Do you know how many kids that get abducted go home? Whatever it take for my kids to come home, what other options does a 7 or 10 year have against an adult?The screaming/yelling lesson I get. The stabbing in the eye part? Jesus Christ.
The recovery rate for the estimated 115 children abducted by strangers each year, a very small but alarming segment of children reported missing annually, is less heartening. Allen said an average of 57 percent of them come home alive and 40 percent are killed. The rest remain open cases.
Look, I understand and don’t argue with those stats. I have two small kids myself and the thought of anything like this happening to them makes me lose my appetite. That’s not really my point.
My question is, do you feel it’s worth instilling a very traumatic, stress-inducing thought (stabbing an adult in the eye) in your young kids’ heads on the infinitesimally small chance they’re actually in that position someday? I mean, let’s play it out...
1. One or both of your children are accosted (sorry for even typing this)
2. Yelling/screaming (again, totally on board with this lesson) doesn’t work
3. They happen to be carrying a pencil/other sharp object
4. They’re able to reach said object in the struggle
5. They have the mental and physical strength to stab the attacker well enough to render him and whatever weapon(s) he may have overpowered
What do you honestly think the odds are of all 5 of the above happening? High enough to make the harsh lesson worth it? If so we’ll agree to disagree.