No offense, but you don't misinterpret an order to stand down. You just don't.
I don't know enough about Benghazi to have a feeling for what happened. All I really know is that Americans died and people blame Hilary Clinton for it. I'm not sure why/how Hilary Clinton is involved because she is just the Secretary of State and not in the chain of command.
I also feel as if everyone from the soldiers on the ground to the first person in the chain that received the stand down order could have viewed that order as unlawful being that American lives were at risk. That's just me though.
I'm not saying Hilary was or wasn't involved. I'm just curious to know how she could have been involved. This is the most confusing part to me because she doesn't give orders.
To start, requests (plural) to her department from Ambassador Stevens for more security. He feared for their safety. Requests were denied. Hillary and others have said those requests don't go as high as her, that they are handled by people under her. The supposedly reviewed the requests (again, plural) and denied them.
The British deemed Benghazi too dangerous and pulled their people out.
This next part if after the fact, but nonetheless, relevant to the overall picture of before, during, or after the attack.
Hillary told the parents of the dead contractors (according to the parents) that she, or the Govt, was going to get the guy responsible (the film maker).
Today, Hillary says the families are remembering what she said wrong. One reporter told Hillary that somebody is lying, and she said "it's not me".
The father of one of the dead contractors had a habit of writing things down in his notebook, and when he met with Hillary, he writes that they hugged and she told him they will arrest the guy responsible (the film maker).
Also, what was it like 10 days after the attack, Susan Rice was making her rounds on the Sunday morning talk shows touting it was the video that spawned the attack in Benghazi.
Now we know politicians lie quite often. As far as the "stand down" order foes, I tend to believe the men that ran into the fire, risking their lives to save Americans, more than I would somebody in the middle of his-re-election campaign or anyone in his administration.