You're right and I still will. Who do you think teaches our special forces the skills needed in hand to hand combat? Boxers? Wrestlers? No - martial arts experts. And your lack of knowledge shows again - they are called "players." "Skill only gets you so far." You assume brute strength against supreme skills in breaking bones, dislocating joints, and choking the life out of someone is the better option. All of which can be done from a defensive position. And it's you that makes absurd statements like Rogan beating a lineman in his 80's. Then you can't understand why people call you out. Just remember - all of this started with you picking a fight over a comment made about an announcer being a good listen and I compared it to Rogan.
Again ducking the question. At what point does age, size, and strength become an overwhelming factor?
You agree it's absurd to state an 80 year old Joe would beat NFL lineman. I think it's absurd to state a 56 year old Joe would beat most lineman. So you've acknowledged age matters. You haven't yet acknowledged that size and strength matters.