This isn’t big enough to warrant its own thread but is nonetheless amusing.
One of my fraternos is in the news once again. His sister is in Goldie’s sorority and is a Delta flight attendant for FSU football road game charter flights.
This fraterno has always been a controversial figure as has his time in Village of Palmetto Bay politics. Last week he was targeted in a drive by shooting where he was shot in the eye by a modified water gun
FoxNews Channel 7 in Miami
PALMETTO BAY, Fla. (WSVN)– A 62-year-old father is demanding punishment for the children who shot a SplatRBall bead gun into his Palmetto Bay driveway, hitting<a class="excerpt-read-more"...
Earlier antics
Police body-cam footage shows Palmetto Bay Councilman David Singer explaining to police why he and his son got into a fight with a crowd of patrons July 15 at Gilbert's Resort in Key Largo.
Son was recently arrested
Local 10 News has learned that a Miami Palmetto Senior High School baseball player who was charged with battering his teammate after a practice earlier this month is the son of controversial ex-Palmetto Bay Councilman David Singer.