There’s. An. El. Nino.
Please don’t talk about things you’re obviously ignorant about. Willfully ignorant at that. The oceans have been - thankfully, I suppose - absorbing much of the extra heat from the atmosphere for decades. They have served as a buffer protecting us from our stupidity. That heat is being stored in the deep ocean - up to 2 km below the surface.
Between 1971 and 2018 it's estimated that the oceans absorbed 396 zetajoules of heat. How much heat is that? Well, it's the equivalent of 25
BILLION Hiroshima bombs. So yes...we basically launched our entire nuclear arsenal many times over into the oceans. For decades. And we heated the ocean. A lot
There's a limit to how much heat the oceans can absorb and an El Nino releases a lot of that pent-up heat back into the atmosphere. This is our chickens coming home to roost and no amount of idiotic denialism by ignorant asshats can change the facts.