100% On Topic and Civil Thread on AJ Ferrari's Wrestling Future

Guilty until proven innocent, right? He had to have done all 91 counts because I don't like him? Is that the case? There's no way Biden is guilty of anything because he hasn't been charged? CNN told me so?

Let things play out. Trump will get his day and if charged, Biden will get his.
Let's hope so. Anyone guilty of crime whether President or not ought to get the full measure of the law. I'd imagine within those 91 felony charges something's going to stick. Plus it's already a guilty verdict with the sexual abuse charge, and $5 million fine.
Yep - all that peace we had was surely the greater evil. That $2.00 gas sure did suck. Even the sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago are pissy now. What are we at, 10,000,000 illegal crossings to date? In 2 1/2 f'n years! Wonder how many of those have joined or formed terror cells? That damned racist in office who wanted to secure our border above all others. How selfish. How about a corrupt family with 20 shell companies with nearly 200 hits of suspicious activity reported from the banks? Greater evil my white ass. What more do you need for proof - an actual notorized transaction? Didn't need that with the other guy, did you. I wish I could believe you actually consider facts and logic, but I'm pretty sure you are so jaded you can't.
There will be terrorist attacks. If you wanted to set up cells in America was it easier under Trump? Or now with this ridiculous border stuff? Here ends the politics. Notice how I can think Ferrari is kind of an idiot but did not sexually assault a woman? I'm a PSU fan and I won't throw a kid un der the bus from an opposing team just because I get to feel better that my guys " are good guys".

I talked to my kids about the dangers of hook ups and the possible fallout. Many kids that age are dumb. Who knows what happened in that encounter? Did she say to her friends how she was going to bang him? Was he rude to her after in her opinion? Is she crazy? Maybe no means go ahead to him? But either way the powers that be dismissed the case, which looks better for him than an acquittal. At least to me it does.
I guess I'll need 4 indictments and 91 felony charges filed against Joe Biden. How many are there now? I guess the number is zero. Fact.
Didn't Ferrari have asexual assault charge against him? Indictments mean zero, they appear to be very political, but again, it's not the current topic. Did Ferrari jizz on this girl with her consent? It appears there was not enough evidence to show he did it without her permission so charges were dismissed.
Let's hope so. Anyone guilty of crime whether President or not ought to get the full measure of the law. I'd imagine within those 91 felony charges something's going to stick. Plus it's already a guilty verdict with the sexual abuse charge, and $5 million fine.
A little off topic - but I can't quite figure out what Vince is trying to imply?
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Let's hope so. Anyone guilty of crime whether President or not ought to get the full measure of the law. I'd imagine within those 91 felony charges something's going to stick. Plus it's already a guilty verdict with the sexual abuse charge, and $5 million fine.
Boy that's a very dark road to go down. How many Senators, Congressman, High ranking officials are there that can be in the same shoes? I agree they should be held accountable. But be mindful of what you're asking for, because there's a lot of people you may like that can be in trouble if the laws are stretched enough to make this happen.
Do you even know what a cultist is? You throw that around like the term "racist" has been for years. It has a meaning and one that comes with a set of rules to be labelled one. MAGA isn't a cult. They don't meet in some sacred ground sacrificing something to a God for favors. It's a saying that was adopted in a belief that the traditional ways of the past could be honored again. A set of values.
I used the term vodka used and I thought it was implied the meaning vodka attaches to the term cultist followed through the thread. Good grief you might be worse than the aforementioned keyboard warrior.
Just wait.
Watching the two tiers is interesting, however I want to hear the discussion on why the charges were dismissed. we might need subtitles to understand the Jersey Dialect and need a copy of the urban dictionary, but it would be entertaining.

Imagine a bunch of hey hoes! Youze guys, DTF etc etc. I'm betting she asked to see the helicopter trick and he assumed that dropping his payload was part of it.

Only then can we decide.

Boy that's a very dark road to go down. How many Senators, Congressman, High ranking officials are there that can be in the same shoes? I agree they should be held accountable. But be mindful of what you're asking for, because there's a lot of people you may like that can be in trouble if the laws are stretched enough to make this happen.
Right now I'm going to contribute to the greater good by posting Guido videos. The emergence of this subculture is amazing to me as a Pa. guy. When I was at the Jersey Shore in the early 80s clubs had live music predominantly rock. Thirty years later it was all DJ/techno stuff from what I heard.

