Biden Fans

If I had to bet, I'd give slightly better than even odds that the decision for Biden to withdraw has already been made (or is very close to being made) and that the delay in announcing it is because the Dem power brokers don't want to say so until they have worked out the logistics of what happens next.

The Dems are in disarray. It wouldn't look good to cave to popular demand to move past Biden without a solid plan in place.

Whether that's a plan to go all in on Harris or open the convention to some degree to pick a new slate, beats me.

A defiant Biden also argued that he had been made the nominee in the Democratic primary process and that to step aside would disenfranchise those voters, though no prominent Democrats chose to challenge him in the primaries. “How can we stand for Democracy in our nation, if we ignore it in our own party,” he wrote. “I cannot do that. I will not do that.”
The big one, to me at least, was asking a foreign entity to just say they were investigating someone. Not caring if they actually were. You should be aware of it, it was the reason he first impeached.

Trump wasn’t big on processes. He just wanted things done. Like Epstein gone, and Maxwell never talking.

Give Khashoggi to the Saudis? No biggie! Constantly blow Putins dick? We have got so many fires surrounding all of these I would think a person wouldn’t be able to ignore it.

Biden? His own AG has drug his dick and not pushed through ANY prosecutions against Trump. Probably because he’s a limp dick. It’s taken a separate, special prosecutor to move forward on matters that involve the entire country.

Did you hear that Biden was going to pardon his own son from federal crimes? No. You didn’t?

That’s because he didn’t.

So the Trump administration sought to charge none of their political rivals,.. got it.
So the Trump administration sought to charge none of their political rivals,.. got it.

Oh sorry. I was trying to paint broad strokes. Guess it was over your head.

Yes. Trump tried hard to prosecute Hillary. Trump tried hard to prosecute Hunter. There are quite a few more. But you don’t seem very receptive to reality.
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Oh sorry. I was trying to paint broad strokes. Guess it was over your head.

Not over my head, but apparently beyond your ability to address a specific issue,.. I know, orange man bad.
LOL. To add on to this. He then fired the head of the FBI cause they couldn’t find shit.

Please tell me more about Trump not trying to prosecute people.

Which political rivals did the Trump administration attempt to prosecute?...
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Seriously? I just gave you two answers. Hillary and Hunter. He went so far as to try and get Ukraine to manufacture an investigation.

And you say my head is in the sand. Damn dude.

Trump administration did not prosecute Hillary or Hunter for anything, and the Ukraine phone call was a search for information resulting in,.. wait for it,.... No prosecution.
Trump administration did not prosecute Hillary or Hunter for anything, and the Ukraine phone call was a search for information resulting in,.. wait for it,.... No prosecution.
Ok. So. Hate to mansplain some shit to you.

A prosecution requires…EVIDENCE.

Which is why no prosecution attempts ever moved forward.

A prosecution in a court of law requires certain established occurrences. This is called evidence. If no evidence can be found. Then there will be no prosecution.
Ok. So. Hate to mansplain some shit to you.

A prosecution requires…EVIDENCE.

Which is why no prosecution attempts ever moved forward.

A prosecution in a court of law requires certain established occurrences. This is called evidence. If no evidence can be found. Then there will be no prosecution.

So no prosecution of political rivals by the Trump administration,.. Thought so.
What's going to happen when he gets trounced? Joe is in it to win it. Will you leave hort? The US? Insult my ethnicity? All of the above?

The die is cast. Enjoy the blowout.
You voted for the SOB in 2020, so stop acting like you're any better than the other leftist imbeciles here! You did this!!
No, no, nothing changes with time! Remember, you're side wants to pay $Trillions in reparations for something happened in another time.....oops!
Buddy, I am a centrist. Everyone makes mea culpas. We all know, besides the 6 on here who think otherwise, that Biden needs to go. Don't tell me about reparations and shit. That ain't my jam. As far as I am concerned, if you watch old Fox News, they had some sane Republicans way back.
Nope the opposite actually they want him to withdrawal and then throw the Democratic nominee into chaos with these lawsuits. You're well on your way to helping them.
It's not in straight up chaos now little fellow? 🤡 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🪴
Nope the opposite actually they want him to withdrawal and then throw the Democratic nominee into chaos with these lawsuits. You're well on your way to helping them.
I think they want him to run because it will become an embarrassing blowout. And Chis, quit blaming me and start blaming the real person, Joe Biden. I am not unique in not wanting Biden. Democrats are either going to defect and vote for Trump (which I wouldn't think would ever happen) or turnout and enthusiasm voting for Joe will be 0.1 percent. The 6 of you who love Joe will vote for him. Many of us centrist dems ain't doing it. No way no how.
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Buddy, I am a centrist. Everyone makes mea culpas. We all know, besides the 6 on here who think otherwise, that Biden needs to go. Don't tell me about reparations and shit. That ain't my jam. As far as I am concerned, if you watch old Fox News, they had some sane Republicans way back.
A "centrist," does not promote open borders for all!
If I had to bet, I'd give slightly better than even odds that the decision for Biden to withdraw has already been made (or is very close to being made) and that the delay in announcing it is because the Dem power brokers don't want to say so until they have worked out the logistics of what happens next.

The Dems are in disarray. It wouldn't look good to cave to popular demand to move past Biden without a solid plan in place.

Whether that's a plan to go all in on Harris or open the convention to some degree to pick a new slate, beats me.

Conspiracy theorist!
In November of 2020, you voted for it! I thought you were an immigration lawyer before dedicating yourself to finding a cure for the common genital malady known as "crabs?"
Yes I've done immigration law when I was in law school. I never supported illegal immigration. There is a difference.
I think they want him to run because it will become an embarrassing blowout. And Chis, quit blaming me and start blaming the real person, Joe Biden. I am not unique in not wanting Biden. Democrats are either going to defect and vote for Trump (which I wouldn't think would ever happen) or turnout and enthusiasm voting for Joe will be 0.1 percent. The 6 of you who love Joe will vote for him. Many of us centrist dems ain't doing it. No way no how.
jo won his primary, therefore, jo must run or democracy will cease!!
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Biden Fans


Only Chis is a fan...everyone else is simply.
