Can we all agree on something?

ron swanson bacon GIF
Honestly. The amount of bacon wrapped “insert favorite food here” I’ve tried these last few years has tested my love of bacon.
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I feel like a bacon weave is almost just mocking the pig.

“We slaughtered you and now we’re going to eat you. But first we’re going to make a decorative doily out of your belly fat.”
I'm not sure you have really experienced a high quality ketchup.
High quality ketchup? I guess I’m not sure what you mean here. I buy Heinz. It’s stock, admittedly, but I haven’t found any upgrades otherwise.
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He’s an obese fu%# with no neck and a voice that sounds like he’s got a 20 year old sinus infection that isn’t going anywhere soon.
Yes, perfect encapsulation of all that makes America awesome.
Bacon is cheap, a key contributor to many health problems and has little nutritional value. Perfect for you poors.

I don't eat meant any more, but if I did, it sure as hell wouldn't be bacon.

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