Boy that's a very dark road to go down. How many Senators, Congressman, High ranking officials are there that can be in the same shoes? I agree they should be held accountable. But be mindful of what you're asking for, because there's a lot of people you may like that can be in trouble if the laws are stretched enough to make this happen.
Let it fly... from Trump on down. I'm not married to or culted-up with any politician. I can take any law breaker getting their rightful judgment. I trust the legal system. It's not always right, but it's the best way we judge wrongdoings and exact justice.
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Do you even know what a cultist is? You throw that around like the term "racist" has been for years. It has a meaning and one that comes with a set of rules to be labelled one. MAGA isn't a cult. They don't meet in some sacred ground sacrificing something to a God for favors. It's a saying that was adopted in a belief that the traditional ways of the past could be honored again. A set of values.

MAGA is absolutely a cult. The thing about cults is that in almost every instance, the cultists are incapable of recognizing that they're in a cult until after they've separated from the cult.
No rcamp76, he's just a moron with a keyboard that's scared he's not important enough.

How old are you? You're not using the quote function correctly.

Also, are you aware that you don't have to pay a subscription to use this forum? Friendly tip there.

I'm sensing some technical inexperience. Hope that helps.
Boy that's a very dark road to go down. How many Senators, Congressman, High ranking officials are there that can be in the same shoes? I agree they should be held accountable. But be mindful of what you're asking for, because there's a lot of people you may like that can be in trouble if the laws are stretched enough to make this happen.

So you're asking for a two tiered politicized justice system that gives our congressman and government officials a privilege not extended to ordinary citizens in regards to the law and accountability?
Let it fly... from Trump on down. I'm not married to or culted-up with any politician. I can take any law breaker getting their rightful judgment. I trust the legal system. It's not always right, but it's the best way we judge wrongdoings and exact justice.
The problem is most liberals make the assumption that conservatives are Trump cultists. Speaking for myself, I don't like the man one bit but if you don't think we were better off under him than where we are at now, then I don't know what to say. And when I say we, I mean the world too. You want to use observable facts - just look to the middle east. Look to Ukraine. For that matter, soon Taiwan. Look at your gas and grocery bills. For F sake turn the channel once in a while.

Do you have any concept of what Soros has done at the local level to destroy law enforcement? Each and every one of his sponsored DA's is a bought and paid for puppet. Probably not so WTF - I give up. Without mentioning Trump, tell me what this administration has done to make this country a better place. Not through theories that ignores real life consequences - real positive change. Now seriously - I give up. You win. On to just discussing wrestling. I promise.
The case against Trump was bogus, Ferrari's case did not come to the level where it required a trial since it was dismissed. There can be multiple reasons why from she lied to she was paid off but we will never know.

There was more evidence against Ferrari than Trump with a much closer timeline than a thirty some year old case with next to zero details. You two had to make it political like a bunch of Goobers. I expect it from you, from the other guy? I don't know him.
Why was that case more bogus than Ferrari’s case? One woman accused Ferrari. Trump was also accused by 20 other women, not just one. Trump went to trial and lost. He was found guilty from the evidence. What is bogus about that?
The problem is most liberals make the assumption that conservatives are Trump cultists. Speaking for myself, I don't like the man one bit but if you don't think we were better off under him than where we are at now, then I don't know what to say. And when I say we, I mean the world too. You want to use observable facts - just look to the middle east. Look to Ukraine. For that matter, soon Taiwan. Look at your gas and grocery bills. For F sake turn the channel once in a while.

Do you have any concept of what Soros has done at the local level to destroy law enforcement? Each and every one of his sponsored DA's is a bought and paid for puppet. Probably not so WTF - I give up. Without mentioning Trump, tell me what this administration has done to make this country a better place. Not through theories that ignores real life consequences - real positive change. Now seriously - I give up. You win. On to just discussing wrestling. I promise.
increased domestic oil production to combat the voluntary decreases coming from opec

highest average for any year january through august...and still increasing

also, passed an infrastructure bill to fund roads, bridges and highways
The problem is most liberals make the assumption that conservatives are Trump cultists.
This part is so very much correct. On the Republican side the equivalent mistake is automatically lumping in all Democrats as Socialists. Without delving into the back and forth of the political arguments it is 100% possible that many Republicans were that way because of mainly conservative beliefs. To be very clear, The Donald was NOT close to conservative in many areas.

On the flipside it is very possible that many Democrats were and are quite liberal without prescribing to any socialistic or communal tenets. The problem with all the political back and forths is there are WAAAAYY too many assumptions made on both sides to bolster their arguments.

