“Significant” Trump Slippage in Iowa Presidential Race….

What MAGA doesn't understand (because they are racist) is that demonizing immigrants purely for existing is racist.

Notice, they don't demonize Europeans who came here on a work visa and overstayed (there are thousands of those). They demonize people who came here on refugee or asylum status to get away from horrific circumstances. Why? Because those people came from SE Asia, Central Africa or Latin America. White conservatives think they are better than any of them because "those" people aren't white conservatives.
Exactly. And the whole “it’s not because they’re brown but because they’re illegal” mask is off with the Springfield, Ohio nonsense.
The 6% RFK number in this poll is fascinating. Who are these people? Iowa City hippies who will migrate to Harris? Anti-vax Repubbers who will go to Trump?

I think it shows that there are way way way more low-information voters out there than we political junkies can imagine. It's why I think that the Dems need to pound relentlessly on Trump's insanity and unfitness for office, the Nancy Pelosi/consultants strategy of ignoring Trump and concentrating on " kitchen table issues" has I think been disastrous in the Trump era.

He's a nut, he's unfit for office.
Could Ohio become a battleground State?
Very doubtful. But dems have to have a Sherrod Brown win in the Senate race to have any chance of retaining a Dem majority. I had given up on the Dems retaining the Senate because they're going to lose West Virginia and Tester is probably toast in Montana but if Brown can win and Scott loses in Florida there's still a chance!
Iowans MUST get the super majority taken from Reynolds.
That is exactly the same deal as NC. There’s no way to flip the legislature but they operate with a single vote blank slate right now. And they stole that single vote by running a fake Dem in a 60% Dem district which they promptly sliced up.
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Oh, I absolutely agree with you that legislation passed with the intent of restricting a woman’s healthcare rights and autonomy over her own body is wrong.

I’m simply saying to doobi I respect the fact that he has those convictions and don’t feel right about telling him he is wrong to feel that way since he views it as protecting the life of a baby. Just because I think he’s misguided in that belief doesn’t mean I can’t respect him for what he believes is right.

The whole issue is Roe v Wade should have never been overturned because now it allows states like Texas to persecute women.

Cool. I suppose in a philosophical sense I agree with you. Unfortunately, the rubber has met the road and this is no longer a philosophical conversation. Real action and activism has created real world changes that I absolutely have no respect for. The intent may be noble, but the ignorance of the complexity of the situation and ability to be comfortable with creating such a unstable landscape for the future rights to privacy and medical care is, imo, atrocious.
Oh, I absolutely agree with you that legislation passed with the intent of restricting a woman’s healthcare rights and autonomy over her own body is wrong.

I’m simply saying to doobi I respect the fact that he has those convictions and don’t feel right about telling him he is wrong to feel that way since he views it as protecting the life of a baby. Just because I think he’s misguided in that belief doesn’t mean I can’t respect him for what he believes is right.

The whole issue is Roe v Wade should have never been overturned because now it allows states like Texas to persecute women.

I don't doubt he has those convictions. However, he has those convictions because he was fed a lie, believed it and won't believe the actual, proven science related to the subject.

It's similar to people believing the propaganda about immigrants. "Illegal aliens are violent, criminals here to rape and murder" despite evidence showing us they are far less likely to commit crimes than US citizens.

Or "Blue cities and states are crime infested" despite the evidence showing us that isn't true. ""Blue cities in the red states are the problem with those states" despite that also being untrue based on actual evidence.

The abortion issue is fed by their desire to find examples that align with the beliefs they have that was built on lies.
"Reproductive healthcare"
Jerk Off Rick Santorum GIF
The 6% RFK number in this poll is fascinating. Who are these people? Iowa City hippies who will migrate to Harris? Anti-vax Repubbers who will go to Trump?

I think it shows that there are way way way more low-information voters out there than we political junkies can imagine. It's why I think that the Dems need to pound relentlessly on Trump's insanity and unfitness for office, the Nancy Pelosi/consultants strategy of ignoring Trump and concentrating on " kitchen table issues" has I think been disastrous in the Trump era.

