
Gilman actually does get the Russian first round lol. Can’t make this sh*t up.

I heard there are 60 countries represented in wrestling at the Olympics.
Rough numbers (I could be off a little)
31 countries in Greco
34 countries in Women’s Freestyle
36 countries in Men’s Freestyle

It would be good to expand to 24 or 32 man brackets but if given a choice I’d take 2 more weight classes.
I don't understand why they couldn't just do the same bracket size and weight classes as the world championships?
World championships are a single event format. Olympics are a multi, multi, multi event format. They have to allocate funds to each sport for officials, housing, venue workers, etc… so hard financial decisions must be made. They also want spectators to go to the wrestling and between rounds get tickets to other events.
I don't understand why they couldn't just do the same bracket size and weight classes as the world championships?
The IOC would rather devote precious resources to canoe slaloming and and synchronized, mixed skateboarding. I do give the IOC props for having introduced women's freestyle wrestling as a contested sport a few cycles back.
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It's really not a terrible draw. He should at least wrestle for Bronze and has beaten the guy he'd most likely see there before (though he lost the most recent match against him for Bronze in 2018).
You were spot on. Didn’t think it’d be as close with uguev but Gilman was good.