Zelenskyy/Trump press conference...

Wrong on NATO. No chance that actually happens. Trump may not be a fan of its makeup and cost sharing but we will not leave. Zero chance.

It is literally happening right before your eyes.

All Trump has to do is refuse to commit US forces in support of other NATO countries; which is exactly what Putin and Xi will tell him to do, and he will comply when he gets a bunch of money, or a Trump Tower Beijing and Trump Tower Moscow.
Nope. He hates China.

Wrong again. He got himself and Ivanka a bunch of "trademarks" for cheap clothing with their names on it.

That is literally all he cares about. Practically every piece of Trump branded shit comes directly from China; he's heavily reliant on them for selling his brands, and that's not changing anytime soon.
But do we have the financial resources?
We certainly did in WWII

And we taxed the rich to fund it, and develop the greatest manufacturing base the world had ever seen.
But, then we quit taxing the rich and started going deeper and deeper into debt.

Last time we had a balanced budget, tax receipts were 20% GDP; they've been 16% and will track lower if Trump and his GOP buddies push yet more tax cuts for the billionaires in this country.

The trick they keep fooling you with, is that you are in that group; but you are not.
We're gutting Russia like a fish, for a pittance of our annual budget.
Like, a tiny fraction of what Reagan spent.

Yet, here you are, pushing Kremlin narratives.

SA, no doubt, was really in to Iraq and Afghanistan. Anyone who opposed invading and occupying 2 geopolitical shitholes was un-American. 6 trillion. But gosh, a few billion to cripple an actual geopolitical foe? Too much! America first!

Russia's oil industry and military factories are being droned back decades. If you can't see Russia is being defunded faster than Ukraine with minimal risk then no explanation is going to make sense to you.

Finland, Poland, etc need to be launching Ukrainian drones at Russian energy infrastructure and refineries every other day.
Hit more of the Moscow infrastructure, too.

Just deny it, like Putin has with destroying undersea fiberoptic cables. That's a direct attack on NATO countries, and they need to push back and gut Russian infrastructure like a fish.

Playing right into Xi's hands here.

Losing Taiwan in advance of the US having alternate sources will shut down the pipeline of critical components for our most advanced military hardware. That would enable China and others to actually compete against us on the field of battle.

Precisely what Xi and Putin want, and they appear to be getting it w/ MAGA Morons cheering it all on
Of course there was US backing.

But it was NOT a "US puppet government". You seem to be clueless and naive as to how Russian oligarchs and hierarchy works.
I understand how treacherous they are. You have no understanding of Ukraine oligarchs.
Yes. You continually regurgitate Kremlin talking points.
no not at all. You keep spouting military industrial complex and corruption.
I mean this with all my heart, go **** yourself you stupid, illiterate, twat waffle.

I will also add you stupidity hillbilly MAGAs are fixing to find out a bunch of European intelligence agencies and likely Ukraine have major dirt on Trump and they now have zero need to hold it back. Probably also on other Republikan’s too with Putin cum on their chins. Pretty sure Vance and Lindsey are going to be outed very soon…along with several others. They are going to realize Kompromat is not just a tool of KGB.
you are likely correct. But you are blind to what they have on Bidenista s.
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I didn’t come back because it’s Friday night and I was hanging with my family.

I’ve never been in blue sky.

I think Russia will continue to launch wars on conquest because that’s what they’ve done under Putins leadership consistently and he’s stated it as a goal.
I edited my response becuase I don't want to get into the debate about countries Putin has invaded, reasons why, and the similarities in history to what the USA has done.

You're smart enough to understand my above statement has no relationship to whether I think countries should invade other countries. You also had enough character to come back and admit when you were wrong.

I noticed that the history expert @bcherod upvoted your response to me. I make a clear differentiation between yourself and someone who purports to be an expert in history and posts nonsense. God help her students if she indeed teaches.
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Playing right into Xi's hands here.

Losing Taiwan in advance of the US having alternate sources will shut down the pipeline of critical components for our most advanced military hardware. That would enable China and others to actually compete against us on the field of battle.

Precisely what Xi and Putin want, and they appear to be getting it w/ MAGA Morons cheering it all on

Totally agree, I have considered it a huge hole in national security for years. I also considered it to be Biden's crowning glory so I'm not shocked it is being weakened or killed.
It is, indeed, what you'd posted.
If that in fact is true, why aren't you quoting it as I asked yesterday? I mean, how hard is that?

