30 Years ago...

As if the tech bubble, housing bubble, and COVID wouldn’t have occurred?

The president wasn’t the driving factor in any of those.

It’s like someone laying a zodiac over this timeline and telling me most job losses occur in the age of Aquarius.
The President didn’t drive any factor?
My god man. You are kinda coming across as not understanding the “human” part of life and economics.
Jeez. You just can’t agree that pub policies lose jobs, Dem policies gain jobs.
You can post plenty of links to rebut my post, and likely you will.
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The President didn’t drive any factor?
My god man. You are kinda coming across as not understanding the “human” part of life and economics.
Jeez. You just can’t agree that pub policies lose jobs, Dem policies gain jobs.
You can post plenty of links to rebut my post, and likely you will.
How did Clinton create the tech bubble?
How did Bush create the housing bubble?

I'll hang up and listen.
Go ahead and post your myriad links. You have no humanity, yet are “tech savvy”. It isn’t all about the hidden hand.
If it is your assertion that the President, and not the Federal Reserve, was the driving force behind the tech bubble and housing bubble, and thus the timing of the associated job gains and losses, please explain.