He's a nut, he's unfit for office.

JRE listeners that love to post on the internet about how moderate they are.
Cool. I suppose in a philosophical sense I agree with you. Unfortunately, the rubber has met the road and this is no longer a philosophical conversation. Real action and activism has created real world changes that I absolutely have no respect for. The intent may be noble, but the ignorance of the complexity of the situation and ability to be comfortable with creating such a unstable landscape for the future rights to privacy and medical care is, imo, atrocious.
I understand your point. I do.
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I don't doubt he has those convictions. However, he has those convictions because he was fed a lie, believed it and won't believe the actual, proven science related to the subject.

It's similar to people believing the propaganda about immigrants. "Illegal aliens are violent, criminals here to rape and murder" despite evidence showing us they are far less likely to commit crimes than US citizens.

Or "Blue cities and states are crime infested" despite the evidence showing us that isn't true. ""Blue cities in the red states are the problem with those states" despite that also being untrue based on actual evidence.

The abortion issue is fed by their desire to find examples that align with the beliefs they have that was built on lies.
I agree with most of this.

I suspect doobi, and others like him, genuinely see it as a baby being killed. That’s why I tread softly with people who take the anti-abortion position.

Now, if he also believes Jesus of Nazareth is going to magically appear in the sky soon to wipe out all the LGBTQ queers and “libtards” and wants public policy shaped around that, then that is a horse of a different color.
I dont know if I would be considered a single issue voter, but if you are ok with abortion at will and the ending of innocent human life then you are disqualified to lead.
Horseshit. Was the 10-year-old rape victim not innocent? You want to punish a child for being raped by making her carry a baby full term? That kinda makes you a monster.

What about the mother-to-be who miscarried late in her pregnancy and continued to bleed for nearly three weeks because three different hospitals refused to perform the necessary D&C for fear of legal consequences? She eventually passed out from blood loss in her home and now is faced with life-long health issues that will prevent her from having another child. Was she not innocent?
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Horseshit. Was the 10-year-old rape victim not innocent? You want to punish a child for being raped by making her carry a baby full term? That kinda makes you a monster.

What about the mother-to-be who miscarried late in her pregnancy and continued to bleed for nearly three weeks because three different hospitals refused to perform the necessary D&C for fear of legal consequences? She eventually passed out from blood loss in her home and now is faced with life-long health issues that will prevent her from having another child. Was she not innocent?
Read my posts dipshit.
Just saw on Ch. 8 that the newest released Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows Trump’s lead over Harris is 47 to 43. That is much smaller than the advantage Trump enjoyed over Joe Biden several weeks ago.
If this is a poll conducted by Ann Selzer, it is certainly newsworthy. Selzer is pretty much the gold standard when it comes to measuring Iowans and their politics.
How many haitains are you taking in, Fat Boy?
Read my posts dipshit.
Answer my question, dipshit. You want to protect “innocent life” but then you want to have that cake and eat it too by carving out exceptions that meet YOUR criteria. Why is the embryo in that ten-year-old not worthy of your “protection”? Why doesn’t the life of the fetus outweigh the health conditions faced by its mother? Are they not innocent enough for you? Is there some kind of innocence heirarchy?
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I believe in the heartbeat bill personally. I also am ok with it in cases of rape and the health of the mother. I don't agree with it necessarily but it's a fair compromise imo. If your heart is beating you are alive.

