Are you disappointed in family members who are Trump voters?

You’re lucky. My parents respect our no politics request but my wife’s side is pretty vocal.
On the one hand I’m lucky- the ex wife’s side was very into injecting it into everything. On the other hand, not so lucky cause only my mom and brother left on my side.

Life’s too short to let political people- who don’t know your name or care about you- ruin a relationship you’ve had since birth.
i recently saw someone say that there is data that shows dems and reps have gradually but (now) completely moved apart on social media. this is way beyond merely political echo chambering — red and blue users apparently have no connectors at all on anything. basically like living in different countries, perhaps worse.
i don’t entirely believe this but i’ve seen the diagrams depicting the data
SIL is a big Trumpster.

His first comment to me after Trump's ear got nicked..."Those fvcking Democrats".

Later I had the pleasure of telling him it was a Republican family!
You sure showed her!

I don't have any, at least to my knowledge. Don't really keep in contact with any outside of parents and brother.

Have some Indiana conservatives on the in law side, but they're sort of the traditional Republicans in terms of taxes. Probably some ashamed Trump voters in the mix, but no MAGA Trump types.

I sympathize with those who have Trumpers in the family. Similar to how I pity the Trumpers themselves.
I can’t believe the people who raised me and who I grew up with are Trump supporters.

I will always love them but I just don’t get it.

They in turn probably can’t believe you are a Biden/Harris supporter. Ever think of that? Do they treat you well? Are they good human beings?

You think that basically 50% of the population are uneducated/dumb to vote for Trump. Those 50% think you are dumb/uneducated for voting for Biden/ Harris.

Just my opinion but there are a lot more important things to worry about than political party affiliation.
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i recently saw someone say that there is data that shows dems and reps have gradually but (now) completely moved apart on social media. this is way beyond merely political echo chambering — red and blue users apparently have no connectors at all on anything. basically like living in different countries, perhaps worse.
i don’t entirely believe this but i’ve seen the diagrams depicting the data

There’s a great one on the nature of Congressional legislation:

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i recently saw someone say that there is data that shows dems and reps have gradually but (now) completely moved apart on social media. this is way beyond merely political echo chambering — red and blue users apparently have no connectors at all on anything. basically like living in different countries, perhaps worse.
i don’t entirely believe this but i’ve seen the diagrams depicting the data
I think this also a natural outcome of trying to ban viewpoints, they’ll just develop separate echo chambers.
They in turn probably can’t believe you are a Biden/Harris supporter. Ever think of that? Do they treat you well? Are they good human beings?

You think that basically 50% of the population are uneducated/dumb to vote for Trump. Those 50% think you are dumb for voting for Biden/ Harris.

Just my opinion but there are a lot more important things to worry about than political part affiliation.

I know you didn't ask me, but I have a really hard time understanding how a person can be virtuous while supporting Trump at this point.

I think the saying is beyond the pale.
They in turn probably can’t believe you are a Biden/Harris supporter. Ever think of that? Do they treat you well? Are they good human beings?

You think that basically 50% of the population are uneducated/dumb to vote for Trump. Those 50% think you are dumb/uneducated for voting for Biden/ Harris.

Just my opinion but there are a lot more important things to worry about than political party affiliation.
This doesn’t make sense. The data on whom the educated vote for does not correlate.
They in turn probably can’t believe you are a Biden/Harris supporter. Ever think of that? Do they treat you well? Are they good human beings?

You think that basically 50% of the population are uneducated/dumb to vote for Trump. Those 50% think you are dumb for voting for Biden/ Harris.

Just my opinion but there are a lot more important things to worry about than political part affiliation.
Yes, they’re still good people. Which is why I don’t understand their votes for Trump. It’s inconsistent.
I think everybody in my immediate family views all politicians as full of shit and nobody seems to really give a shit which direction other family members lean. I’m not aware of anybody who is loyal to either party and I don’t recall anybody being a fan of any president outside of Bill Clinton, who my parents both liked at the time.
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I know you didn't ask me, but I have a really hard time understanding how a person can be virtuous while supporting Trump at this point.

I think the saying is beyond the pale.

Thanks and I completely understand your logic. Most of the Republicans I know are more voting against the other party rather than supporting Trump. Many think he is an idiot, but they don’t like the alternative.
I think this also a natural outcome of trying to ban viewpoints, they’ll just develop separate echo chambers.
yes but there is more to it than that. banning should produce entirely different ecosystems (like truthsocial versus x) which has happened to a limited extent. but even within the same platforms (congress in the video you linked and the example i saw was twitter users) those bubbles have separated. it doesn't feel entirely organic, there's got to be an element of external actors. that said i don't necessarily understand the phenomenon.
I grew up in a house divided. One parent an Irish Democrat, one a conservative Republican. Taught me to listen to both sides of things and try to be reasonable. Also showed me that people can disagree and live together (even love each other). Imagine that.
So your family was rational and you were taught not to follow one ideology blindly?

So like the exact opposite of this board?
Night of January 6th, I finally blew up and voiced my opinion on Donald Trump on my FB page (I know old guy alert!).

I knew certain older family members were going to jump on my case and they did, but I kept my discourse civil and factual.

Similar aged cousins and friends were kinda split, but I had a lotta of 'likes' from people I would've never thought would agree with me, and then you had my younger nieces and nephews and kids friends all loved my rant and wanted to share it. Pretty much like you expect along the age lines.

When my family gets together we generally don't talk politics - they know where I stand and I know where they stand.

I'm a Reagan Republican without a political home these days and it's perfectly all right with me, I know the president of the United States means nothing to my pursuit of happiness
I grew up in a house divided. One parent an Irish Democrat, one a conservative Republican. Taught me to listen to both sides of things and try to be reasonable. Also showed me that people can disagree and live together (even love each other). Imagine that.
It's a rarity!
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