Biden and Israel

The ol' Biden back-pedal!!!

It’s bold because he is holding back committed military aid that Israel needs to defend itself because they are trying to make a political point.

The following passage of the linked story is consistent with how I fist interpreted it. Fairly weak measure to attempt to influence Israel to act more in line with our wishes. Something tells me it won't have much of an impact, in part because I suspect Israel will continue to have the upper hand in terms of military might over Hamas, without these particular weapons, for as long as the delay lasts.

Maybe you didn't really mean bold, but rather something you don't like and Mr. Kennedy would not have done?

"But the move to delay weapons shipments demonstrates that the United States has found a new way to quietly pressure Israel short of a dramatic public halt on military aid writ large. The Biden administration appears frustrated enough with Israel’s treatment of Palestinian civilians in Gaza that it’s willing to take the more subtle route for now, perhaps hoping it will be enough to get the Israeli government to change course on matters such as a full-on invasion of the city of Rafah."
Do he withhold military aid for political reasons?
Israel is not actusllyt under threat by Hamas. Never have been. October 7th happened because they've gotten lazy and complacent with all the aid they've received and come to feel entitled to. People really don't talk enough about how embarrassing of a failure that was for the state of Israel

Trump administration broke law in withholding Ukraine aid, watchdog says as Senate prepares for impeachment trial​

  • The Trump administration broke the law by witholding congressionally approved military aid to Ukraine over the summer “for a policy reason,” a top government watchdog said.
  • The report by the Government Accountability Office came a day after the House of Representatives sent articles of impeachment of President Donald Trump to the Senate for conduct related to the withholding of that aid to Ukraine.
  • Trump held back the funds while pressuring Ukraine’s new president to announce investigations by that country of former Vice President Joe Biden, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

R impeachment of Biden imminent
So no issues with a POTUS withholding military aid for political reasons?

Yes? Granting aid, withholding aid, are always (maybe some exceptions?) for political reasons. Have you ever heard the phrase "carrot or the stick"?

Aid is like a carrot, it is used to influence, to incentivize or pressure a nation to act or align with our interests.

What I suspect you are confusing is the difference between getting a nation to act or align with the Unites States interests versus to act or align with a particular politicians interest.
Yes? Granting aid, withholding aid, are always (maybe some exceptions?) for political reasons. Have you ever heard the phrase "carrot or the stick"?

Aid is like a carrot, it is used to influence, to incentivize or pressure a nation to act or align with our interests.

What I suspect you are confusing is the difference between getting a nation to act or align with the Unites States interests versus to act or align with a particular politicians interest.

Look at the post above. The POTUS can’t withhold congressionally approved military aid for political reasons. Looks like it may be illegal.

This also is not a carrot and stick situation because it is already approved and committed to Israel. This is a POTUS action
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Did he ask their President for political dirt on his rival while holding back aid? I've heard that is no big deal and is a perfect phone call.
IIRC what actually happened was Dementia Joe demanded that a government official be fired who was investigating his druggie son (Hunter) in exchange for aid money.
That would normally be Boeing and the state of Israel
yes until we got voting to worry about, now I shoud have said, "whomever he can pander to, to get votes this fall"

somehow I think he thinks all the idiot college kids supporting hamas terrorists will vote for him if he shuns israel. I got news for biden: they were gonna vote for him anyways. or dems will cheat and say they voted.
Look at the post above. The POTUS can’t withhold congressionally approved military aid for political reasons. Looks like it may be illegal.

This also is not a carrot and stick situation because it is already approved and committed to Israel. This is a POTUS action

Right, read that story and the GAO report within it and see if that fact pattern is different than what is being described in the Biden/Israel story that you linked.

This line may be useful in identifying the differences: "categorized as a direct commercial sale between Israel and the contractor that requires sign-off from the administration"

Maybe something will come out of this, but I know how easily you get attached to things, so I'd just be careful about getting your hopes up here. Because this sounds much more like the subtle, weak attempt to influence Israel that won't even placate Biden's left flank as opposed to some illegal bombshell.
Right, read that story and the GAO report within it and see if that fact pattern is different than what is being described in the Biden/Israel story that you linked.

This line may be useful in identifying the differences: "categorized as a direct commercial sale between Israel and the contractor that requires sign-off from the administration"

Maybe something will come out of this, but I know how easily you get attached to things, so I'd just be careful about getting your hopes up here. Because this sounds much more like the subtle, weak attempt to influence Israel that won't even placate Biden's left flank as opposed to some illegal bombshell.

I think it will actually be a big deal. Freaking Politico is the one reporting it
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I've already said that we shouldn't feel obligated to give them aid in undertakings we don't approve of.

So fine there.

I guess it's a bit of a statement, but I doubt it changes anything much.
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Meh. The precedent has been set, this is not an impeachable issue. If you would have went to bat to impeach Trump, when he did the same but worse, you might have a leg to stand on.

There are also some critical differences between the two, I don't think a precedence from one would apply to the other.

- Congressionally approved aid versus sale between Boeing and Israel.
- Foreign policy of the United States versus self serving domestic election dirt.
Look at the post above. The POTUS can’t withhold congressionally approved military aid for political reasons. Looks like it may be illegal.

This also is not a carrot and stick situation because it is already approved and committed to Israel. This is a POTUS action

Again, read the Politico story.

This is not already approved and committed to Israel. This is not congressionally approved military aid.

This is being described as a sale between Boeing and Israel.

I realize you are easily excited, but if you just slow down and read what it is you're getting excited about, you're much less likely to misunderstand.
Again, read the Politico story.

This is not already approved and committed to Israel. This is not congressionally approved military aid.

This is being described as a sale between Boeing and Israel.

I realize you are easily excited, but if you just slow down and read what it is you're getting excited about, you're much less likely to misunderstand.
Again, read the Politico story.

This is not already approved and committed to Israel. This is not congressionally approved military aid.

This is being described as a sale between Boeing and Israel.

I realize you are easily excited, but if you just slow down and read what it is you're getting excited about, you're much less likely to misunderstand.
I read it. You are correct on it not aid.

It is just the Biden team preventing Israel from protecting itself but we already know they don’t like Israel
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I read it. You are correct on it not being aid.

It is just the Biden team preventing Israel from protecting itself but we already know they don’t like Israel
How do you know Israel can't protect itself without this aid? Just sending a message to Israel imo.

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