Biden Announces 100% TARIFF on Chinese-made Electric Vehicles

Do you favor or oppose raising the tariff from 25% to 100% on Chinese EVs?

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Nov 28, 2010
As well as a tariff increase from 25% to 100% on EVs, levies will rise from 7.5% to 25% on lithium batteries, from zero to 25% on critical minerals, from 25% to 50% on solar cells, and from 25% to 50% on semiconductors.

Tariffs on steel, aluminium and personal protective equipment – which range from zero to 7.5% – will rise to 25%.

Biden’s car tariffs are largely symbolic because Chinese EVs were virtually locked out of the US by tariffs imposed by Donald Trump during his presidency. However, lobby groups have suggested there is a future threat as Beijing seeks to use exports to compensate for the weakness of its domestic economy.

The Alliance for American Manufacturing has said the introduction of Chinese cars to the US market would be an “extinction-level event” for its carmakers.

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I'm not a fan of tariffs in general, but I do believe in being competitive and if they are responding to tariffs on American goods then so be it. I'd prefer this stuff to come from the legislative branch but the people in charge of the House aren't about to do anything that would actually benefit the average American right now.
I'm not a fan of tariffs in general, but I do believe in being competitive and if they are responding to tariffs on American goods then so be it.

This is not in response to Chinese tariffs...
I'm not a fan of tariffs in general, but I do believe in being competitive and if they are responding to tariffs on American goods then so be it. I'd prefer this stuff to come from the legislative branch but the people in charge of the House aren't about to do anything that would actually benefit the average American right now.
Amazing response
I'm not a fan of tariffs in general, but I do believe in being competitive and if they are responding to tariffs on American goods then so be it. I'd prefer this stuff to come from the legislative branch but the people in charge of the House aren't about to do anything that would actually benefit the average American right now.
I'd much rather we subsidize our EV industry to get competitive. We need more EVs and cheaper EVs. The whole world does.

We've dropped the ball. Europe has dropped the ball. It's mainly China, with rising competition from India.

Making it harder or more expensive to get Chinese EVs is the wrong way to go. We need to get aggressively into the game.

I agree that having a Red House and Red Court is a huge problem for America - generally and on green matters in particular. So maybe this is the best Biden can do. But I don't like it.
I'd much rather we subsidize our EV industry to get competitive. We need more EVs and cheaper EVs. The whole world does.

We've dropped the ball. Europe has dropped the ball. It's mainly China, with some rising competition from India.

Making it harder or more expensive to get Chinese EVs is the wrong way to go. We need to get aggressively into the game.

I agree that having a Red House and Red Court is a huge problem for America - generally and on green matters in particular. So maybe this is the best Biden can do. But I don't like it.
I like your idea better, but this requires Congress to do something. It's not going to happen with the jackholes we have in charge of the House right now.

There are no less than a dozen threads discussing how horrible of an idea it would be if trump did it, and how it would end the american economy. My favorite is the "mainatream republican" responses.

I'm sure the usuals will be here to tell us how this is a dumb move now that Biden is doing it.
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George HW Bush really screwed America strategically at the end of the Cold War.
Instead of keeping the lid on the Chicoms he decided to make them rich, and meanwhile stick Uncle Sam’s dick into the Middle East hornet’s nest.

That’s worked out great.
I like your idea better, but this requires Congress to do something. It's not going to happen with the jackholes we have in charge of the House right now.
...and, you have to be careful about such subsidies, because they can subject to your own tariffs by other foreign governments.

There are no less than a dozen threads discussing how horrible.of an idea it would be if trump did it and end the american economy. My favorite is the "mainatream republican" responses.
Funny how inflation blew up after Trump's trade war.
Funny how inflation blew up after Trump's trade war.
You have some absolute Gems in these threads. You going to turn coat now?

Read this one, knowing what we know now:

Let me know bout Joes great work with supply chains and "tariff everything to hell" plan.
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...and, you have to be careful about such subsidies, because they can subject to your own tariffs by other foreign governments.
Ideally, our subsidies would prompt EU subsidies.

Personally, I'd like to see an EV for Clunkers program. A $7500 tax credit doesn't help Americans who can't afford the remaining $30-70K.

That's unlikely to happen. But how about a zero-interest loan program (in addition to the tax credit) to help people get into EVs?

There are no less than a dozen threads discussing how horrible of an idea it would be if trump did it, and how it would end the american economy. My favorite is the "mainatream republican" responses.

I'm sure the usuals will be here to tell us how this is a dumb move now that Biden is doing it.
Orange Man Bad......very, so bad!!
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Ideally, our subsidies would prompt EU subsidies.

Personally, I'd like to see an EV for Clunkers program. A $7500 tax credit doesn't help Americans who can't afford the remaining $30-70K.