I would love to see those of you going at it so hard make a list of political topics that most accurately define the difference between the 2 parties. Then list your stances on each. I think you would find it much easier to go back and forth if you did...
Why was that case more bogus than Ferrari’s case? One woman accused Ferrari. Trump was also accused by 20 other women, not just one. Trump went to trial and lost. He was found guilty from the evidence. What is bogus about that?
He wasn’t found guilty, there was not one ounce of evidence from a woman who couldn’t remember anything from 30 years ago. She supposedly was raped by Trump in the changing room of a high end department store, which would be a quit place and easy to hear someone being raped. Secondly , Trump wouldn’t shop off the rack. He would have a Taylor come to him for measurements to make custom made suites.
He wasn’t found guilty, there was not one ounce of evidence from a woman who couldn’t remember anything from 30 years ago. She supposedly was raped by Trump in the changing room of a high end department store, which would be a quit place and easy to hear someone being raped. Secondly , Trump wouldn’t shop off the rack. He would have a Taylor come to him for measurements to make custom made suites.
with these air-tight arguments and trump's habit of burning through lawyers faster than he goes through bottles of spray tan, he may need your help with closing arguments soon

make sure he has your contact info!
He wasn’t found guilty, there was not one ounce of evidence from a woman who couldn’t remember anything from 30 years ago. She supposedly was raped by Trump in the changing room of a high end department store, which would be a quit place and easy to hear someone being raped. Secondly , Trump wouldn’t shop off the rack. He would have a Taylor come to him for measurements to make custom made suites.
Wow, you should have been his defense lawyer! I can't believe that tripe wasn't brought up to the jury! He's innocent because he doesn't shop off the rack! 😂😂 Quick, ask for a mistrial! I'm sure the weeks of the trial covered all kinds of other meaningless stuff. I guess the jury got it wrong huh? Wah wah wah. GUILTY! LIABLE! Despite your Perry Mason legal advice. Can you count to 5 million?
Wow, you should have been his defense lawyer! I can't believe that tripe wasn't brought up to the jury! He's innocent because he doesn't shop off the rack! 😂😂 Quick, ask for a mistrial! I'm sure the weeks of the trial covered all kinds of other meaningless stuff. I guess the jury got it wrong huh? Wah wah wah. GUILTY! LIABLE! Despite your Perry Mason legal advice. Can you count to 5 million?

It's almost as good of a defense as "I couldn't have raped her bc she's not my type".

He might've gotten away with that brilliant argument if he hadn't misidentified the victim as his wife.
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He wasn’t found guilty, there was not one ounce of evidence from a woman who couldn’t remember anything from 30 years ago. She supposedly was raped by Trump in the changing room of a high end department store, which would be a quit place and easy to hear someone being raped. Secondly , Trump wouldn’t shop off the rack. He would have a Taylor come to him for measurements to make custom made suites.
"Custom-made suites". How much does a suite cost these days to have it made?
So you're asking for a two tiered politicized justice system that gives our congressman and government officials a privilege not extended to ordinary citizens in regards to the law and accountability?
Jesus Christ, that's what you got out of that? You really are a moron. You can't read, you pass judgement and make shit up.
Jesus Christ, that's what you got out of that? You really are a moron. You can't read, you pass judgement and make shit up.

Here's verbatim the quote that you responded to:

"Anyone guilty of crime whether President or not ought to get the full measure of the law."

You responded saying:
"Boy that's a very dark road to go down. How many Senators, Congressman, High ranking officials are there that can be in the same shoes? I agree they should be held accountable. But be mindful of what you're asking for, because there's a lot of people you may like that can be in trouble if the laws are stretched enough to make this happen."

So you quite clearly implied that politicians shouldn't be held account to the full measure of the law.

And then when I point out that by not holding them to legal accountability when they break laws that you're promoting a two tiered justice system, you reply back that I didn't comprehend your statement.

You're quickly proving to be one of the dumbest posters on a forum full of dumb posters.
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Look guys when he gets to Iowa City I have no idea where he fits I am pretty sure the days of 197 are behind him. Last I heard he was around 230 so might want pump the brakes a bit on 197.
Which cult am I in?
He would not answer me when called out about which SPECIAL INTEREST CULT he is in? 100% he is in a small special interest group! Could be living off government hand outs, could be changing his sex, could want to make banging sheep legal? I do not know, he will not answer.

Fact is, 100% he is in one of them!!!
I guess I'll need 4 indictments and 91 felony charges filed against Joe Biden. How many are there now? I guess the number is zero. Fact.
If you get smarter you would still be stupid do you know that? Have you even turned on any real news lately? BANK RECORDS, CONFIRMED, from foreign countries, funneling in 20 Million SO FAR!!!

Why would they do this? What were they buying/ paying for? What were the biden scumbags selling/offering?

I mean REALLY!?!??! Do you not get this??? Are you saying it did not happen? It is HIGH TREASON and many are in on it. They SOLD us, THE USA out!!!

NOTHING you can say about TRUMP, is even remotely in the same galaxy as these crimes!!! "oh he was accused of sexual misconduct" are you shitting me!?!?!? This is untold amounts of TAXPAYERS $$$$ being scammed! This is people getting killed!!! This is USA secrets being sold and much more!!!!!
He would not answer me when called out about which SPECIAL INTEREST CULT he is in? 100% he is in a small special interest group! Could be living off government hand outs, could be changing his sex, could want to make banging sheep legal? I do not know, he will not answer.

