“Significant” Trump Slippage in Iowa Presidential Race….

His stance, if I’m reading it correctly, doesn’t “require” that kind of activity even though it appears he’s stepped up. He stated:

I am firmly against abortion but there is no legislative solution. The parents choosing abortion are the people we need to help, not vilify. Save them, save everyone. Force the kids to be born into a world that is hostile from the onset, save no one.

That’s precisely where I am. Prevent the unwanted pregnancy and you don’t have to worry about the abortion. And I would suspect @hawkeyemike17 would be supportive of abortions for medical necessity, as well.
Sure that sounds great. Still, it’s a woman’s body. She’s second class to men if she doesn’t have body autonomy. Trying to legislate a woman’s body, ESPECIALLY BY MEN, is disgusting.
Makes sense. Keep her option less. As it should be for. Can't let young women have too many options these days.
The sick thing is, when you give the government the right to tell you that you have to give birth, you’re also giving them the ability to say you can’t.

Freedom isn’t telling women what they can do with their bodies.

Sure that sounds great. Still, it’s a woman’s body. She’s second class to men if she doesn’t have body autonomy. Trying to legislate a woman’s body, ESPECIALLY BY MEN, is disgusting.
This exactly. Those who bring the Bible into it also don't seem to remember the Bible also says it isn't our job to judge others that is God's domain. So the government should stay the **** out of it and leave the decision to the woman and her doctors. If they are to be judged let God judge them and everyone else should mind their own damn business.