Brawl in Madison

I would agree. Howard, and the reaction to him, by Gard is all related to what goes on in the games. So far, Gard and Turgeon have had the nerve/audacity to actually call Howard out on his nonsense coaching of the opponent's team during games. In 2021, the Iowa bench nearly got into it with Michigan's bench during a timeout in the game at Ann Arbor. If you watch games, Howard is talking to the other team just about the entire game. And coaches don't like the other team's coach trying to coach their own players. It spilled out last year in the Maryland-Michigan game when Turgeon had enough of Howard yelling stuff at the Maryland team during a timeout. Right before Turgeon and Howard get into it, you can see Turgeon gesture toward the ref who is standing right there, as if to say "are you hearing this?" The ref did nothing, so Turgeon tells Howard to shut up and Howard responds with he's going to kill Turgeon. Very mature stuff.

So the end of the Wisconsin-Michigan game is all an extension of this. Wisconsin gets under every team's skin with how they play to begin with, between Davison and his nut-punching and to their general attitude that they invented basketball. Howard is just terrible to go against due to how he acts in games. End of game, Wisconsin up 15 under a minute left. Gard puts in the scrubs. Howard leaves a couple starters in and presses. Wisconsin has trouble getting it up the court, ball knocked out of bounds. Gard calls TO to reset the 10 second clock. Both coaches are letting their inner asshole show through. But fine, if both guys want to coach to the end of the game, so be it. The issue comes when they can't just let it go and move on. Howard feels the needs to tell Gard he won't forget it, and Gard feels the need to say something in return.

I equate it to what happened at the end of the Iowa-Minnesota football game in 2020. Iowa beating Gophers handily, KF puts in the 2nd and 3rd teamers. Fleck leaves starters in, is calling timeouts to try and get a TD on the board. So KF burns all his TO's as the Gophers get down near the goal line. Neither coach likes the other, both are being a bit petty at the end of a game that is no longer in doubt. Difference is they don't act like third-graders at the end of the game, they do the blow-by handshake and move on. Amazing that two football coaches show way more emotional maturity than the head coaches for Wisconsin and Michigan.

Where does this go from here? No idea. I doubt Howard changes a great deal. He had a long NBA career and got to be a head coach at Michigan being this way. If he just concentrates on coaching his team, probably will suit him well in the long run.

Howard got off too easy. His fines should be doubled and given to fans of opposing teams to reduce ticket prices when michigan comes to town.
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The excuse that Gard should've know Howard was going to lose control of his emotions is insane. We can't expect a 49 year old head coach to not throw a punch? Its out of the realm of possibilities to expect a head coach to keep a reasonable control of his emotions?
This idea that Howard was so angry he cannot be confronted by another coach is bordering on the soft bigotry of low expectations.
The excuse that Gard should've know Howard was going to lose control of his emotions is insane. We can't expect a 49 year old head coach to not throw a punch? Its out of the realm of possibilities to expect a head coach to keep a reasonable control of his emotions?
This idea that Howard was so angry he cannot be confronted by another coach is bordering on the soft bigotry of low expectations.
He lost it last year in Maryland. Speaks a lot about Howard.
By holding his elbow and stepping in front of Howard to talk to him then.
Again, Gard should have just walked on. He knew Howard was angry. Could have called him later instead of escalating the disagreement.
This close up video by someone with no connection to Wisconsin shows otherwise.
This isn't the first handshake line these coaches have had. A review shows that there was "coach- like" contact in all of them.
This close up video by someone with no connection to Wisconsin shows otherwise.
This isn't the first handshake line these coaches have had. A review shows that there was "coach- like" contact in all of them.
If you look close Gard pushed Howard’s elbow and arm back and stepped into Howard’s way and shouted at Howard, hence escalating the confrontation.
Gard should have passed on by so the confrontation would have not got to the punching point.
While I don't totally disagree, if you're going to follow the chain of events don't you also have to include Howard's "I'll remember that TO" comment. None of it would have happened without that.