Also, you're telling me your read the academic book I cited? Would it be o.k. if I started to ask you some questions about the author and content? I deleted that post for purposes of an experiment. You claim to have read my supporting links, so you should have no issue answering questions about the book while not being able to go back and do a Google search.

I mean the author is from UC Berkley, an obviously right leaning institution.

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Putin stated this as his goal. Interesting. Do you have a link to a video where he states this? Because I'm unable to locate one. He's stated quite the opposite. I understand elected poeple lie. But his actions, excepting Ukraine (and there is an ongoing argument about this) , during his tenure don't seem to match what you state.
He invaded Georgia in the same manner as Ukraine. Their troops still occupy the northern tier.

He believes that the countries who comprised the Soviet Union are part of what he refers to as "historical Russia". He also promised the world he would not invade Ukraine just months before invading it again.

I edited my post before you responded. Go back and look at it. I'm aware of what countries he invaded and his stated reasons and how we reacted through USDOS, etc., rather than Wikipedia.

I see the one guy (expert partisan) upvoted your post. Very revealing. It's more important to score an internet win than it is to be even moderately informed for people of his ilk.
It's fun watching you get pummeled.
I edited my post before you responded. Go back and look at it. I'm aware of what countries he invaded and his stated reasons and how we reacted through USDOS, etc., rather than Wikipedia.

I see the one guy (expert partisan) upvoted your post. Very revealing. It's more important to score an internet win than it is to be even moderately informed for people of his ilk.
He stated his reasoning for this last invasion was for going after Nazi's? Was that true or not? What was his ultimate reasoning?
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I edited my post before you responded. Go back and look at it. I'm aware of what countries he invaded and his stated reasons and how we reacted through USDOS, etc., rather than Wikipedia.

I see the one guy (expert partisan) upvoted your post. Very revealing. It's more important to score an internet win than it is to be even moderately informed for people of his ilk.
IDGAF who upvoted my post. Why did you edit your post? What do you mean about scoring an internet win? Are you more interested in winning or being correct?
Totally agree, I have considered it a huge hole in national security for years. I also considered it to be Biden's crowning glory so I'm not shocked it is being weakened or killed.

Anything, and everything, that Biden was "for", MAGA has to be "against".

Simply doesn't matter if it was a national security improvement. That is how they have been programmed.
You think China and NK stand idlly by during this wet dream of yours?

Second, Europe doesnt have the stomach for this either. The only stomach they have is for getting the US to carry their water. Hell they can't even pay the money they should now.

Today's events get us a peace deal soon I predict. Z has to understand his position will get no stronger later than it at this very moment.

Zelensky's position improved tons while the U.S. lost credibility and respect. How this translates in military terms remains to be seen. This depends on how NATO nations and now even other nations consider U.S. weakness and the possibility of future alliances to counter aggression. In other words, If there is a change in dynamics in international leadership, there will be a scramble.

Face it. The Orange Turd, and the VP did the unthinkable on broadcast television. It was an amateurish display by incompetents. Judge the world feedback which is larger and more crucial than the MAGA audience. Let's drop the political divide and think logically.
IDGAF who upvoted my post. Why did you edit your post? What do you mean about scoring an internet win? Are you more interested in winning or being correct?
He continues to bash through his stance, when you ask for the actual supporting evidence, in my case a report he kept referring to about the VA, suddenly he doesn't have the time or ability to go find it, and by all my research does not exist. That is golfhacker summed up in a sentence.
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The immaturity and incompetence of Bonespurs was on full display. Administration #2 dumpster fire is well into its wheel house. How embarassing for the good ol' USA.
I'm also wondering if the "reporter" that asked Zelensky why he "wasn't wearing a suit" wasn't some setup meant to embarrass him?
Just a clownshow from the beginning.
Zelensky's position improved tons while the U.S. lost credibility and respect. How this translates in military terms remains to be seen. This depends on how NATO nations and now even other nations consider U.S. weakness and the possibility of future alliances to counter aggression. In other words, If there is a change in dynamics in international leadership, there will be a scramble.

Face it. The Orange Turd, and the VP did the unthinkable on broadcast television. It was an amateurish display by incompetents. Judge the world feedback which is larger and more crucial than the MAGA audience. Let's drop the political divide and think logically.
^^^^This is an excellent comment.
It appears it's the world leaders vs MAGA in regards to the reaction to what occurred Friday.

Radical Right media has worked overtime to justify what happened.