Answer my question, dipshit. You want to protect “innocent life” but then you want to have that cake and eat it too by carving out exceptions that meet YOUR criteria. Why is the embryo in that ten-year-old not worthy of your “protection”? Why doesn’t the life of the fetus outweigh the health conditions faced by its mother? Are they not innocent enough for you? Is there some kind of innocence heirarchy?
I know reading is hard but I would think on a message board you could pull it off. Maybe not.
I dont know if I would be considered a single issue voter, but if you are ok with abortion at will and the ending of innocent human life then you are disqualified to lead.
Hey DooBi, just a question for you. Do you really think a person like Trump, who has cheated on every woman he has likely ever been with, is ACTUALLY anti-abortion? I highly doubt it, but he knows who his base is so he has to be anti-abortion.
As a proud father of a gen z-er in Iowa, I think .. it would help if that generation .. would get off their lazy ****ing asses and register to vote goddamnit!
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From my Twitter poll experts follow-thread, another dude raining on the Democrats Selzer poll parade. I think now I remember Iowa Dems getting their hopes up in 20 because of a favorable early fall Selzer poll.

Anecdotal but I decided today to vote for Harris (Cedar Rapidian, evangelical, 39, middle class, never voted D in my adult life). I had planned on writing someone in like I did in 2020 (did not vote in 2016) but the scariest thing about Trump is the level of persuasion he has over people who wouldn’t otherwise say/act the way they do. It’s simply not enough to not support him, I need it on record that I voted to defeat him.
Anecdotal but I decided today to vote for Harris (Cedar Rapidian, evangelical, 39, middle class, never voted D in my adult life). I had planned on writing someone in like I did in 2020 (did not vote in 2016) but the scariest thing about Trump is the level of persuasion he has over people who wouldn’t otherwise say/act the way they do. It’s simply not enough to not support him, I need it on record that I voted to defeat him.
If this is legit, team 🇺🇸 thanks you. Vote for Corkey over Hinson too please.
I know reading is hard but I would think on a message board you could pull it off. Maybe not.
Dodge and weave strategy, eh? Here’s what you said…

“…if you are ok with abortion at will and the ending of innocent human life then you are disqualified to lead.”

I’ll ask again…under what criteria does that life become not innocent enough to justify ending it? And, additionally, what makes you the arbiter of that delineation?

You can either explain your reasoning or admit you’re just spouting crap you haven’t really thought about.
Dodge and weave strategy, eh? Here’s what you said…

“…if you are ok with abortion at will and the ending of innocent human life then you are disqualified to lead.”

I’ll ask again…under what criteria does that life become not innocent enough to justify ending it? And, additionally, what makes you the arbiter of that delineation?

You can either explain your reasoning or admit you’re just spouting crap you haven’t really thought about.
Derp. Read my quoted post dude. Come on man. It's right there.
If Harris wins, I hope your wives, daughters and granddaughters enjoy getting to dress, shower and compete with men and boys pretending to be women. $5.00 a gallon gas and abortions at all stages of development will be the norm. Harris says her first order of business will be to lower the cost of goods in America. Why do they have to wait for that?
You seem well informed and reasonable. Obviously you are believable. Not.
If Harris wins, I hope your wives, daughters and granddaughters enjoy getting to dress, shower and compete with men and boys pretending to be women. $5.00 a gallon gas and abortions at all stages of development will be the norm. Harris says her first order of business will be to lower the cost of goods in America. Why do they have to wait for that?
You don’t seem very bright.
I dont know if I would be considered a single issue voter, but if you are ok with abortion at will and the ending of innocent human life then you are disqualified to lead.
You’re pro let women bleed out in their car because their doctor is afraid to go to jail if he/she helps her. You’re NOT pro-life. Your stance is gross.
I believe in the heartbeat bill personally. I also am ok with it in cases of rape and the health of the mother. I don't agree with it necessarily but it's a fair compromise imo. If your heart is beating you are alive.
It’s not a heartbeat. Look it up.
You’re pro let women bleed out in their car because their doctor is afraid to go to jail if he/she helps her. You’re NOT pro-life. Your stance is gross.
Under his rules, we were already protecting life even before Dobbs. Abortions were exceedingly rare after viability and we're generally only done for medical complications. But now, we are seeing the opposite. Women unable to get care, sometimes for potentially deadly complications, because nutbags like him have cheered on criminalizing doctors.
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