scarecrows across the border?

Please. Their tech would make Russia laugh.
What exactly could North Korea do? Send a couple hundred thousand scarecrows across the border?

Please. Their tech would make Russia laugh.
The scariest thing the Norks could do is launch an EMP over the North American continent.
They already have demonstrated the nuclear capability and the launch capacity to do it.
I suspect they are doing this to help Russia-the more possible hot spots around the world, the harder it is for the West to focus on Ukraine, and now the Middle East. This would also help China if they go nuts and invade Taiwan.
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World War 3. . . no one is going to war in the defense of North Korea.

China is their closest ally and they don't even like them all that much.
World War 3. . . no one is going to war in the defense of North Korea.

China is their closest ally and they don't even like them all that much.
China would go to war to keep the U.S. from setting up bases in North Korea.
They want a buffer.
If the U.S. announced it was putting a base in Taiwan I think they’d invade.
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China would go to war to keep the U.S. from setting up bases in North Korea.
They want a buffer.
If the U.S. announced it was putting a base in Taiwan I think they’d invade.

Yes but North Korea is just a means to an end for them. They arn't gonna go to war because North Korea wanted to provoke a war. The most they would do is applaud on the sidelines while North Korea get's it's ass kicked and just make sure to send the message through back channels that after it's all over they don't want any US military bases on their door step.
I suspect they are doing this to help Russia-the more possible hot spots around the world, the harder it is for the West to focus on Ukraine, and now the Middle East. This would also help China if they go nuts and invade Taiwan.
SK has become a major weapons supplier to Ukraine and Europe - Putin ask to scare them into keeping that stuff at home.
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The scariest thing the Norks could do is launch an EMP over the North American continent.
They already have demonstrated the nuclear capability and the launch capacity to do it.
That's the entire reason the US invested and deployed THAAD.

Besides the fact that the NKs putting an EMP on an icbm is kinda pointless, since it would look/act the same as one carrying regular nuke warheads to us, and they would be glassed in response by our subs sitting off their coast before we would even learn the difference.
That's the entire reason the US invested and deployed THAAD.

Besides the fact that the NKs putting an EMP on an icbm is kinda pointless, since it would look/act the same as one carrying regular nuke warheads to us, and they would be glassed in response by our subs sitting off their coast before we would even learn the difference.

We have an unquestioned ability to devastate NK, but doing so wouldn't fix anything an EMP wrecked.
The only winning move is not to play.

Yes but North Korea is just a means to an end for them. They arn't gonna go to war because North Korea wanted to provoke a war. The most they would do is applaud on the sidelines while North Korea get's it's ass kicked and just make sure to send the message through back channels that after it's all over they don't want any US military bases on their door step.
Agreed they didn't pour over the Yalu river as an act of brotherly love.
I think if US troops went north of the 38th parallel after NK started anything the Chinese would support them to the hilt to ensure the U.S. didn't get to install a government in NK.
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Three things republicans root for:
  • World War 3
  • Terrorist Attack in United States
  • Bad economy
Weird, I don’t root for any of those things.
To the contrary I’d actually really love a better economy. I’m tired of not having shit and paying a boatload for the little shit I do have.