Here’s the thing tho. - I don’t know that I agree with the premise that the WNBA was a boring product. There have been ALOT of great basketball players that have been on the league and excelled, only most of us never heard of them outside the Olympics or in March. I think that was at least partly what Clark was attempting to say.I agree. People weren’t ignoring the WNBA because they don’t want to watch Black lesbians. They were ignoring the WNBA because they don’t like to watch boring basketball.
When fans started complaining that Clark was receiving inordinately rough fouls, a bunch of league veterans fired back that they weren’t singling her out. That’s just the way we play in the W. This ain’t college ball. We’re grown-ass women and if you drive into the paint you can expect to get hacked.
Fair enough. But maybe that’s why no one watched your league for 25 years. Nobody wants to watch that style of basketball. People like to watch basketball that has rhythm and flow to it. They like to watch 3-pointers and fast breaks with pinpoint passing. And that’s what Clark delivers every single night.
There’s probably a whole host of reasons why the WNBA has struggled for relevance since its inception - relative youth and accessibility being at the top of the list imo.