Fact is, 100% he is in one of them!!!

If you get smarter you would still be stupid do you know that? Have you even turned on any real news lately? BANK RECORDS, CONFIRMED, from foreign countries, funneling in 20 Million SO FAR!!!

Why would they do this? What were they buying/ paying for? What were the bidders selling/offering?

I mean REALLY!?!??! Do you not get this??? Are you saying it did not happen? It is HIGH TREASON and many are in on it. They SOLD us, THE USA out!!!

NOTHING you can say about TRUMP, is even remotely in the same galaxy as these crimes!!! "oh he was accused of sexual misconduct" are you shitting me!?!?!? This is untold amounts of TAXPAYERS $$$$ being scammed! This is people getting killed!!! This is USA secrets being sold and much more!!!!!
Biden's own daughter, Ashley, stated she wouldn't shower if he was in the house because he would join her. Their hero but everyone else is in a cult🤪👏🤪.
My contribution to this thread (I'll try to hit every point): I like Iowa. I like NYC. There are good people everywhere. Who you worship is your business; keep it out of my face. Whatever your opinion of Trump, you will not convince someone who believes otherwise. I have never heard the expression suck a fart out of an elephant's ass, and hope to never again. I want to see all 3 Ferraris in the lineup. My wife is not from Iowa but she is hot. No pics.
He would not answer me when called out about which SPECIAL INTEREST CULT he is in? 100% he is in a small special interest group! Could be living off government hand outs, could be changing his sex, could want to make banging sheep legal? I do not know, he will not answer.

Fact is, 100% he is in one of them!!!

If you get smarter you would still be stupid do you know that? Have you even turned on any real news lately? BANK RECORDS, CONFIRMED, from foreign countries, funneling in 20 Million SO FAR!!!

Why would they do this? What were they buying/ paying for? What were the biden scumbags selling/offering?

I mean REALLY!?!??! Do you not get this??? Are you saying it did not happen? It is HIGH TREASON and many are in on it. They SOLD us, THE USA out!!!

NOTHING you can say about TRUMP, is even remotely in the same galaxy as these crimes!!! "oh he was accused of sexual misconduct" are you shitting me!?!?!? This is untold amounts of TAXPAYERS $$$$ being scammed! This is people getting killed!!! This is USA secrets being sold and much more!!!!!
Hey IronTurd... where is all that evidence you keep promising that is coming out 'soon' that will show Lying Donnie Sexual Abuser's innocence of 91 felonies? Still waiting!! 🤣🤣
Here's verbatim the quote that you responded to:

"Anyone guilty of crime whether President or not ought to get the full measure of the law."

You responded saying:
"Boy that's a very dark road to go down. How many Senators, Congressman, High ranking officials are there that can be in the same shoes? I agree they should be held accountable. But be mindful of what you're asking for, because there's a lot of people you may like that can be in trouble if the laws are stretched enough to make this happen."

So you quite clearly implied that politicians shouldn't be held account to the full measure of the law.

And then when I point out that by not holding them to legal accountability when they break laws that you're promoting a two tiered justice system, you reply back that I didn't comprehend your statement.

You're quickly proving to be one of the dumbest posters on a forum full of dumb posters.
You didn't get that it will be more than just Trump. That there will be a ton of your Dems that will be going down also. Not at all in my statement you understood that? Nope you twisted it into something else. Then your little butt buddy sabula jumps likes it. Moron.
You didn't get that it will be more than just Trump. That there will be a ton of your Dems that will be going down also. Not at all in my statement you understood that? Nope you twisted it into something else. Then your little butt buddy sabula jumps likes it. Moron.
Tons!! Tons of Democrats I tell you!! Tons!! And soon. You are like the Little Debbie fans. Wait til next year. 😂 like I said if you are proven to have committed a crime... do the time. 91 felonies and counting on the books. Probably soon to be doing the time. Still waiting on some Dems though... but soon...right? 😂
You didn't get that it will be more than just Trump. That there will be a ton of your Dems that will be going down also.
Good, I would love that. I'm not a dem and they aren't "my dems".

I'm an independent and believe every citizen should be held to the same legal standard regardless of their background, wealth, or political power.

I know it's hard for you cultists to comprehend that most normal well adjusted adults don't worship politicians.
IronTurd tried to tell us...' oh he was accused of sexual misconduct'. Let me correct you again. He was ACCUSED, TRIED, CONVICTED and FINED $5 million for sexual ABUSE. Fact. Still waiting for that to happen to some Dem or Choir Boy Joe.
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