That's unlikely to happen. But how about a zero-interest loan program (in addition to the tax credit) to help people get into EVs?
How about we stop inflating a product that can't stand on its own.

It's the wind farm discussion all over again, if they were not funded up the ass they wouldn't see the light of day because they are incredibly inferior to the competition at this point.
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Recently I've been noticing a push against EVs and in favor of plug-in Hybrids. What's behind that? I can think of a few things...

Us being behind on EVs
Big Oil wants cars that still use gas
Scare tactics on driving range
Charging station issues

What else?
What, you don't think Trump's tariffs have contributed to increased prices?
Read your quotes pal, you don't get to but Trump one thing and not acknowledge Biden is doing exactly what you pissed yourself over. The ugly truth is bidens wins are exactly what people wanted to bitch about Trump. "Drill baby drill" is horrible, until a dem pumps more Dino juice than any other pres. Tariffs on China are going to "kill the American economy"... unless Biden does it.....

You will say and justify whatever you need.
Funny how inflation blew up after Trump's trade war.
Lolz. Yeah, I remember that. It blew up hardcore when he went all xenophobic and said Covid came from China and that we should stop travel to and from there. Whole system nearly collapsed from that one suggestion.
I'm really curious to see what India comes up with in the EV race. They seem to be aiming at smaller, less expensive EVs. Are thy any good? Will they be allowed into the US?

Our politicians and corporation are happy having China as an enemy, it seems. Do we also want India as an enemy?
But somehow, biden's tariffs will have bidenflation on the run?!?!? 🤡 🤣
Did I say that? But because of Trump's tariffs, China and other countries placed tariffs on American goods. So we can't simply get rid of them and not make American goods non-competitive.

Trump could have gone to Congress and gotten something done to address Chinese subsidization and helping American products be more competitive. But that would have required work. He would have had to actually do his job and he might have even had to miss a golf outing to get it done. So instead, he just went with the lazy sledgehammer of tariffs and now we are stuck with them.

Now, this Congress will not do anything that can even remotely help Americans and, indirectly, help Biden. They are under strict orders from Trump to not help anything as they need those things to campaign on in November. Biden literally has no other choice. Do I wish Biden could go another route? Absolutely. But as long as we have treasonous insurrectionists in Congress who are more interested in making Americans suffer for their own political power than to actually solve problems, this is what we have. And you're too stupid to even realize how you are being used.
I'm really curious to see what India comes up with in the EV race. They seem to be aiming at smaller, less expensive EVs. Are thy any good? Will they be allowed into the US?

Our politicians and corporation are happy having China as an enemy, it seems. Do we also want India as an enemy?
India isn’t a massive intellectual property theft syndicate masquerading as a global superpower. China is a POS and we should have no reason to trust them. Our relationship with them never should have gone as far as it did.
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That is the cause of inflation? you might want to sit out this thread

If the trade war was the reason, this will help?

Must.... defend.... my..... team..... always.....
You make a lot of assumptions. But whatever, I don't have the energy to spell out every detail for the average Trumper.

Are you going to tell me that tariffs haven't led to higher prices? Are you going to die on that hill?

And, btw, when the other team is in favor of installing white Christian nationalism as the governing principle of this country and doing away with the Constitution, I don't have a choice.
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Did I say that? But because of Trump's tariffs, China and other countries placed tariffs on American goods. So we can't simply get rid of them and not make American goods non-competitive.

Trump could have gone to Congress and gotten something done to address Chinese subsidization and helping American products be more competitive. But that would have required work. He would have had to actually do his job and he might have even had to miss a golf outing to get it done. So instead, he just went with the lazy sledgehammer of tariffs and now we are stuck with them. This Congress will not do anything that can even remotely make Biden look good. They are under strict orders from Trump to not help anything as they need those things to campaign on in November. Biden literally has no other choice. Do I wish Biden could go another route? Absolutely. But as long as we have treasonous insurrectionists in Congress who are more interested in making Americans suffer for their own political power than to actually solve problems, this is what we have. And you're too stupid to even realize how you are being used.
No other choice. What were the controlling members of the House called/doing in 2021/2022?

I thought you were generally reasoned in your discussions, this is just pathetic
You make a lot of assumptions. But whatever, I don't have the energy to spell out every detail for the average Trumper.

Are you going to tell me that tariffs haven't led to higher prices? Are you going to die on that hill?
Who is a Trumper?

Sorry you don't have the energy, I am sure you could spell it out. You are brilliant.

Go Team!
Filibuster. Remember that the emasculated infrastructure bill barely got passed, even after most of the green parts were stripped away.
there is funding for charging stations in the IIJA, it's called the NEVI program

it's starting to roll out in most states now...the initial focus is getting level 3 fast chargers every 50 miles or so along interstate corridors...future phases will focus on other locations
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