I see where this group is protesting again and shouting "Down with America." Putting America down again and degrading our country, accusing the police of killing blacks. Why are they not in Chicago and Detroit and Milwaukee protesting against the black people killing each other off every weekend, not to mention during the weekdays, with all of these drive-by shootings -shooting into homes, killing innocent black children just sitting there doing their homework or sleeping. If you are so unhappy with America and the people who are there to protect you then I suggest that you find somewhere else, some other country, where you can live happily ever after and stop degrading the people that are giving you everything on a silver platter. Section 8 housing, bridge cards for food, heating breaks on your heating bills, free medical care, and other forms of governmental free money. Compared to people like me on Social Security and have worked all of my life for 40 years. I am tired of listening to many African-Americans (not all of them obviously as many are wonderful tax-paying employed citizens of the US, and I know many of them and have worked with many of them and enjoyed working with them.). You still cannot get over the word "slavery." Do you know that most slaves brought to America were sold by African natives of different tribes to Europeans to sell in America. If you don't believe me, go look in your history books about the history of slavery in Africa for centuries.