I am curious though, knowing Howard's temper do you think nothing would have happened if Gard just kept walking and responded "Thanks, f#!# off!"?
LOL, "f#1# off" may have been an honest response, but more like adding gasoline to the fire.
I know this will never happen, but Howard needs to pay Gard's fine. If Howard doesn't take that swing, there's no possible way on this Earth that the Big Ten fines Gard for holding Howard's arm in the handshake line. Absolutely zero. Coaches have been doing that exact thing for as long as there have been coaches. No rational adult reacts the way Howard did and no rational adult should have been expected to predict it.
Howard paying his fine, as symbolic as it is, would go a long way toward demonstrating the kind of contrition that's in his apology statement (that someone else wrote).
Except we all know he is neither contrite, nor did he mean anything in that statement. He said his piece in the press conference right after the game. "He should not have touched me, I'm from the south side of Chicago" yada, yada, yada......
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One form of punishment would have been to let him keep coaching… but that’s only punishing the school and fans, not him. I mean, he’s just a terrible coach. How do you have all that talent and still play that poorly? They even let Minnesota run them off their own court. Frankly, I think they will be a better team and harder to beat without him

I can’t wait to see the treatment he gets on the road. Crowds will be very motivated to mock him in every way imaginable. I wish the suspension was only four games. Make that idiot go on the road to OSU.

I’ll be watching them in the tournament, but only to see how badly the crowds crucify him.
Maybe, and maybe you won't, at least not the NCAA tourney......
He lost it last year in Maryland. Speaks a lot about Howard.
Yes it does, but it doesn't mean that Gard or anyone else should have to be concerned that the guys going to lose his shit in front of everyone and a national TV audience.
LOL, "f#1# off" may have been an honest response, but more like adding gasoline to the fire.
....and Gard would not have just kept walking and responded "Thanks, f#!# off!"? He has a good relationship with all the conference coaches.
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By holding his elbow and stepping in front of Howard to talk to him then.
Again, Gard should have just walked on. He knew Howard was angry. Could have called him later instead of escalating the disagreement.
There is anger and bat shit crazy, the latter is hard to speculate. Also, I dont think he intended to escalate, if anything he was trying to neutralize and maybe explain himself. Howard is almost fully at fault here.
There is anger and bat shit crazy, the latter is hard to speculate. Also, I dont think he intended to escalate, if anything he was trying to neutralize and maybe explain himself. Howard is almost fully at fault here.
Two grown men who felt they had the right to school the other...both are 100% at fault for letting it get out of hand.
If you look close Gard pushed Howard’s elbow and arm back and stepped into Howard’s way and shouted at Howard, hence escalating the confrontation.
Gard should have passed on by so the confrontation would have not got to the punching point.
If you look close Gard pushed Howard’s elbow and arm back and stepped into Howard’s way and shouted at Howard, hence escalating the confrontation.
Gard should have passed on by so the confrontation would have not got to the punching point.
Gard was 20 feet away when Howard took his sissy shot at Krabbenhof. Gard did not escalate the situation.
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If University of Michigan wanted to make a coaching change, this incident would give them the opportunity.
Much as I think Howard is the one in the wrong, I would have a hard time justifying a firing.

OTOH, given UMs record and position on the "bubble", THAT is why there could conceivably be a firing (should they miss the tournament). And IMO, THAT would be crappy.
If you look close Gard pushed Howard’s elbow and arm back and stepped into Howard’s way and shouted at Howard, hence escalating the confrontation.
Gard should have passed on by so the confrontation would have not got to the punching point.

I looked even closer at that... I noticed that Gard delivered a patented Davison nut-punch to Howard just as he was grabbing Howard's elbow.

No wonder he had to take the shot at the assistant coach.
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This close up video by someone with no connection to Wisconsin shows otherwise.
This isn't the first handshake line these coaches have had. A review shows that there was "coach- like" contact in all of them.

Conclusive evidence. Howard is a hothead.

Brad Davidson is a toolshed. "We're singing varsity guys!!". "come on"
Conclusive evidence. Howard is a hothead.

Brad Davidson is a toolshed. "We're singing varsity guys!!". "come on"
The NCAA should have specifically denied Davidson's request to return this year. He's a disgrace to college athletics. Not one team in the B1G (or possibly the country) will miss him after this season. He deserves to drown in his own puke.
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