You honestly don't understand the populous of our country do you? How much time and effort do you honestly think people put into "researching" nutrition? When the average person picks up a lb of corn fed beef and a lb of grass fed beef, they look at the price and put one down. Which one do you think they put down and why? ...and that's just ONE example.Lol sure. If it has rat poison listed in the ingredients, I won’t eat it - like most halfway intelligent people.
So in your opinion, expecting people to know and understand the consequences of what they are putting in their or their child’s body is asinine? Lol okay.
If you don’t know that this crap is bad for you by now, you just don’t care
Sure, the majority of people understand they shouldn't allow their kids to eat a bag of skittles for breakfast. My contention (as well as others) is no one should be eating Skittles. Ever. Too much of our food is toxic and the FDA doesn't seem to sincerely care. ...and don't get me started on our society's addiction to sugar and salt.